6: pet

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A man was standing in his office after a messenger told him he had something good for him. so the man was now waiting for that person to show up. Luckily for him didn't need to wait long. The door was opened and a man walked inside, the man he had sent out to spy on someone specific.

"What did you get for me?" the boss asked.

"Well, I was looking at Jeon like you told me and I have taken a few pictures. He seems to have been having fun with someone. Well, not just someone, it's a hybrid" the man said, reaching into his pocket, taking out a few photos and handing them to his boss. "I don't know what their relationship is but a hybrid is usually a possession. it may be the case that jungkook got an hybrid now"

"I see" the boss looked at the photos one where Jungkook was in the car. they for sure were doing something not so 'kid eye' friendly. And the others were from a different angle where it was clearly that they were doing something seeing the hybrid's shirt up exposing his back. The last one was a photo of the hybrid and Jungkook walking on the street. The hybrid was wearing Jungkook's jacket.

"I see, this may be our chance to get Jeon to deal with us. If this hybrid is something to him, we will have the upper hand" the boss said. "Let's see if this is something. Trace this hybrid, if he goes outside take him to me. I am very curious of that cat now"

"will do boss" the man said and left the room to get right to it.


Taehyung was walking over the streets again, this time he had taken his pills with the water like Jungkook told him to. That task was now engraved in his mind. Because he unconsciously saw Jungkook as his owner. He didn't say or think it directly but his mind was acting like that by remembering things Jungkook said or did. like he helped him in the heat. Taehyung had gotten attached to the man. He hoped to bump into him again. not knowing jungkook would rather not see him again.

"I should clean myself....'' Taehyung said looking at himself, his hair was messy. to The boy waded to the closest source of water, which was the river that went through the city. it wasn't far from where he was so he went toward that location immediately. Once there he stepped with his feet in the water and washed them he also washed his face. The water wasn't very clean like tap water but it was better than not washing at all. He dried himself using his shirt and got out standing in the sun to dry.

He wondered where Jungkook was and what he was doing he wanted to know what the raven did, he looked very expensive like those rich old men you see in the big houses. Jungkook for sure shouldn't be doing good things if he killed a man that day and hurted him. But Taehyung didn't really understand what Jungkook was. even if it would be quite obvious if you were someone like the average citizen.

"Hmm here its still dirty..'' Taehyung said seeing a dark spot on his arm but when he rubbed it he hissed, it wasn't dirt it was a bruise. He pouted. Taehyung didn't like pain but he still got hurt, he can't prevent it from happening. That night when he saw Jungkook he got hurt and later too by those same people. Thinking back to it, Taehyung felt himself go cold. h had seen two people get killed, It was giving taehyung nightmares. he imagined jungkook killing him last night, he hoped the raven wont, he didn't want to die. But seeing the raven just kill people without any emotion or sign of regret made Taehyung scared of what will happen. He didn't even have time to process what he had seen, he got calmed by the fact he was saved and Jungkook got kind but now it came back to him and he curled in a ball next to the water. Luckily there was someone here, only some cars that drove over the bridge a bit further away, people were not really allowed to just hang out here.

Taehyung stared at the water as he was deep in thought when he heard footsteps noises behind him in the grass. He turned around and his eyes widened in shock.



Jungkook was frowning and looked like he was gonna kill anyone that dared to open their mouth and talk to him. Which is why his guard stood outside the door fearing to even walk inside and ask if the boss needed anything.

"How does he expect me to give him that" jungkook said seeing a complains about his nightclub which Namjoon send through to him. Namjoon collected everything and read it through, then sent it over to Jungkook so the raven could finish it up. Jungkook wanted to see everything so he wouldn't miss any details. Which leaves him very busy all the time. he slept late and most of the time came back around 3 in the morning. he works at night a lot, he owned nightclubs after all. Not odd for him to be working late.

"He gotta deal with it, it's not a hotel" Jungkook said and crumbled the paper, throwing it in the bin next to his desk. He began sorting and stamping his latest documents so he can send them back to Namjoon to store them away. Jungkook checked the time, seeing it was almost midnight. he should go eat something by now. Jungkook looked at the door, he already had the suspicion a guard was outside, no one had gone inside yet but he had called for one before so that guard would surely be waiting outside the door. so Jungkook stood up and straightened his suit walking to the door. He opened it and looked at the guard who flinched visibly when Jungkook suddenly stood next to him.

"I want coffee, water and a salad," Jungkook said. the guard nodded and walked off to get what his boss asked him. Jungkook walked back inside, opening a window slightly to freshen up the air inside the room and sat back down, a very little break was alright from time to time. Suddenly something popped up on his laptop screen.

"What's this?" Jungkook mumbled getting an email from someone he had deleted before. He moved his laptop closer and opened it, seeing an attached photo. He clocked on the image, curious what it might be.

'Cute hybrid~ *image attached*'

Jungkook frowned seeing Taehyung on the photo. One held his hair making him look up at the camera. He was crying and had a bloody lip. Jungkook stared at the photo for a long time before closing the laptop, not even bothering to reply.


thank you for reading! see you in the next chapter.


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