49: action

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Well things didn't quite go as planned. Jungkook and the others had split up to find out where they were taking the hybrid only to lose sight of him when passing through the crowd. Jungkook was losing his shirts on the inside, knowing his boy was right here yet so far away. He can't miss this chance. Jimin still hasn't contacted him yet he didn't know if jimin found something or if something had happened. either way jungkook was gonna go over to plan b. which he knew would succeed for sure only he did not look forward to it. with a sigh he rolled his eyes and headed to the top floor of the ship leaving the crowded area of the main casino hall.

finally hearing the music dimm now he was up, it was hurting his ears all the noise around him, jungkook hated the loud music he preferred some nice background music in his spots, just a live band bringing the overall mood with them with their own music which would make the customers feel at home, at ease. not this party music. it just wasn't for jungkook.

"Where are you going?" hoseok asked the boss who walked the opposite direction than they should be going. youngsoo went ahead not that way.

"i have something to do, you keep searching if you find them, if you do, contact me immediately"

"ah....alright, will do '' hoseok watched jungkook walk away disappearing around the corner.

as hoseok did his new task jungkook headed straight to where he had seen a specific person disappear to. It wasn't hard to find, seeing two guards outside the doors. Jungkook just approached them without hesitation even for a second.

"Sir, you can't come here. this is private '' one of the guards said.

"I know," Jungkook simply replied. "I am here for Jinsang, now move. he wants to see me"

"no he doesn't"

Jungkook chuckled, Jinsang always wanted to see him so Jungkook didn't listen to the guards and headed inside. Jinsang who laid on the couch sat up alarmed but smiled seeing Jungkook and he shooed his guard out of the room.

"ooh Jungkookie~ what brings you here to my love room?"

"That's the worst joke I heard you make so far" Jungkook didn't crack a smile. "actually i came here to see you"

"oh really, to what do I owe the pleasure? Are you finally realising things now? hmm~" jinsang walked to jungkook with a pleased expression. He might get the raven after all.

"Not really, I am here to ask a favor."

"depends on the question"

"Help me get taehyung out of here"

"fuck no" jinsang frowned and walked away annoyed. "you and thats stupid boy, he is stealing you from me and i do NOT lie it! why do you hate me?"

"because you betrayed me, you hurted me, you fucking did it to yourself!" jungkook shouted back, "stop denying it! i know the truth" the raven sighed and rubbed his forehead regaining his control. "But I am gonna let him go if you help me. i still have feelings for you i can't stop from feeling"

"If you remove that boy from your life, I will assure he lives safely after this," Jinsang grinned, forming a new plan.


"really? oh, well then, promise me" jinsang didn't expect it to be that easy.

"I promise"

"i don't believe you "

"your fucking problem"

"Prove it to me you're not lying."

Jungkook sighed again and approached the other, he grabbed Jinsang's chin and pressed a kiss on his lips but not fully, it was more to the corner of the other's lips. but for jinsang it was enough to make his heart burst and melt from the raven's action.

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