Chapter 2 Hayden

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I walk out of class with my mates who can't seem to stop talking about some girl in our class. I scan the hallway and find Teagan by her locker. She looks even more mature and beautiful than I remember. Her short hair has now grown to her shoulders. The tips are dyed blue. Her fashion sense has changed over the year. I wonder what happened to that tomboy that used to wear baggy jeans and flannels?

   I know the answer. She buried her just like I buried a part of me. I sigh and kick the ground.

   I catch a couple of guys staring at her and I'm pretty sure everyone in her class was most likely drooling over her too.

   "Go talk to her," I hear Zayden casually say. I shrug and tell him, "She needs time. Let's wait." like it's the most normal thing for anyone to hear their dead twin brother talk to them.

   It's been three days since college started and she's been ignoring me just like she's been doing for a year now. But I try not to make it obvious that I see her avoiding me. I sigh and turn my attention to my friends trying to catch on with the conversation.

   "That fresher looks damn hot man," Alvan says. I turn in the direction he's looking and see Teagan talking to some girl.

   "Who?" I ask dumbfounded

   "The chick with blue tips." I just stare at him without saying a word.

   "Uhm I uhm I got to get going. Bye guys," I tell them and quickly walk away with my head bent down.

   I get into my car and sigh. I look outside and see Teagan walking towards her car. I quickly start the car and drive down the parking lot. I look at my watch and make a note that I have fifteen more minutes until my sister breaks off from school. I stop by a pizza shop and grab ourselves a large-sized pepperoni pizza before I drive to her school. I stop the car opposite the building and get outside. I lean on the car and wait for the bell to ring. I look at my watch and on the count of 60, the bell rings. Within a few minutes, I see kids running out of the building. I cross the road and wait for her by a lamppost. A little figure with black curly hair resembling her dad's and blue sparkly eyes like her mum comes running into my arms. I carry her on my waist and kiss her cheeks.

   "How was your day today?"

   "Goood," the five-year-old says. "Yours?"

   "Mine was lovely," I lie. "I saw a dinosaur today and painted one." I continue telling her a story of how it looked and stuff as I walk to the car.

   Her eyes widen and she says, "Can I see?"

   "Maybe later?"

   "Please Hay," she whines

   "Okay okay," I say while opening the door and putting her in.

   Immediately she spots the pizza box and exclaims, "Pizza!!"

   "Hold on there little lady. We'll go home and you can eat after changing your clothes. If not your mum will lecture me if you dirty it."

   "But I'm hungry," she whines.

   "Well if you eat that my ship won't fly and we can't go home soon," I tell her.


   "Yeah this ol buckaroo," I say tapping the car.

   "But this is a car," she chuckles.

   I get inside and turn on the engine.

   "It only looks like that 'cause I'm a pirate in disguise arr-arrr-arr," I say and start driving.

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