Chapter 51 Hayden

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“Whose house is this, Teagan? I’m not coming in if you don’t tell me,” I growl in agitation. She has been smiling while texting on her phone the whole way simultaneously giving me directions but not saying where to.
   “Pierre's mum.”
   “What!” I turn and look at her in shock. “But how?” She briefly explains what she did. Bea hugs her and thanks hers. I just stare at her bewildered. “Look at you being Nancy drew,” I comment.  
   “It was Fiona mostly.”
   Deciding that Amelié might know Bea, only Teagan and I decide to go. Teagan takes Bea's phone and calls her. “Stay on call. I’m sure we won’t get any information while we are present. I’ll leave my phone behind,” she explains and we agree.
   Teagan rings the doorbell and a lady who doesn’t look any old than 35 max, opens the door. I frown. She doesn’t look like has a 25-year-old son. The lady looks at us suspiciously until Teagan speaks, “It’s me Fiona. I spoke to you regarding a cake for my mum's birthday.” Her face lights up as she nods and she welcomes us in.  
   “Can I get some water?”  Teagan asks not giving her a chance to talk. Amelié nods and walks away. Teagan takes out her phone and hides it behind the pillow on the couch that we take a seat in.
   “Thank you,” We both say as she gives us each a glass of water.
   “Let me just grab my boo-"
   “That won’t be necessary, Mrs. Jean. I already know what I want,” Teagan says stopping her from leaving. Amelié nods and grabs her tablet. She takes a pencil and looks at Teagan. “Let's start with the basics. What flavour do you want and how many kilograms?”  
   “I'll get straight to the point Mrs. Jean. I want Pierre.”
   The smile on her face drops. “W-who? “W-what?”
   Teagan leans forward resting her hands on her knees with her fingers clasped together. She speaks in an authoritative tone, “If you tell us where he is, you are doing him a really big favour. I know the cops would have already investigated you and you would have said that you don’t know-"
   “I really don’t. Who are you?”
   “This is the father of the child your son kidnapped,” Teagan points at me.
   “No. Shut up! My boy is innocent,” Amelié snarls.
   “Watch your tone. I come to your house with no intentions of harm. I want the babe. Not your son. Just tell me where he is,” Teagan explains calmly.
   Amelié shook her head. “Get out! Get out now!” she yells and stands up.
   “Amelié. Amelié. Would you rather have your son in prison?” Teagan taunts. “Don't you love your boy.” Amelié's expression softens and she starts crying, “Please don’t. My son is innocent. Please I beg you. I only have him.
  “I know you are tryna save your boy. I get it. But you see if the cops get him he will be in jail. And Alfred over here.” I have to pinch myself at the mention of the name. “His uncle is the Mayor. The mayor's men are also searching for your son. If he gets caught, you’ll only see his body.”
   “Noooo! What do you want?” she cries. “Please leave my son. He is innocent.”  
   “I know Mrs. Jean. No mother would want to see her son with stabs all over his body.” Amelié gasps in horror at the mention of that. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. That would be a pity.”
   “W-what do you want?”
   “Just tell me where he is. We'll get the baby and hand him over to you. You see I always like to ask nicely before having to do any blood work. If you just tell me, you can save me from getting my hands dirty and keep Pierre alive.”
   I glance at Teagan. She looks so intimidating right now. Her posture. Her attire. She has on a black silk shirt buttoned down. A black pair of jeans and big sunglasses on her head. She looks like a Mafia's daughter and it’s doing the trick. Amelié sobs shaking her head, “I don’t know. I really don’t know.” She joins her hands together and begs, “Please leave him. He is innocent.”
   “Amelié where is your bloody son!?” Teagan snarls and gets up. Amelié and I both flinch at the sudden rise in tone. “Your son ran away with a lady 20 years older than him and took someone else’s kid just for the money and you are supporting him? Do you even realize the seriousness of all this?”
    “W-what lady? I don’t know anything. I haven’t spoken to him past two weeks. I swear. You can check my phone if you want. I really don’t know anything. Please leave him,” she cries.
   “Every tear the baby mama sheds, your boy is going to pay,” Teagan says grinding her teeth before storming out of the house.
   Amelié tries to plead with me. I ignore her and do as planned. I tell Amelié, “Contact me if you know anything.” and give her a piece of paper with my number on it. Without saying another word, I leave. I stride to the car and get in. Teagan starts the car and takes off at full speed.  “Teagan that was fucking amazing!” I exclaim. “When did you become such a-“ I gesture to her at a loss for words. “Killer vibes. Movies kinda person.”
   Teagan chuckles and nods. “Put the phone on speaker.”
