Part 2

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Laal Ishq

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"Mom , I want this marriage to be secretive till it's conducted. Otherwise all the media reporters will come there and we can't have a private wedding." Mahir requested mom
"Beta , I know you always want everything to be simple. Till marriage , anyone else than our relatives will get to know about this. Karishma's parents also agreed to this. Don't worry" Mahir's mom sumitra  caressed his hair.
"Beta , we should go to Mussoorie by tomorrow. Finish your shopping by today. I have arranged everything in our resort in Mussoorie where wedding is to be held." Sumitra continued
"Mom , why this early? There's more than 1 week for marriage." Mahir was puzzled
Sumitra:Karishma's parents wand a splendid and grand wedding. They want to have a lot of functions. We even hired a dance group
Mahir nodded and went out.

"Why you look depressed? What happened bhai?" Yuvi asked mahir who sat gazing at the garden
Yuvi: Don't ever dare to lie at me! Tell!
Mahir:Frankly speaking , I'm in confusion , whether my option to marry her is correct? Karishma's character is ----
Yuvi:Bhai , actually I hate karishma. But it's your life.
Mahir:2 days ago , I saw a girl when I went for an inaguration. I can't erase her from my mind. I feel some... something to her.
Yuvi: What's that feeling? Love?
Mahir:But I'm engaged
Yuvi:If you are Destined to be together , you will be together even if any karishma come in between

"Who are you my albela?" Mahir murmured with dreamy eyes
Yuvi:Is her name albela?
Mahir:No , I don't know her name. I just gave her a nickname
Scene: A shopping mall

Mahir and karishma were selecting bridal attire for her. Suddenly mahir saw the girl he saw yesterday again. Leaving behind karishma , he ran to her but he couldn't find her as she went away.

Next day , mahir's and karishma's family set out to Mussoorie. Their wedding was decided to be conducted there.

"Mahir and I will have seats close to each other in flight. That's my demand. I want him to be with me for 24 hours." Karishma told sumi and mahir
"Now both of you can enjoy" sumi laughed and went away

Mahir's POV

24 hours with her!!! God , at the wedding time , I'll become dead. We both had seats booked close to each other. I sat near her. She held me hands close to her chest. As soon as the flight took off , she started behaving weirdly to me.
"Look mahir , there's none in between us now. Come let's have our first kiss." She leaned to me
I moved away slightly and said , "Many people know us, if someone sees this, stop this karishma"
I was relieved only when the flight landed. We went to a nearby resort , in the foothills of himalaya. The whole area was romantic. Love was reflected in every dew drops. Till now , I was depressed but now I felt happiness. The resort was well decorated to welcome us. We even requested the manager of resort to keep our marriage as a secret.

"Mahir and I need a room together" karishma demanded
"Stop this Karishma , we are here for our wedding , wait till then. I want a separate room. I think yuvi and I'll be in same room" I said what I felt
This ignited Karishma , she went away with her luggage to her room followed by her beloved sister "Pari" who was screaming at her to calm down. I ignored them and went to our room with yuvi. After opening my Instagram account , I saw a lot of pics of Karishma with me she posted. Again I became depressed. After informing Yuvi I went out to the forests for a relaxation.

Pov ends

"Bhai , jf your alone time is over let's go for a coffee" yuvi said mahir
Mahir nodded and went with him.
A soothing music came from the music speaker of the cafe. After having coffee both came back to the resort. The whole resort was for them.
When mahir came to the hall , a lot of their guests where enjoying a girl's dance. He felt different sensation then.

Girl's dress

She was dancing to the song "Laal Ishq". A look at that girl's eyes made him hypnotised. He couldn't hear or see anything other than that girl. Her heavenly smile , grooving and gracious dance moves....

Tujh sang bair lagaya aisa

Tujh sang bair lagaya aisa

She was circling round and round when he stood beside her with open mouth.

Raha na main phir apne jaisa

Ho raha na main phir apne jaisa

Suddenly she slipped and fell onto his arms. Workers was walking through there with  plates of kumkum. Those plates , slipped from them....kumkum got mixed into the air around them. Both of them got covered in kumkum.
"This is my albela , she's my albela" he said
Mera naam ishq

Tera naam ishq
Mera naam ishq

Tera naam ishq
Mera naam ishq

Tera naam ishq

Thus their meeting was something that was destined by god.

"Beta , beta " mahir was woken up from his trance when sumitra called him. Mahir let her stand properly.
"Thanks" she murmured
Sumitra:Mahir , this is bela sharma. She's a dancer and working in event management also.

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