59: mister

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Taehyung was trying to run. He was running through the halls, the halls that seemed to get only longer and longer, the exit fading away from him. He was scared. He could feel it. The footsteps behind him grew louder and louder. Suddenly his ankle was grabbed. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't open his mouth to speak. He only could see the exit fading away as he was being pulled back into that room. He tried to grab onto just anything, but everything he got his hand on faded away like dust. there was nothing to help him when he got thrown back onto that cold bed. the face of Jinsang right above him with a creepy grin. The face looks distorted, sending a cold shiver down the hybrid's spine.

"what does he see in you?" Jinsang spoke in a weird voice. Taehyung tried to move, he didn't want this. He was scared. it wasn't real right? yet it felt so real. He could feel Jinsang's hands on his inner thigh and beck. he felt every touch. And then Taehyung screamed...

"AHHH!" the hybrid jolted awake in bed with a scream and a gasp panting. his hands and legs kicking around in panic. "no no no! stop! get off! leave me alone!" he shouted at the person in his bed.

"Tae, tae. baby calm down. It's me!" the other person said holding the boy down so he stopped slapping the person's face. "ow! stop hitting me"

Taehyung heard it. He heard it clear. his whole body just stopped. Did he hear it right? the boy opened his eyes, seeing the other in the light of the nightstand lamp.


"It's me, I'm here. don't be scared" Jungkook said looking at the hybrid's ears that slowly turned back forward.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung said and hugged the other tightly wrapped even his leg and tail around the other as much as he could to get jungkook close to him. "jungkook jungkook!"

"Ow fuck, tae not so tight. that hurts." Jungkook groaned a little, feeling taehyung's leg squeeze his waist where his wound was.

"you're...hurt?" Taehyung pulled away looking at Jungkook concerned. He flipped open the blanket releasing all the comfortable warmth he had built up. his eyes checking the toher for any damage. which he didn't have to look far for, seeing jungkook's was it was wrapped in bandage. "you're hurt!"

"It's fine, I will manage."

"does it hurt?"

"....yea" jungkook wasn't gonna lie it hurt like hell.

"Who did this!? they need to hurt too!"

"Believe me, they are...they did" Jungkook replied and sat up a bit painful to bend his waist like that but he did it anyway. "dont worry about me, tell me about you. how are you?"

"im okay....im not hurt like you"

"that's not what i'm asking. don't compare yourself to me, i'm different" Jungkook ran his fingers through taehyung's messy white hair. "you didnt wash your hair"

"sorry...." taehyung pouted, "i have been sad-But i didn't show it much!" he said quickly. "i was acting like a big person like you told me."

"really now?"


"That's good, I'm proud of you," Jungkook smiled. "so...you're really okay?" he asked, raising a brow. and then taehyung shook his head tearing up before hugging jungkook again. trying to not cry. "ah.....love, its okay to cry now"

"i-i keep thinking of ...that....i can't stop" taehyung said. "nightmares.."

"I'm sorry. i wish i could take it away"

"I'm happy you're back...I can't miss you any longer. i need you mister"

"I need you too. I promise you everything will be alright now. we will go do fun things like I said. we will go be together. I will take time off for you until we've done everything okay?"

"really?" Taehyung looked up with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, everything for you."

"I love you" Taehyung said and pressed his face against Jungkook's warm chest.

"I love you too," Jungkook smiled, caressing the boy's head and back. "so...did Lu do a good job?"

"yes. Lu was very nice. He took me to the fair yesterday..i got a big plush bunny and a lot of food" taehyung pointed to the huge bunny plush sitting in the corner of the room staring at them.

"That thing looks scary but okay" Jungkook glared at the animal that was watching him intensely. Jungkook didn't like it watching them like that. It made him feel uncomfortable. Jungkook wasn't easily put off by something but look at him now getting uncomfortable from a simple bunny plush.

"its cute"

"you're cute"

"i missed you"

"i missed you too" jungkook chuckled. "aren't you tired? should you sleep more"


"why not?"

"I'm not going to sleep now, you're finally here! what took you so long!?"

"I'm sorry....I should have come sooner, I know. but things didn't really got hat well,"

"what happened? is it that?" the boy pointed to jungkook's waist.

"mhm, it is. I didn't pay enough attention and got shot here. but it will heal. Seokjin wrapped it up for me, he said I will be fine."

"You shouldn't have gotten hurt. i told you to be careful"

"i know sorry"

"i wanna hit you for being stupid and make me worry but im not going to since you're hurt. i'm just gonna frown at you" taehyung said and renowned deeply glaring at Jungkook as a way to scold the other.

"Oh i'm intimidated. you're scary, '' Jungkook said, acting fakely.



"you're mean."

"but you love me"

"hmm yes. now i wanna cuddle"

"Of course" Jungkook smiled and laid down with the boy letting him crawl into his arms seeking Jungkook's protective warmth. He held the boy against him as he stared into the room. He could feel Taehyung's happy mood had disappeared to a rather sad one. He didn't need to look at the toher to know taehyung wasn't feeling so well. And Jungkook knew what was wrong. He knew he didn't need to ask. There could only be one thing bothering taehyung. and he was sure to make that disappear.

"they are gone"


"Jinsang and Youngsoo. i killed them, for you"

"really....they won't hurt us?"

"They won't hurt us."

"It's weird...they are really dead?"

"Yes, I made them pay for hurting you. you know I can't keep them alive."

"...thank you" taehyung didn't like violence but he knew this was jungkook's way so he thanked the other for going through so much trouble for him once again. "im sorry it got you hurt.

"It's fine, I would happily take any bullet for you," Jungkook smiled, placing a soft peck on Taehyung's head. "now rest. I will be here with you. I'm not going anywhere anymore."


Kookie back.

thank you for reading, see you in next chapter.


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