   Bea does as she says. Teagan stops the car five blocks away. We all sit and listen. At first, we just hear sniffles. Then we hear mumbling. I frown and lean closer trying to understand what she is saying. A few moments pass by and then we hear it, “Pierre! Pierre thank goodness you picked up!” We three exchange looks. Teagan smirks.
   “Record. Record!” Teagan yells. Bea nods and swiftly taps the screen.
   “Pierre two people came searching for you… Fiona and Alfred… I thought they were customers!… No, I didn’t say anything… Where are you now?... Son are you really with that woman and child… Okay. Okay… No, I won’t open my mouth. I won’t say anything… Be careful okay? Mama misses you. Muah.”
   “Cut the call.”
   Bea does so and asks, “What now?”
   “Send the audio to Hayden's phone. You stay in the car. We'll go have a chit-chat with Amelié again. You call the cops and send them this audio meanwhile,” Teagan instructs.
   “Are you sure we want to get them involved?” I ask.
   “They can track his number. We can’t.” I nod.
   Amelié gasps upon seeing us again. “Y-you- I told you I-I don’t know anything.”
   “Why are you shuttering Mrs. Jean? Are you hiding something?” Teagan asks. Her eyes are masked by the sunglasses. Her mouth tugs at the corner.
   “What! No! What do you want? Who are you?”
   “Shall we go inside and talk? It’s rather cold out here,” Teagan says casually and runs her hands.
   Amelié hesitates. Teagan pushes through and goes inside. She goes to the couch and lifts the pillow. She grabs her phone and turns around. “Oops, I forgot my phone.” Amelié looks at Teagan like as if she grabbed her gun instead of her phone. Teagan sits, leans back and crosses her legs. “I will ask this one last time. Where. Is. Your. Son?”
   “I-I don’t know. I told you I spoke to him a week ago.”
   “I thought you said Two weeks,” Teagan questions as she lifts her coolers. Her right eyebrow rises.
   “I-I no. I mean yes. Two weeks.”
   “Oh really?” Teagan gestures to me. “Then what about this?” I hit the play button and the recording plays. Amelié gasps again and looks at me in horror then back at Teagan. She just stands there lost for words. Teagan raises her hand and I stop the audio. “I'm trying to show some mercy here Mrs. Jean but you are really testing my patience.”
   “I swear I don’t know. He told me nothing. He keeps telling me he is with his friend.” Tegan stays silent and massages her forehead with her thumb and index finger. “Trust me, please. Let my son go,” Amelié begs.
   Teagan picks up the phone that’s on the table. “You used this to call him didn’t you?” she scrolls through the phone. Amelié rushes to grab the phone but I hold my hand out and stop her. “Ah, bingo!” Teagan's face lights up.
   “You are just kids. You can do nothing!” Amelié snarls and shoves my hand. She pounces on Teagan just as Teagan stands up. Teagan raises her right hand holding the phone. Teagan being taller than her uses it to her advantage and holds her down with her left hand. “I won’t let you hurt my son. Give me my phone bitch!” Amelié snarls as she tries to reach for the phone. I rush to aid but Teagan shakes her head so I stop.
   Teagan scuffs her into the couch and hovers over her. She sets her shirt and then waves her finger in front of Amelié's face. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. This isn’t lady like Mrs. Jean,” she taunts.
   “Please my son is innocent. Leave him alone.” Her voice is meek.
   “I’ll remember your words, Mrs. Jean.” Teagan steps back and turns on her heel. I look at Amelie to make sure she isn’t going to rush at Teagan. “And your actions,” Teagan says as she walks towards the door. Those words tick Amelié off and she jumps up. I hold my hand out but she pushes me and pounces at Teagan.
   “Teagan Move!”
   Teagan jumps to the side and Amelié stumbles forward. She holds onto a desk and stops herself from falling. She turns around looking at Teagan with venom. “You bitch!” she grabs a vase and lungs at her. Teagan quickly steps back making her miss her shot. She swings the vase up again when a voice stops her, “Step back and put the object down, Mrs. Jean.” All eyes turn to the cop that walks into the room.
   Amelié rushes to her crying, “Officer please help me. These two have been threatening me saying they will kill me.”
   “No, we haven’t!” I yell furiously.
   Bea enters and walks over to me. Mrs. Larson handcuffs Mrs. Jean. “W-why?” Amelié gasps.
   “You are under arrest for aiding a suspect and trying to harm Mrs. Jones.”
   Teagan and I exchange looks and nod. We did it. Bea leans close to me and whispers, “We need to do something for her.” I nod in agreement.

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