24: mine

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"How fun, how fun. So how are you, still sick?" Jimin asked, in front of him the hybrid. Somehow Jungkook had allowed the boy to go eat with Jimin. giving the excuse he had to do something at the office. which he didn't because Jimin heard Lu had already taken care of Jungkook's schedule for the day.

"No i feel better now, i'm not sick" Taehyung smiled as he poked the fruits that were in the bowl together with the ice cream they were sharing. He had a good time with Jimin. he did miss Jungkook a bit but Jungkook was being so strange and harsh that the hybrid enjoyed being away for now.

"So you're staying with jungkook but he is not your owner you said..then what are you two?"

"I don't know..i want him to be my owner, he is nice"

"Jungkook and nice, hmm '' Jimin snorted. but seeing taehyung's confused face he quickly stopped and nodded. "sorry, i just don't see jungkook as someone who is nice."

"well he really is. at first not, at first he was a bad person and very mean. But now he is kind. He even bought me a dessert and let me sleep in his bed, it's so nice, soft and warm. " The boy smiled happily when saying all the good things Jungkook does for him.

"I guess someone is getting soft. So do you like jungkook? you seem quite clingy to him, not in a bad way" jimin ate some of the ice cream, he suddenly noticed something on his left and turned his head. his eyes catching someone who was 'reading the menu' with a coffee in his other hand. the man's eyes widened when he locked them with Jimin. Jimin rolled his eyes, it was Lu jungkook must have sent him after them, jungkook was really something.

"I do, I really like jungkook!" Taehyung said his smile grew wide and his heart warmed when he heard himself say it. he did lie jungkook, jungkook made him feel warm and happy inside. He wondered if the man also felt warm when he was with him, but he will never know.

"I see...'' Jimin looked at the hybrid, he already had an assumption but he didn't want to jump to conclusions, but seeing how the boy reacted every time he spoke about Jungkook it was just so obvious. Taehyung did like jungkook more than just 'like'. Only jungkook was just too stupid to even notice or engage. Jimin knew the raven never wanted to do love again. It was sad to see the hybrid so happy and unconsciously hoping for something that he won't be able to get from the man.


"yes?" Jimin smiled.

"Why is Jungkook always so rude to people, why does he hurt people. like he hurt me, does he do that everytime?"

"well....yes he does, it's his job," Jimin sighed. He remembered the day that they found taehyung keeping at what they did and the consequences that happened after. "I'm so sorry that happened, but he is my boss too, i had to follow his orders too...."

"its okay, im okay now, its okay"

"how can you forgive things so easy, i could never"

Taehyung shrugged then looked to the side where a man approached them, wearing his glasses. "glasses guy!" he said happily, he remembered him but he keeps forgetting his name.

"It's Lu kid.. but hello" the man chuckled. "I came to take you back."

"Oh already?" Taehyung pouted, he was just enjoying his time with Jimin. He didn't want to leave yet.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon had requested for you so I will take you to him."

"oh okay, then let's go!" Taehyung smiled, happy that Jungkook asked for him. "Jiminie, im sorry but i have to go"

"That's fine, I will go home too," Jimin smiled. "enjoy your day."


"where are we going glass...uhm....wait no....Lu" the boy said as he tapped his chin again forgetting the man's name. the man chuckled while driving them to their destination.

"Jeon is outside the apartment at the moment" Lu said and stopped the car at the side of the road. it was an odd place outside the city. a black car in front of them, taehyung recognized it as Jungkook's. already thinking what an odd location it was to go. There was only a cliff on their right which had a view to the sea. It was a pretty view. He gasped being able to see so much from here.

"Let me walk you to him," Lu said and stepped out of the car. Taehyung followed after him, his eyes fixed on Jungkook's back that was facing him. The raven wore a business suit where the back of the jacket was moving in the breeze. his hands in his pockets staring into the distance. when he heard their footsteps on the sandy rocks he slightly turned his head to the side before turning around fully.

"Jeon, here he is" Lu stopped in his tracks and Taehyung looked at Lu then at jungkook.

"Thank you, you can leave" jungkook said and gave Lu a nod who gave a slight bow before walking back to the car. Jungkook turned back around, staring at the sea below them.

"You asked for me? Is something wrong?" Taehyung asked.

"no" Jungkook replied, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. The hybrid looked at it disapprovingly but he kept his mouth shut about it. Taehyung didn't like smoking, it was stinky.

"then why am i here, i was having fun with Jimin"

Jungkook scoffed as soon as the boy said 'jimin'. jealousy building up more inside of him, he had called the hybrid over because he didn't like the thought of taehyung being with the other for so long. And definitely not after Jimin said he wanted to be the boy's owner. Jungkook never thought he would get jealous over something again.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm not laughing Kid... I just wanted you here. that's all"

"Oh, okay" taehyung smiled and stood next to jungkook. he peeked over the edge of the cliff and shivered his hand grabbing a hold of Jungkook's hand out of reaction from the fear of falling down there. he didn't like the height of this spot it made him scared so his hand tightens around the raven's. Jungkook blew out the smoke and glanced down at his hand which the boy was holding. He saw Taehyung look down his ears back and a concerned look on his face. Jungkook then wrapped his fingers back around the boy's hands. The hybrid was surprised and his ears went forward, a blush on his cheeks.

"cute.." jungkook mumbled, taking the last drag of the cigarette before dropping it on the ground, crushing it with his shoe. "Are you scared of heights?"

"i-i think so, i don't know" taehyung said he really didn't like it up here. "i-i have never been this high"

"hm" jungkook took a note of that. "kid, i have been thinking."

"oh about what?" the boy asked curiously and looked up at the man still holding hands.

"I want you to stay around longer, i want to keep you"

"a-ah, i would like that! I don't want to go. i want to stay with you"

Jungkook looked at the big smile the boy gave him, feeling his own heart flutter. but jungkook didn't react to his feelings, he just sighed not getting what the hybrid saw in him. Jungkook was nothing good, he knew it himself too. but he didn't want the boy to leave. He was keeping him whether he wanted to or not. Taehyung was his. he didn't want anyone to even touch him.


thank you for reading! yall so kind. i will see you in the next chapter again.💕


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