16: wait

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"where are we going?'' Taehyung asked as he sat in the car next to Jungkook in the back of the car. The driver peeked through his glasses at the back for a moment. It's been the tenth, or more, time the hybrid had asked something.

"you said shopping right? Are we going to a store?"

Jungkook just stared ahead of him, not paying attention to the boy next to him.

"can the window open?'' Taehyung asked, his finger already moving to the buttons on the door. But Jungkook was quick and grabbed Taehyung's wrist.

"don't touch those buttons kid" jungkook was cautious when moving around. He could be being watched anytime and anywhere. He was a mafia afterall, many people were after him.

"but....Fine," Taehyung sighed. "Then tell me where we are going? Is it food? Is it fun?"

"Shut up and wait, it's something for me and you're just tagging along."

Taehyung glared at Jungkook's side when the man wasn't looking at him. He crossed his arms and stared at the seat in front of him in annoyance.

"Sir, we are right around the corner, '' the driver said. Jungkook gave a nod and glanced at his aide at the hybrid. Seeing a pout on his lips. The frown made the boy only look cute. The raven shook his head a bit and looked outside seeing the view stopped.

"I will wait here for your return," The driver said.

"follow me" Jungkook said to taehyung. The hybrid got out and quickly hurried to the other side of the car following Jungkook inside the building. Inside it looked like a store but they didn't sell products Taehyung knew.

"Ah Jeon, i wasn't expecting you here today" a man said walking up to them. His face looked a bit scared but he wasn't showing it.

"I won't stay long, '' Jungkook said, noticing the man's change in behaviour. "so, can you do me a favor?"

"of course, anytime"

"find out about the boats that are leaving and entering the docks at night." Jungkook took a step closer.

"You came here personally to ask me this?" the man chuckled.

"yes i did, i want to make sure you do as you're told" Jungkook glared at the man who took a step back. "you're lucky I don't have more time. So don't disappoint me on this one and i might reconsider my decision" jungkook turned around heading for the door. "Hey, stop touching everything. Follow me" the raven said and the hybrid removed his hands from the shelves walking to him.

The man's eyes moved from Jungkook to the hybrid as he watched them leave.


And like before they drove to the next destination with taehyung asking more questions and refusing to shut up. Jungkook stopped asking him to shut up knowing the boy won't listen anyway.

"What is here?" Taehyung asked as they entered a building with a big neon sign at the side.

"Just follow silently." Jungkook sighed and began to regret even taking the boy with him.

"I can't be silent. I have things I need to know!"

"yes yes, i will answer later." Jungkook said as he entered a room which was Namjoon's office. "Now, I want you to wait here. I will return"

"where are you going?"

"i have something to do, i can't have you with me there"

"but i want to come too"

"no, you're staying here."

"Can I go out and come back?"


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