69: together forever (end)

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-two years later-

"Mr.Jeon you called for me?" Lu entered the office.

"Glasses!" taehyung said happy when he saw Lu enter the room. Lu gave him a smile but his smile went even wider when he noticed Sooha, Jungkook and Taehyung child, run up to him.

"sooha!" he said cheerful.


"See, she remembers my name," Lu said, chuckling as he looked at taehyung.

"i like glasses more" the younger mumbled softly with an embarrassed look on his face.

"LuLu, play!"

"No sorry sweetie, I have work. I can't play now. next weekend i will come visit with Mr.Kim"

"Okay" she pouted and got back to her toys that were scattered around Jungkook's office. They were currently in Jungkook's main Casino where he had work to finish. His vacation had already ended a while ago. He would take sooha or both of his babies to work when it wasn't something gang related. Taehyung would often stay home or take Sooha to school when Jungkook had work. and when Jungkook had to leave for gang work Taehyung had pushed Jungkook into texting him from time to time so taehyung knew he was okay. The other members would keep taehyung updated when jungkook wasn't capable of texting or calling on the job. Knowing how important it was for jungkook to come home in one piece.

"Lu, here are the signed papers. Can you send them off to the clients?"

"of course, it will be done right away" Lu took the envelope from Jungkook and left the room again.

"Okay, let's go home love," Jungkook said, standing up from the chair and closing his laptop. His work was done here today, it was relax time, or well. family time. When you have a young child there isn't much free time on your schedule.

"sooha, out your toys back in the bag, we're going home"

"okay" she said while collecting their things together with taehyung's help noticing she forgot some under the desk.


After spending the day at Jungkook's casino they headed back home in the car, and were now inside the elevator, Sooha was reaching her small hand to the button with a big bell on it.

"no no no! Don't press that one" taehyung said and pulled her hand back with a nervous chuckle.

"oh" is all she said and looked somewhere else, finding new interest in other things. Luckily the wait wasn't long and the doors opened letting them enter the penthouse.

"Sooha don't forget to take off your shoes," Taehyung reminded their daughter. She nodded and took off her shoes while sticking her tongue out, struggling to unite the strings.

While she ran off Taehyung turned to Jungkook seeing him staring back with a strange look. "is something wrong? You've been so silent"

"no, i'm just happy"

"oh, that's good!" the hybrid smiled and took off his shoes as well. Jungkook kept staring while having one hand in his pocket.

"uhm...Taehyung" the raven started suddenly feeling nervous. "i want to ask you something"

"Really, what is it?"

"you know i love you very much so i wanted to ask...If you want to marry me?" Jungkook took his hand from his pocket and showed the small box with a silver ring, getting on one knee. Finally he found the courage to ask it after thinking about it the whole day. Taehyung gasped his eyes wide. He just froze there on the spot. leaving Jungkook staring at him, slowly getting more and more nervous not hearing a reply.

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