57: back for revenge -3-

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A day later at the jeon mansion Lu was preparing the hybrid a breakfast. Well it was pretty much dinner by now. but taehyung hasn't left the bed since this morning when he went to steal fruit juice from the fridge. Taehyung kept saying he wasn't hungry, but the boy was. He just didn't feel it as he was worrying a lot. The worry and the stress that was already inside of him was making him feel sick and weak. So he had spend his time so far laying on bed. Lu had been with him most of the time, telling stories about their mafia journey and how he met Jungkook. Later they even played a card game. but taehyung got bored quickly and would stare at the cards with teary eyes. But Taehyung refused to cry. He was going to be a big cat now like Jungkook told him to. so now leaving the quiet boy alone lu had gone down to make him some food.

"Uhh..where does he keep the salt...." lu mumbled and looked around searching for the salt. yes he has been here a lot but he hasn't really cooked anything here in jungkook's house yet. so he didn't know where most of the things were. "does he even have salt..."

"here.." a soft voice next to him said. He turned his head seeing taehyung stand there his hand extended to hand Lu the salt.

"ah, thank you" Lu smiled and put some little bit of salt on top of the fish salad. "It's done, want something to drink?"

"bana milk" taehyung said softly while he carried the two plates to the dining table.

"bana..oh banana. " lu chuckled shaking his head. he got the small pack of banana milk and a cup soda waking to the table. taehyung was already sniffing the food, obviously he had already ate something from it, Lu noticed there were a few dices of pineapple missing on the salad. "You can eat, no need to wait" he smiled and put the drinks down.

"thank you" taehuyng said and started eating. "it tastes good" he wasn't feeling very hungry before but now he got a plate of food in front of him his stomach suddenly felt so empty.

dinner didn't take long for them. seeing how hungry the younger gulped everything down. buy besides the food, Taehyung was glad Lu was here. He was a nice companion here. lu was always being so thoughtful and funny. But even if Taehyung had company he couldn't help but have this bad feeling inside of him. a bad feeling that ate at him.

"what is it Taehyung?" Lu asked while drying his hands which were wet from the dishes.

"im worried..."

"There is no need, they will be fine. Jungkook and the others do this all the time" Lu smiled and walked to the other.

"But still.....what if something goes wrong.."

"There is no help in to worry, just relax. like jungkook told you. they will be fine, i am sure of it."


That night Jungkook and the others had left their second hotel, heading to the Ryu's mansion where Jinsang was staying currently.

"uhm, Jungkook. maybe he should go to the back?" Hoseok suggested seeing Jungkook walk straight to the front entrance gates.

"No, I will get in through this way. you go back side. I will meet you halfway like we agreed" Jungkook had his eyes staring at the house determined. this will come to an end either way. He will walk straight to their target. Jinsang was most likely looking forward to seeing him, Jungkook won't hide his temper this time, he will speak.

The others parted from Jungkook's side, disappearing behind the bushes to go to the back of the mansion. Jungkooks steps got bigger as he walked through the gates. The guards knew him so they didn't shoot right away without a direct order from one of the Ryu brothers.

"Uhm Jeon, you can't come he-"

"DO NOT SPEAK TO ME!" jungkook shouted at the guard who flinched and backed away.

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