13: Bored

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A full day passed and Jungkook sat in his office inside the Mansion scrolling through unread emails. "this man thinks he can get away with that." he mumbled frowning at the screen.

"You're still here? Surprising" someone said entering the room. Jungkook looked up seeing Hoseok walk inside. "i thought you were back at your home again"

"I don't need to go back, I'm fine here," Jungkook said, looking back at the screen. He didn't want to go back because he had to deal with a hybrid again. And he would care too much. He doesn't want to care so he was staying in the mansion for now until he feels like going home.

"whatever you say. Namjoon had been asking for you this morning, he got some important news and he wants to show you personally" Hosoek gave the information he had actually come in for.

"Tell him he will be there in a few minutes" Jungkook stood up, closing his laptop, he will do those emails later. Now he was curious what his friend got to tell him.


Meanwhile in Jeon's penthouse inside his mixed use company building was a very boring hybrid.

"Isn't he coming back?" Taehyung asked in the air. He had been expecting Jungkook to return but he hasn't come back yet. It's been over a day actually, maybe two if you count the first and this half day with. Taehyung had only gotten a meal delivered to him for breakfast and dinner. But Taehyung accidentally ate all of it in one go and was now hungry and he knew he wouldn't get more food because the workers only visited once a day. He asked them. They would come clean and leave food of his day in the table. The hybrid was actually supposed to heat up the dinner meal later but since taehyung had no idea how to use those strange devices he ate the dinner as breakfast while it was hot and later the breakfast, which made him end up now having no dinner and a hungry stomach.

"Tae is hungry..." he said rolling on his back in the hallway. The bed was a mess because he had tried to build a little fluffy ball for himself to sleep in. The livingroom was also not as neat anymore; he had looked through the magazines and left them scattered through the room. Taehyung didn't sit still. He was moving from the build up energy he had. He needed to do something he wanted to be entertained or he would get annoyed. Also something he learned of himself when he was at the laboratory. They wrote that along with his 'bratty' personality, not because he was spoiled but because he didn't understand things and was acting like he knew everything.

"I need food, '' Taehyung frowned and stood up. "i could just go get it myself right?'' Taehyung said. he didn't remember Jungkook saying anything about not leaving. Taehyung halted when he stood in front of the door. "wait did he?.....Nah" the hybrid shrugged and tried to the door a little to his surprise the door wasn't locked by the workers anymore and he grinned his excitement and curiosity rising high.

Suddenly he wasn't so bored anymore.

"oehh more buttons" taehyung said once he stood in the elevator he just pressed all of them and flinched when the doors closed. It felt so strange to him to feel the box go down. The doors opened again and he walked out seeing a long hallway with on the sides glass walls. He could see these were some kind of work storage, seeing boxes and a few computers. "ooh, what's here?"


Jungkook had arrived at one of his nightclubs. His second biggest one, were Namjoon was. The raven lit up a cigarette and told the driver to wait here outside for his return. Jimin, who he took with as a guard, followed him inside.

"You know, smoking is bad," Jimin suddenly said, breaking this endless silence.

"Do I look like I care?" Jungkook shot back, raising a brow.

"I suppose not, don't come whining when you die from it" Jimin shrugged and put his character back on when they were in front of Namjoon's office door.

"Namjoon" Jungkook said walking inside Jimin closed the door behind them and stayed near the door.

"Jungkook" namjoon greeted his friend back with a smile.

"you had something to show me?"

"yes i do, here" Namjoon opened a drawer taking out a few photos and handing them to Jungkook. "Seokjin saw him when he was outside this morning. I am pretty sure you would be interested in knowing this."

"well well, look who it is" Jungkook said taking out the cigarette and putting it in the small cup on the table. He glared at one specific man on the photo. He had brown hair which was in a bun and wearing a grey long coat. "it's been a while...Ryu Jinsang"

"What do you want to do?" namjoon asked

"Nothing, he isn't any bother to me, let him be. This is my city. as long he keeps his hands to himself in my city let him be" jungkook said. he didn't see any purpose in bothering himself with his ex. Who after a few years decided to show up here. "I must say he got some nerves coming here," he added, looking at the photo again. He didn't expect to see him again, not after what happened which ended their relationship and broke them apart.

"If you say so, want me to throw them away," Namjoon asked, taking the other photos from the table to put them in the trash. Meanwhile Jungkook put the one he had in his hand in his pocket. "yea, go ahead"

"Also now you're here, I have been seeing this strange customer here lately. He seemed on guard and was not ordering any alcoholic drinks. He is odd. He also stays too short each time. i expect he isn't up to something good"

"Take him out of the crowd next time you see him, i will have a word with him" Jungkook said. "i th-" suddenly his phone vibrates in his pocket. he frowned and took the device looking at the screen which alarmed. 'target left the penthouse' . Jungkook took a deep breath, shutting his phone. "are you fucking kidding me..." jungkooks eyes looked angry and he turned around walking to the door. "Jimin we gotta go to my house right now"

"oh what's wrong? something happened?" Namjoon asked, a bit concerned why Jungkook suddenly had to leave.

"Nothing for you two to worry about, email me the other details. i gotta go"


thank you for reading. i enjoy writing this story hihi. i will see you in the next chapter!


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