26: panting

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The next morning Taehyung woke up by shuffling in the room. He sat up rubbing his eyes before opening them. "Mister?" he said softly, looking around and seeing Jungkook getting dressed.

"Oh, did I wake you?" Jungkook said.

Taehyung nodded. "But it's okay, i dont mind. where are you going?"

"I have things to do at the office. i will be in the building"

"Oh, can I come with you?"

"no, there will be a meeting," Jungkook said, knowing if the boy was there he wouldn't be able to focus. Taehyung would be on his mind all the time, and he couldn't have that he had to do this right. He can't slack on his work. Even if he was the CEO, he had to be an example for his workers, showing how it should be done.

"Oh.." the boy pouted looking down, he yawned suddenly. Jungkook looked at the boy seeing how he yawned and quickly covered his mouth a bit with his hand, his ears moving back and twitching a bit. Then he munched a bit with his mouth before opening his eyes again looking very sleepy.

"cute" the raven said and chuckled while fixing his tie. The raven walked to the side of the bed and grabbed his wallet from the nightstand along with his phone. He reached in his wallet looking a bit before taking out a few paper cash. He walked with it to the boy and extended his hand. "here"

"What's this?" Taehyung asked, looking at the colorful papers with funny photos of older people on it.

"Some money, go buy yourself something while i'm gone'' jungkook looked at the boy who slowly accepted the money looking at it. The hybrid then smiled at him, sending another warm feeling through Jungkook's body. He had no idea why he even gave the boy money, but he just felt like doing so.

"Thank you Jungkook, i will make sure to buy something very fun"

"hm do whatever" jungkook put the wallet in his pocket and put his hand on the boy's head ruffling his hair again, he liked to do it. The hybrid's hair was soft. "i will be back before dinner today"

"promise?" Taehyung asked, remembering how many times Jungkook said that but came home after midnight in the end.

"I promise, today I will" Jungkook chuckled and then left the room. leaving the hybrid hoping that the man will keep the promise and have dinner with him instead of leaving him home alone all day.


"What shall i buy now im rich" taehyung asked himself as he walked through the shopping street trying to find something that he wanted to buy. he felt like he was rich with this money he got. It was only 30 but better than nothing. He could buy a lot from this he noticed after visiting a few stores. He had seen some plushies he wanted to have, a bunny one, a bear and a chicken. But he also saw the candy store which was hard to hold back and not stuff his pockets with candy.

"Oh but this is cute too" Taehyung said and grabbed a sweater with a skill printed on the back, on the skull was a butterfly and flowers. "cute butterfly," he said. He couldn't read that under the skull 'death' was written so in his eyes it was looking cute. "I can get this...but i won't have anything left" he sighed and hung it back, he will remember it and come back if he doesn't find anything else after this.

With a smile he left the store and started walking to the next thing that interested him. But then Taehyung suddenly clutched his belly and sank through his knees, his body burning up so quick. he didn't like it to happen now, he was just going to buy himself something from the money Jungkook gave him this morning. He was going to ignore it and just go there quickly but it was not possible, he whined and his ears went back, he could hear people talking about him.

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