33: shopping

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"What's this?" Taehyung asks, holding up a strange piece of clothing.

"That's lingerie, let's put that back" Jungkook said, taking it from the boy to put it back where he took it from.

"it looked pretty" taehyung muttered, he liked the white colors with shiny beads on it which is why he grabbed it trying to figure out what it was. but knowing it was lingerie he felt embarrassed and rushed to the other side of the store where normal clothing was. Jungkook was walking after him looking at his phone when he received an important text.

"Uhm, what can I get?" Taehyung asked.

"Get anything you like, we will decide later," Jungkook replied, then looked up at the boy. "you go find things you like, i quickly gotta call someone" he looked at Namjoon's texts and had to call the other. It seems his ex still hasn't left the city and just messed something up again.

"oh. okay"

"And, don't leave the store. stay inside '' Jungkook added. He wasn't planning on losing the boy in the shopping centre today, it was getting quite busy at this hour. After making sure the boy got it he walked somewhere less noisy to make his call.

"Hmmm, anything I like....green?" Taehyung looked around the store seeing all these fancy clothes. He had no idea if something was very expensive but he did think it was seeing the many digits on just a simple shirt with a print. "So many numbers" he whispered and walked to something else. his eye catching a nice faded green sweater hanging in the middle. his eyes were big when he grabbed one and looked at it, it was soft on the inside and it was big. He liked it a lot. He didn't like tight clothes. looking at what he was wearing now he knew jungkook must tell him to get something smaller. but taehyung decided not to and hung the weather over his arm. Jungkook told him to get what he liked so he was gonna do exactly that.

It's been less than ten minutes and he already had many different clothes with him. currently looking at some colorful socks.

"Excuse me, are you alone?" a man's voice said.

Taehyung looked at him confused. "oh?"

"You don't have an owner with you? we dont want stray cats here so leave the store"

"but, i-"

"Stray's are bad for business, we don't want them here" the man said looking at the boy.

"you're so rude," Taehyung frowned. "I'm not a stray cat anymore!"

"Then where is your owner, without an owner you are not allowed to come in here."

"I don't know where he is..." taehyung mumbled, jungkook didn't say where he was going. These were also one of the readings Taehyung didn't like stored, many people did not like hybrids and didn't want them in their store. it was stupid but sadly people like that were more than enough here.

"then leave, it's not like you can afford this anyway"

"you're a bad worker, I don't even wanna buy something here anymore," Taehyung frowned.

"i don't care, you're just a pet anyway"

Taehyung frowned, feeling a bit hurt by those words. He wasn't a slave like the others, right? he didn't think so, jungkook treated him nice. But what if he was a pet now? Taehyung didn't want to be someone's pet, he wanted to be equal.

"He's with me," someone said. placing a hand on the hybrid's shoulder standing next to him, a unamused glare on his face towards the other man/

"a-ah mr.jeon...i d-didn't know you had a hybrid" the owner says surprised and clearly intimidated by the raven's presence he knew the man had power. Most business men knew Jungkook because of his work. He was very famous and bigger than the other companies here. It was a powerful business.

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