58: distraction

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The third day has already passed. And Lu was doing everything he could to distract the boy from thinking of jungkook. he had taken him to the fair in the city. He had bought the boy a big cotton candy which he was currently eating while they sat on a bench.

"So, you like it here?" Lu asked.

Taehyung nodded while stuffing more candy in his mouth. He didn't think he would be able to finish the whole ball, but he will try. He was having a good day with Lu here, he knew Lu was a cool guy but not THIS cool. Lu even went in the coasters with him.

"That's good, there is still a lot we can do here"

"when is Jungkook coming home?'' Taehyung then asked lowering his cotton candy.

"i....very soon" Lu smiled. He tried to make the other forget but id didnt seem the hybrid would forget anytime soon.

"It's been four days already.....he should have been back already..." Taehyung frowned concerned. "Did something happen?? what if he is hurt? he didn't die did he? please tell me!"

"I dont know..." Lu said with a sigh. "but he will be coming home soon, like he said he would"

"I'm worried. please call someone"

"they didn't answer my call. But I will try again later, okay?" lu stood up. "let's get you that big plushie first"

"oh really?" Taehyung's ears perked up and his eyes widened. He had been wanting that big plushie but lu said no.

"Yes, come on," Lu smiled and walked with the hybrid to the shooting range where Taehyung had been asking for the huge bunny plush that hung at the top.

"Can you do this as good as Kookie?"

"of course i can"

"Cocky '' Taehyung chuckled and raised a brow. lu chuckled at the reaction while handing the owner some money. getting a play gun in return to shoot the small stars ahead of him.

"Hmm now watch this" Lu felt challenged and aimed the gun up shooting all stars perfectly. but at the last he missed it, needing another shot to get it. He flicked his tongue annoyed and turned around to the boy.

"hmm kookie is better. but you did well" taehyung smiled a bit teasingly. Lu rolled his eyes and turned to the man with a smile. "we will take that bunny plushie"

"Okay, one moment" the man got his long stick and got the bunny off its hook, handing it to Lu who then handed it over to taehyung. it was almost as big as taehyung.

"woah! its huge!" Taehyung said excitedly as he looked at the bunny. squishing its face between his hands. "i love it, thank you so much!"

"No problem" Lu thought the other was very cute with the bunny. "shall we go do something else?"

"i want to fish for ducks"

"really? aren't you too old for that?"

"I'm not a grandpa yet," Taehyung replied with a pout. "i want to fish ducks, its fun"

"if you say so. we will do that" Lu smiled shaking his head while walking to the duck stall where taehyung could fish the ducks.


the two had a great day. Lu finally managed to make taehyung forget about Jungkook. The boy hasn't said a single thing about Jungkook being late after that. not even not they were having dinner together back in the mansion. Lu didn't want to cook and Taehyung would most likely burn it so he decided to order pizza delivery. Which they were not eating on the couch.

"Do you eat mushrooms? those are ew" taehyung said, judging Lu's pizza which had mushrooms on it.

"I like them. mind your own food" Lu replied with a frown.

"I don't like mushrooms. i have small fish, i like that more"

"Hmm, of course you do. '' Lu chuckled and chomped his slice away, he was hungry. They returned home very late, they had done almost everything at the fair, but it had to close so they then had to go home. It was basically time for bed already. only they had to eat first.

"Hmm, are you eating that one?" Taehyung asked, he had already finished his own pizza and was now eyeing Lu's slices.

"i thought you didn't like mushrooms"

"no i don't, but i can take them off"

"Fine, you can have ONE" Lu said strictly and handed taehyung one slice. watching how the boy removed the pieces of mushroom from the slice before eating it. "so picky"

"a little yes" taehyung giggled softly while eating the slice he got.

"You sure eat a lot for our size"

"Hey, are you calling me small?!"



"Cute, hey! no more. that's mine" Lu swatted taehyung hand away from his pizza. "you already had one"

"ahw, worth trying" the hybrid chuckled. "Then I'm going to bed. my legs are dying"

"do your thing, i will be up for a while. goodnight"

"Night!" Taehyung hurried out of the room going up to Jungkook's room. but as soon he entered the room his smile faded. How could he forget....Jungkook. He closed the door behind him walking to the big bed. He flopped down on the mattress smelling Jungkook's pillow.

"Kookie, you said three days. Why aren't you home yet?" Taehyung rolled on his back. He felt so worried it made him feel weird inside. He kept thinking something bad had happened. What if Jungkook doesn't come home anymore? what if....no...he didn't want to think of it. With a heavy feeling, Taehyung went to brush his teeth and get into the soft bed. his eyes kept tearing up from the scent of the raven that was in the whole bed. He kept being reminded of jungkook. Yet Jungkook wasn't here. He should have been home yesterday. taehyung needed jungkook to come back. He didn't like being alone. With Lu he can't talk about other things.

"please come home.." Taehyung whispered, wrapping his arms around himself. He didn't like this. He kept remembering the things that had happened whenever he went to sleep. But he knew he couldn't cry, Jungkook told him to be strong, so he was going to be until he comes back.


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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