11: stay

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The next morning came soon for the raven. Jungkook was already dressed ready for the day. He had a lot to do, and even handled a little snooper that thought of stealing something from his property back at the mansion. He got a call late at night but he didn't want to go all the way there, so he will pay the man a personal visit today.

"where are my fucking keys" Jungkook mumbled looking around his bedroom even turning over the pillows. Once he was sure it wasn't in the bedroom he went out into the living room. His eyes falling on the person that was sleeping on the couch. He walked to the boy forgetting about the keys for a moment.

Jungkook placed the medication from the kitchen next to the couch on the table with a glass of water and adjusted the blanket to cover the hybrid's shoulders again. Taehyung moved a bit and snuggled into the blankets. Jungkook chuckled softly and stood back up being silent not to wake the boy up.

"oh here they are" Jungkook saw his keys on the kitchen table and grabbed them leaving the penthouse.


The moment Taehyung woke up he was confused about where he was. His blue eyes looked around a bit confused but once he saw the room he remembered that he wasn't in that old shed anymore. his eyes fell on the table seeing a package of new heat pills and a glass of water. the boy smiled and took one like Jungkook told him before. He wasn't gonna forget them anymore.

"Jungkook," he mumbled and got off the couch. He walked to the raven's bedroom but before he grabbed the handle he remembered last night. The hybrid blushed, feeling very embarrassed of what he did. He knew he shouldn't do things li9ke that. but his heat was just something else, he doesn't know really what is happening when he gets his heat they'll only be a memory for him to later think of.. "God, I hate heat, it makes me do embarrassing things," the boy said to himself and opened the bedroom door. He expected Jungkook to be there but the room was empty. The bed was neatly made. "oh?"

"Did he just leave me alone?" Taehyung searched around the penthouse giving himself a house tour while he was at it. But no sign of the raven anywhere. Taehyung pouted and sighed, feeling disappointed the older man wasn't here.

The boy had no idea what he was supposed to do in the meantime other than waiting and sitting. He sighed, flopping on the ground in front of the big window in the living room. He wondered if Jungkook was gonna take him back. The raven hasn't mentioned returning him yet, did he forget? "Maybe he wants me to leave on my own? Is he waiting for me to leave?" Taehyung turned his head to the door. now getting curious if it was locked or not. He could explore more of this building. Curiosity got to him and he jumped up walking to the door with a grin excited. But when he turned the handle the door didn't move, Jungkook had locked it. his smile disappeared and he slumped back to the living room bored.

time passed like that, he was sleeping, walking around and looking through jungkook's stuff. Taehyung knew he shouldn't touch Jungkook's things but the raven won't notice. Taehyung was gonna put everything back the way he found it. No way jungkook would know he peeked through his stuff.

suddenly his stomach growled. "hungry.." he muttered and looked around. It didn't take og for him to see the bowl of fruit on the kitchen table. his eyes went big and he walked to the table, very sneakily reaching for the fruit.

"no, i shouldn't" He retracted his arm and held his hand like it had a will on his own. "but tae is hungry"

"Just one berry"

"he won't notice one gone, right?" Taehyung reached it again and took one berry and put it in his mouth. he hummed at the sweet taste and smiled. his ears went up and his tail swaying wave like around playfully. "just..one more"


"no that's not what i'm saying" Jungkook sat in the back of his car on the phone angrily. "open your fucking ears"

The driver glanced in the mirror at his boss who tapped the cigarette out of the window before taking another drag of it. The boss looked stressed.

"I will be counting on that. Now do your job properly" and with that jungkook ended the call. "How long?"

"were around the corner, sir" the driver replied and they indeed were. The car arrived at the building and Jungkook got out. He needed to continue his gang work but his legal side was in need of some proper instructions. His workers were slacking more than they should. Namjoon couldn't keep up on his own.

"this fucking job, people cant do anything can they" jungkook complained as he headed to the elevator. The front lady didn't dare to greet the man who passed her with an angry expression. She whispered to her colleague about it.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day," Jungkook said to the elevator as it went up slowly. Once up he went inside his penthouse dropping the keys on the table. When he entered a specific person inside the room froze in place, shocked.

"what the fuck did i tell you?!" Jungkook asked, looking at Taehyung who was eating from the berries in his fruit bowl on the kitchen table.

"a-ah, im sorry im sorry. I-i was so hungry..." Taehyung dropped the berries in his hands shocked and stepped away, getting on his knees to apologize.

"kid...you-aish" Jungkook sighed and rubbed his forehead. He had put it in his notes to not forget to ask someone to give his guest a meal but he forgot. "its my fault i forgot. But fine you can eat the fruit, i rarely eat them"

"thank you" Taehyung got back up and stuffed the berries in his mouth.

"Do you want a proper meal?"

"if i can"

"do you eat meat?"

Taehyung nodded following Jungkook. He still didn't know why he was here so he decided to ask.

"why am i here?"

"what do you mean"

"Why aren't you taking me back to the alley? Why take me here?"

"you want to go back?" Jungkook asked, looking up.

"well.....Not really...But that's not what I asked," Taehyung said, pouting a bit.

"because i didn't have time to drop you off, im busy"

"i can walk there"

"Shut it, I'm calling," Jungkook said, ordering the food they wanted. Taehyung frowned at him and crossed his arms. Jungkook just rolled his eyes at the boy. As soin he ended the call, Taehyung began asking questions again.

"Do you need me for something? Am I your toy? Those man said i was...What do they mean?"

"those men are just stupid, dont believe them" jungkook said immediately. "If you wanna leave you can leave. If you want to stay you can stay. It's up to you."


"chose now" Jungkook said he wasn't gonna deal with this any longer. is the boy would leave he got to have someone guard the kid or else the hybrid would for sure end up being found dead. jungkook didn't quite like the idea of that. but he also wasnt interested in the hybrid more. but the plus was if he lived here the boy would be safe and jungkook wouldnt have to think of it. "Do you want to stay or leave?"

"s-stay.'' Taehyung said. Here he got nice food, A big room, a warm house, clean clothes, showers. Everything he didn't have in the streets. Of course he wants to stay here. Taehyung was a hybrid he wanted to be taken care of. He needed care and love. And he hoped to find it here. His hybrid side had already started to see Jungkook as his owner. Even if it wasn't anything like that.


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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