18: ex

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The next morning Taehyung slowly woke up. He smiled, snuggling one more time into the soft material before deciding to open his eyes. The hybrid sat up and rubbed his eyes looking around the room. He noticed he wasn't on the couch with Jungkook anymore, it wasn't even night anymore. It was clear day. The boy frowned and looked around seeing no jungkook in the room; the other side of the bed was unused. Taehyung didn't mean to fall asleep last night, he was disappointed in himself because now he missed the time he could have spent with jungkook. But he slept right through it all and was now here alone again.

"Jungkookie, you're no fun" the boy mumbled and sighed getting out of bed. He didn't like that the other was always leaving him alone. Yes he was grateful to have a roof above his head. but he liked Jungkook, he wanted to be around others. He was a hybrid and wanted company, they wanted to play and he cared for. He won't be happy on his own. He never was happy when he was on the streets.

The boy was getting dressed when his stomach growled. He patted his belly and left the bathroom. "me hungry" he mumbled to himself leaving the raven's bedroom. He liked sleeping in Jungkook's bed, it was soft. huge and on top of that it had Jungkook's scent which Taehyung liked so much. Taehyung looked at the time. He took a whole three minutes digging in his brain to understand what the clock said. He could read the time but he had to count each line which took him a while. Just like reading, he could read some words but his reading skill wasn't very advanced, Speaking wasn't much of a trouble for him.

"11.34....did i miss breakfast?!" Taehyung's eyes widened, he looked around searching for any leftover food but didn't see anything, he even checked the fridge. There were some other packages but those were jungkook's and the raven told him not to eat his food. So Taehyung didn't touch them, well only the fruit.

"tae is gonna starve to death" the hybrid said to himself and walked to the window looking outside, the streets looked busy. He wondered of Jungkook was down there, maybe he was one of those people? maybe he just saw him pass? Taehyung couldn't help but wonder where the raven was and what he was doing now?

After taehyung observed the outside city from the window his stomach was feeling more and more hungry. and he wasn't gonna sit here until dinner, he needed food now. so he will get some himself. The boy went to the door trying it, sadly it wasn't unlocked this time. And him being the one to not just give up immediately he began banging the door to get someone's attention.

"Hello!?" he called out. "helooooo?" He knew someone must be out there. but they were just ignoring him, he just knew it. So he tried something else. "Help!" he shouted and banged the door louder. then within a few seconds the door was unlocked and wumg open. only for the guard to see a grinning hybrid.


"What" the guard said, annoyed that there was nothing wrong, he just got tricked by a hybrid and he didn't like that.

"Is jungkook here?"

"no, he is working"

"oh, can I get some food?"

"no,. the maids just bought some but you missed them, your own fault"

"you're rude. Can I use your phone and call Jungkook?" Taehyung said just continuing his chances.

"I think he doesn't want to be called."

"But he told me to call him last night....he will be very angry if I tell him someone was very rude to me," Taehyung said and gave an innocent face. the guard squinted his eyes at him but handed him his phone with someone's profile on the screen.

"press the green button" the guard said. Taehyung looked a bit amazed at the device, he knew what a phone was but he didn't have one himself so this was very interesting. He then pressed the call button and put the thing at his ear listening to the beeps.

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