29: cut

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Jungkook and Taehyung sat in the back of the car, the driver taking them to the club where there was something going on. Taehyung stared outside, his ears moving in different directions time to time, his eyes following things that passed by. The city interests him a lot. Meanwhile Jungkook stared at the hybrid and cold expression on his face. He had scolded himself mentally for breaking his rule to never do something like this again, to never let someone touch his heart like that. But he couldn't help it, the hybrid just barged in there without a warning. The raven had been thinking all morning about what to do now, now he couldn't just leave the boy somewhere on the streets anymore. so the only option that interested him was to just let go of his own made rule and just accept how it is. He will try it once more. He will let the hybrid in his heart.

"Sir, we're here," the driver said. Jungkook nodded, thanking him as he stepped out of the car. Taehyung followed the man jumping over a puddle of water from the rain last night. Jungkook waited for him near the entrance of the club, glancing around the street for a moment. "Come" he said and put a hand on the boy's back as they entered the club. inside seeing the lights were not all working, some things were broken, all the alcohol bottles were stolen, some had fallen on the ground making the strong smell of the drinks fill the room.

"What happened here?'' Taehyung asked, he knew this wasn't how this should look like.

"Someone stole my things"

"Bad people did this? you should tell police"

"no police tae, i do this myself "jungkook chuckled. anything but the police. The cops will ask questions. He doesn't want to get involved with the police in any way.

"oh.... okay"

"Tae, you can do whatever. I will talk to Namjoon over there," Jungkook said. The hybrid nodded and walked around the club, his eyes looking at everything interesting.

Jungkook looked at the boy for a moment before approaching Namjoon who was near the bar talking to one of the staff that was there during the event.

"Ah Jeon, yes I was waiting for you. took you long enough," Namjoon said, turning around.

"I was fast enough, now give me the details. what is the damage?"

"Well, They didn't break much, only what you see here and some door locks. but they pulled all the shelves and boxes empty, they took all the alcohol and the money from the bar too. They were fast according to him, he said that around 1 am when he was closing the club someone came from the toilets and held him at gunpoint, after that more people went inside and they started tasking the things. luckily they let him live.

"hm i see, so you said you managed to capture one? Where is it? i have to have a word with them"

"They are in the basement, it's empty now so I just locked him up there.

"Alright, I will come see him, '' Jungkook said, leaving through the back door namjoon following after him. They went down the stairs which lead to the basement, namjoon telling him more information about the event last night while they headed down. But the door was already unlocked. Jungkook opened the door on guard, not trusting it. he had his head ready for his gun as he pushed the door open slowly with his feet, but there was nothing inside, the chair in the room was empty, what the man was tied with was broken on the ground. He escaped.

"NO WAY!" Namjoon said, pissed, stepping inside and looking around. "that fucker ju-"

"j-Jungkook! help!"

The raven's eyes widened and he turned around dashing back up out of the basement.


Taehyung was kneeled on the ground with his finger poking in some green liquid. It was from a broken alcoholic drink bottle, he sniffed his finger and scrunched his nose. "ew, that stinks" he said and quickly wiped his finger on his pants that he took from Jungkook, he still didn't have his own clothes. He only had some underwear. But he didn't mind, he liked wearing jungkook's more. "ew ew ew '' he stood back up and turned around but gasped loudly when someone stood right behind him.

"Hello there" the man said he had a black eye and his nose had dried blood, he looked beat up. Taehyung backed away a bit not liking the man, he looked dangerous.

"u-uhm who are you?"

"It seems i found myself an interesting thing, i saw you enter with Jeon." the man said. "You will be my ticket out of here" he said and suddenly grabbed the boy by his shirt. but taehyung was faster and he yelped jumping away, the man pulled the shirt roughly and grabbed taehyung's arm, but the hybrid wasn't having it and bit his teeth i the man's arm, his small hook teeth fangs pinched the man's arm and he hissed pulling his arm back seeing two red dots on his hand. "you jerk!" he ran at the boy whose eyes widened and he turned around to run away. but he ended up tripping over the wet floor falling on his knees in the glass on the ground that was brushed away with the broom earlier. "Come here you, not letting this chance slip through my fingers" the man hissed and grabbed the boy's hair. Taehyung let out a scream.

"J-jungkook, help!" he said and scratched the man's hands with his nails and kicked at his legs.

It only took one call and the door of the back swung open, Jungkook; s eyes seeing an unknown man trying to grab the hybrid who kept kicking him to keep him away. Jungkook felt an intense anger go through him and he reached under his jacket taking out his gun. He loaded the bullet and fired so fast that the attacker didn't even have time to react. a bullet going right through his skull. Jungkook took a few deep breaths to calm himself, his hand slowly lowering ads he watched the man slump down to the ground, blood flowing out of his head. Taehyung pulled his knees up covering his eyes to not see the dead man next to him. He didn't like to see it, it made him feel sick. but the image of the man getting shot in the head was fresh in his mind.

"Jungkook, you just killed our only man to tell uw who did this..." namjoon said and sighed, they now had no information. this will take so much longer now than it should have. but the raven wasn't even listening to him, he was approaching the hybrid who was hiding himself behind his knees.

"Kid.." Jungkook said, placing a hand on the boy's head gently patting it. Taehyung looked up his eyes a bit teary. he didn't like what happened, this scared him. yes he had been in trouble before but this was more scary, taehyung doesn't like pain. He is afraid of pain. "are...are you okay?"

"y-yes....i'm fine" taehyung said, taking jungkook's hand to help him back on his feet. When he did, Jungkook frowned seeing the glass had cut some of the boy's skin on his hand. the red blood escaping from the cuts.

"you're hurt"

"oh, I didn't notice," Taehyung said, frowning when he saw it. Jungkook reached inside his pocket taking out a tissue which he was almost always carrying with him in a little package, he walked with the boy to the bar and let him put his hand under the tab with water. the boy hissed when the water touched his hand.

"It stings," he said, wanting to pull it back but Jungkook wouldn't let him, keeping the boy's hand in place tightly holding the wrist. but ont too hard to hurt the boy. Then after it was clean he turned off the water and gently dabbed the tissue on the cuts drying them.

"There" he said, letting go of the wrist, Taehyung had a blush on his cheeks and looked at his hand. "It will heal quick"

"thank you mister" taehyung said jungkook gave a small smile. Namjoon raising a brow at them, there was definitely something going on between the two. he had tried asking jungkook but the raven wouldn't reply to him.

"Stay close to me from now on, can't be sure of anything here" jungkook mumbled the last part. He didn't want the boy to get hurt. but he didn't expect the prisoner to have escaped and be hiding somewhere here. So to be sure he will keep the boy near him so nothing can happen to him.

"i-i will" taehyung said, and the rest of the time here he was silent, his ears lowered.


thank you for reading. i wil see you in the next chapter!


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