37: forehead kisses

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Taehyung had opened each drawer but hadn't found anything interesting. well that was until he came to the nightstand which he was rummaging through. it had some pointy round iron like pieces, or more like.. bullets. a watch and hand lotion. in the second one there were many papers shoved in there, some crumbled or just pushed in there crumbled in the proces. Taehyung took some out and looked at them, not coming far because he can't read. He pouted, he was so curious to know what was written there but he didn't come further than. ' hello' and 'i am' simple things like that. he was about to put the paper and all the other things back when his eyes noticed something colorful in there. he let go of the pile in his hand and reached back in the nightstand pulling out the folded photo, it had many scratched and was ripped in the corner probably because it was stuck in there.

"oh, photo!" he said looking at the image, it was a photo of Jungkook, he recognized the man. only he looked a bit younger here. still very handsome in his eyes. Taehyung also saw someone else at his side, another man. He had his hair down which was quite long coming till his cheekbone, but it swirled back to not have it in his face. The man was pretty. "who is this?" he asked himself seeing they had their arms linked. "hm" he put the photo back down and began stuffing everything back in the nightstand, he thought it was funny for jungkook said he liked clean and now taehyung saw this messy drawer in the nightstand.


"How did the meetings go, sir?" the driver asks while walking jungkook to the car that was waiting outside in front of the entrance.

"It went well, I think we will have good results from this." Jungkook replied and got in the car, the driver holding open the doors of the back seat. closing them behind the boss.

"That's great to hear" the driver smiled and sat in the driver seat, turning on the engine. "where will you be heading now, sir?"

"mansion" jungkook replied shortly and moved his sleeve up to check the time, it was almost midnight. it will probably be past once he gets to the mansion. He sighed, he had tried to get it all done before the boy would be asleep but he only could shorten it by an hour not more. He was feeling very exhausted now, he had skipped his breaks in between to shorten the day but now he was very tired. He was looking forward to sleeping.

"I will let you know once we arrive," the driver said before diving off. Jungkook nodded and stared outside through the shaded windows. The drive was longer than he had liked but eventually they got there, he exited the car and requested his driver to park his car back at the company. The driver of course did as told and left the raven at his mansion.

"ah, bed" Jungkook yawned before entering the house, locking the door behind him again. The house was dark, he could hear some voices in the living room and walked there to see who was still awake.

"ah, you're back" it was Jimin and Hoseok.

"yeah, where is Taehyung?"

"your hubby is upstairs sleeping, i let him sleep in your room" jimin said knowing it will annoy the other, which it clearly did.

"he is not my hubby," the raven said, frowning.

"hmm, okay."

"He doesn't like me that much, I feel bad," Hoseok said and sighed. "Please tell him I'm not scary, I wont hurt him, but he is still so uncomfortable around me, i tried to make him open up but it didn't work much" hoseok pouted a bit. "why can't I be like jimin, the hybrid is all over him. He did the same as me!"

"I know you wont hurt him. If you do, I will cut your hands off." Jungkook answered. "but i will tell him, goodnight"


jungkook went upstairs, entering his bedroom where the light was off. he turned on the nightstand light which was dim and won't wake the other up. he looked at the hybrid who was sleeping under the dark colored sheets, his white ears poking above the blankets which he had pulled all the way to under his nose. Jungkook kneeled down and placed a soft peck on the boy's forehead.

He didn't know how it was even possible, but Taehyung made him act like this, all the time he was turning way too soft because of him. Jungkook sighed and stood back up to change his clothes and get ready for bed. He couldn't fight it. he only could accept and do these things, it felt good...he didn't want to stop. but he still didn't really want to accept it and be open about it. mostly because he was stubborn but also because it would be dangerous for the boy if people knew jungkook's soft spot was him.

After a good brush of teeth and changing into some comfortable things to sleep in, he had placed himself in the bed next to the hybrid who had turned to face him now. Jungkook stared at his sleeping face, which was very cute. slowly he removed his pillow from the hybrid's arms, he wanted to lay his head on something rather than the flat mattress. Taehyung shifted when he lost the contact of the pillow, his hands feeling around. Jungkook noticed the discomfort in the boy's expressions and gently caressed his soft hairs, placing another kiss on his forehead. Taehyung's frown disappeared and he calmed down, his body relaxing. Jungkook chuckled. The hybrid was quite easy to calm down with just some pats on the head.

"Goodnight kid," he said before closing his eyes.


short chapter..thank you for reading, i will see you in the next update.


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