9: clean

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Taehyung was looking around the house. Walking through the penthouse curiously. He knew he should shower but he wanted to look around first. The penthouse was big. he looked through the big window outside seeing the city the sun was setting soon. "pretty" taehyung said and walked to the kitchen looking around. He didn't dare to touch anything with his dirty hands. The room was so clean he felt like he would make obvious marks if he touched anything.

"i should clean first" the boy said deciding it was better to shower like jungkook said before exploring the house. He was about to head to the room the raven pointed to when the penthouse front door opened. The hybrid's eyes widened and he looked at the door alarmed. He didn't recognize the person walking inside. The man wore a suit and had a serious expression. The man looked confused when he saw a hybrid in the room.

"Jeon told me to bring clothes up," the man said. "Who are you?"

"I am taehyung..."

"How did you get here?"

"Jungkook brought me here"

"It's jeon for you, what are you to him you call him by his first name?" The man looked annoyed by that and frowned.

"Eh?" Taehyung didn't get what the man was saying.

"Jeon is our boss, everyone that is not close to him doesnt get to call him by his first name." the man said and placed the clothes on the small table near the door. "i suppose you are the guest so these are for you"

"For me?"

"Yes, Jeon told me to bring some clothes up."

"Oh okay! thank you, mister" taehyung smiled and grabbed the clothes. the man still didn't get why a dirty looking hybrid was here, he didn't like it.

"Where did he get you from, you stink"

"im sorry, i don't have a home or shower"

"you're homeless? ew. Jeon will throw you out for sure if you're like that." the man chuckled and walked out grabbing something else. but he decided not to and looked at the hybrid. "Stupid cat, jeon is just gonna use you for something."

Taehyung didn't like this man. He frowned at the man holding the clothes tightly in his hand. "you're mean!"

"Well, they are just facts. Jeon just doesn't have time for your stinking ass, now I will take my leave, I have things to do." The man left the room taking the tray of food he was told to bring to the guest with him, not giving it to the hybrid like Jungkook ordered him to.

"stupid man, dont say such things" taehyung said his happy mood dropped down. he went inside the room jungkook pointed at he could shower. inside was a big bed. his eyes widened and he walked to it pushing it with his hand. "It's so soft!" He wanted to jump on it and feel the soft bed. but he quickly remembered not to touch it. "no tae, go shower" he told himself and he walked through the bedroom searching for a shower. which he found behind a second door which led to the bathroom.

"Ooh a bath" taehyung found all the interesting things which he wanted to try. but he couldn't. He wasn't allowed to buy. A bit disappointed he stepped in the shower first turning it way too hot which made him yelp and turn it way to dol. but eventually he got the right temperature. He made sure he was clean and used Jungkook's soap. because, what else does the raven expect him to wash himself with. After he was all clean and smelling fresh he got inside the clothes the man gave him. He looked in the mirror looking at himself. taehyung now saw how clean he looked his hair back to their light blonde with a little wave curl in them, his white cat ears and tail clean white no more dirt, his skin clean and the clothes looked so new. his older ones looked so old he doesn't want to wear those anymore. "I smell so good!" he said sniffing his hands and the clothes with a smile.

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