53: changed

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The next morning Jungkook had gone downstairs early to prepare a nice breakfast for the hybrid, giving Jimin to make sure that no one would eat it or even take a little taste. Right now the raven was in his bedroom, he went back to bed after the preparations to cuddle his hybrid making sure he was there when he woke up.

To his surprise Taehyung woke up sooner than he expected. The boy didn't say anything, he only held Jungkook tighter, taking a deep sniff of Jungkook's natural scent. No soap, no cologne, just his natural smell.

"goodmorning my love...." Jungkook said softly and caressed the boy's hair in a comforting way. "I filled a warm bath for you, if you want to wash yourself now.."

Taehyung nodded, turning his head to look at the other, blinking a few times.

"or do you want to stay here longer?"

"no....bath" taehyung said but didn't make any movement to get out of bed he kept clinging onto the raven. "carry" he mumbled when jungkook didn't move.

Jungkook chuckled, he wasn't really in the mood to carry anything but if it was taehyung who asked him he would do it anyway. so he moved in a sitting position and snaked his arms under the boy's legs to carry him in his arms while getting out of bed slowly, careful not to lose balance when getting onto his feet. "I didn't know if you wanted bubbles or not, but i added them"

"i like...bubbles" taehyung mumbled softly still having his face pressed against the other, he didn't seem to be letting go anytime soon. Jungkook will have to tear him off if he wants to get the hybrid in the bath. The boy really needed a good wash, he smelled and looked dirty. but jungkook didn't complain. he put the

"Okay, please let go Tae, you have to undress" jungkook said and the other let go. undressing himself hiding himself behind his arms for as much it could. jungkook averted his eyes a bit. taehyung quickly sat down in the bath, looking down at the bubbled around him. his tail wet under the water and hair messy and dry. "Want me to wash you, or should o leave?"

"no...stay, please"

"Okay, let me get a hand towel" jungkook smiled, the hybrid felt different. he wasn't the same, it bothered jungkook. he liked his bratty behaviour even if he said he was annoying, but now taehyung was so timid and silent he missed the other being like that. He was going to make the Ryu's pay for this, he won't let them get away so easily. He will make sure to hurt them twice as much. he will make sure taehyung's pain won't be for nothing.

"Close your eyes" jungkook had a plastic bowl to scoop some water form the tub and pour it over the boy's head. The hybrid followed all his questions/orders obediently, keeping his eyes shut until Jungkook had rinsed out the shampoo for his hair.

While Jungkook was soaping the boy's hair with his hands, he looked at him, the bruises were nor more clear when his body was clean. they were turning a dark color, luckily they will heal. but the cuts may take a while. The raven wished to be able to just take away everything that happened, but he couldn't. and he hated that. He was so used to just doing everything how he wanted, but now he felt useless. Jungkook looked away from them and used the bowl to rinse the water from taehyung's hair.

"Turn around Tae" Jungkook said, his voice gentle. He added more soap on his palm and waited until the other had turned around before he began washing Taehyung's torso. The boy was rubbing his legs and feet under the water using the soapy hot water to wash. "okay, done" jungkook stood up from the floor and grabbed a towel, opening it up for the other. "come"

Taehyung looked at Jungkook for a few seconds before getting out and walking into the towel that was being wrapped around him like a burrito. Taehyung didn't want Jungkook to see him, but the raven did. He saw everything clearly, the marks on his waist and thighs, Jungkook saw everything. he just decided not to speak about it here and stay silent about them. not wanting to make the other more uncomfortable.


After the hybrid was all clean and in a fresh new outfit which was jungkooks, the raven didn't have any clothes of taehyung here at the mansion, only at the penthouse, they were not having their breakfast together. the tv playing some random program in the back. to break the silence in the background. Jimin sat on the couch reading a magazine.

"Want some more tea?"Jungkook asked, seeing the boy gulp the tea away so quickly. The boy put the cup down wiping his lips on his sleeve and nodded his head before chomping away his food again.

"You can have some of my potion too if you're still hungry, i don't mind" jungkook said while he was pouting the cup full again and seeing how hungry the other was.


Jungkook sighed softly and sat down looking at the other eats. "they won't get away with this tae, i will make them pay. I will kill them for you. I can promise that, '' he said.

Taehyung just kept silent, staring at his food, he heard Jungkook could see that, but taehyung didn't reply to it. "can we.....cuddle more.. later?"

"Of course" Jungkook wasn't fond of so much hugging and skinship but he wasn't going to say no. He wanted to hold the other too, even if he wasn't such a fan of all that hugging, if it made taehyung feel better he would happily do it.

Another silence fell and Taehyung carefully grabbed a few fruits from Jungkook's plate, eating them slowly. a bit hesitant if Jungkook will tell him to stop or not. but the raven didnt, he just pushed his plate closer to the other with a warm smile.

"take as much as you like"

"thank you..."


and thank you for reading again hihi, see you in next chapter! 


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