5: lost (m)

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It's been two days since Jungkook killed the man that had it in his head. and his business was back on track. He was having a formal dinner with his partner from a different club name to discuss cooperation.

"So, does that sound like a deal?" The man asked, looking at Jungkook. both having one guard at their side to guard them while they ate in the VIP room.

"It sounds really good, but I want 60% of the profit, it will be held in your building, so I want more of the share," Jungkook said, sipping his wine, his plate already empty, they finished the actual food a few minutes ago and were now finishing their drinks.

"55%" the man tried removing the handkerchief from his lap to the table.

"60 or the deal won't go," Jungkook said. The man kept silent for over twenty seconds so Jungkook stood up gulping the glass wine empty and put it back on the table. He put on his jacket and rushed his fingers through his rather long black hair so they kept in this slicked back model. "Well then, I will take my leave if you don't want the deal. Thank you for the dinner" he said.

The man looked at the raven leave followed by his guard and stood up. "Wait!"

Jungkook grinned a bit amused and put on a serious face before turning around. his hand reaching in his pocket taking out his cigarettes. He had one at least everyday, maybe multiple on a day. mostly two, more when he was stressed.

"I accept... 60%"

"great, then we have a deal." jungkook looked at his guard who stepped to him and lit his cigarette with a lighter. jungkook took a drag of his cigarette exhaling it before walking back to the table and grab the bag form his guard. "Here is the paper. sign it" jungkook said, taking out a prepared paper. He came prepared, he already made a contract for 60%, he wasn't going to accept the deal if it was lower.

"You expected this," the man said, taking out a pen and signing the paper.

"Of course I did, a man should be prepared," Jungkook said and signed the other side of the paper before putting it back in the bag. His guard took it from the table and stepped back. "Pleasure doing business with you, i out partnership to grow on loyalty"

"Of course, thank you," the man said and watched Jungkook leave the room before sitting back down.

"Sir, Kim Namjoon had called for you, he said to inform you when you were done with the meeting," Jungkook's guard said while they headed to the car.

"Tell him I'm on my way, I will call him once I have returned," Jungkook said and opened the car door. but his eyes fell on someone once again. He saw a cat hybrid on the street looking confused around him. "Are you fucking kidding me..." jungkook mumbled, he was about to step in keeping his word of not bothering with the boy again when he just couldn't move to actually get in. he groaned annoyed and shut the door. "wait here" he told his driver and walked towards the blonde boy.

"Kid" he said and the hybrid flinched and turned around alarmed. "What are you doing here?"

"I-i don't know"

"Don't tell me you're lost..." Jungkook said with his voice lowering, they were far away from the alley taehyung stayed in, there was no way taehyung walked here with a purpose. there was nothing for him here.

"I'm not lost!"

"then why don't you go home, you're in heat you should rest"

"i......i don't know how to get home" taehyung said and looked away giving ion that he was indeed lost.

Jungkook sighed deeply and looked around debating if he should do this or not. but he gave in once again and grabbed taehyung's arm, startling the boy who panicked.

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