Part 25

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Precap : "Do you love babies?" Mahir asked with a cute smile
"Yeah a lot" bela smiled
"Okay , then let's have them?" Mahir was counting with his fingers
Mahir:Pinky , rinky , bolu , jolu then...
Bela:Who all are these pinky vinky??
Mahir:Our children
Bela:This much children! I don't want to start a nursery.
Mahir:But I want atleast 8 children.
Bela: That's too less we can have 800 babies.
" If you are ready , I'm also ready" mahir winked and bit his lips.

The next day , mahir gained consciousness.

"Bela , mahir is conscious. You can see him now" doctor sarika said to bela who was sitting sleeping in the seat on the waiting room.
"Doctor...really!!! I'll come" bela's face glowed up hearing that and was about to get inside ICU to see him but suddenly karishma interrupted and said , "She may be his wife , but I'm his everything. I'll see him first"
Saying this , pushing away bela she got inside the ICU.
" dear" screaming dramatically like this she caressed his face with fake tears.
"You know how much I missed you" she said


"Karishma dii , please give me something to eat" pari said to karishma who was thrusting in food.
"Now let me eat. I can't eat in front of sehgals. I want to fake depression in front of them. You know something I haven't eaten since morning. Let me eat this chicken leg and then I'll go and stand as if I haven't eaten anything" karishma grunted in between eating

Flashback ends

Thinking this a smile was brought on karishma's face but she suddenly changed it into sadness.

"Ahh...Ahhh...aahhh" mahir's started grunting seeing bela with increase of pulse.
"" he was saying something unclearly
"Ayy , why you got in here? Leave from here at once! He wants to meet someone he love not someone he hates. Get out" sarika ordered and karishma went out murmuring something.
"Sorry bela , mahir is not in a condition to see him now. You can see him later" sarika apologized
"No problem ma'am , I just want him healthy. Nothing more" bela smiled

"Don't overshow now , you're nothing for me" karishma said angrily
"Your game is already over and now you should be out of this field. Get lost" bela said with full swag.
Karishma: You're acting as if you are sita maa and your crocodile tears!
Bela:You are none to decide whether my tears are of crocodile's or not but comparing you to crocodile will be an insult to the crocodile!
Hearing bela's savage replies were a shocker for karishma as once Bela used to bear all insults of karishma
"Get scoundrel" bela whispered to her and then went away

How was our albela's replies? Tell me in comments

"Bela , now you can meet mahir" dr said and then bela got inside the ICU
Hearing bela's footsteps mahir woke up from his short nap.
"Be..bela" he whispered
"Mahir jii" bela got emotional seeing him. Running to him , she sat near him and then held his hands in her hands.
"You see..they are giving me so much injections" mahir pouted
Bela couldn't control her tears.
"Mahir ji...I was really scared "
"What you thought? I'll die" mahir smiled
Hearing this , bela placed her figers on his lips and said , "Don't ever dare to see that again."
Mahir's eyes were also teary but he smiled yet.
"You hates me right? Why you are crying now? Atleast for these days you could sleep peacefully" mahir said hiding his pain.
"Why you always says this? Please... don't speak like this...I haven't closed my eyes these days..." Bela somehow said in between crying.

"I was just joking... don't take it serious yaar...I miss our banters" mahir said but suddenly he felt a pain in chest
"Mahir ji , is it paining? " Bela panicked
" bela it's okay" mahir caressed her hair.
"Mahir ji , you know something , I became so late in expressing my love to you and then this happened. You can't estimate the pain I went through in these days." Bela was crying
"I said already I won't allow you to cry and now you are crying and I'm helpless. I can't even get up and wipe off those tears" mahir clasped her hands
"Mahir ji...I want to tell you something... something very important. Don't ever be close to karishma, she's dangerous" bela wiped off her tears.
Mahir:Arey yaar , don't be jealous. I won't go with her.
Bela: I'm not joking... I'm serious
"What bela?" Seeing bela's facual expression he understood something was serious.
Bela: I'll tell you everything..not now..later


"Bela beta , you have been here for about 2 days and haven't even changed dress. I think now you are relieved as he's conscious. Now go home and change dress." Sumitra adviced bela

Bela went to sehgal home after changing dress. She was cooking something.
"Mm..making something...I think to attract sehgals" pari said from behind
"I'm not making magnet to attract others." Bela said not even looking at pari.
"Ohh...but you yourself is Magnet. Once I have seen your dance... grooving with some" pari's words ignited anger in bela
"You know something, this is hot water. I have the guts to throw it onto your face. If you don't want that...then get out" bela said pointing her index finger at pari threatening her. In fear of that pari went away.


Scene : At hospital

"Mahir ji , see what I have brought for you! Your favourite food" bela showed mahir the food.
"I'll make you sit" bela said placing the pillow comfortably making him sit.
"Now eat this" she gave the food bowl to him.
"Feed me" mahir pouted
Seeing mahir's cuteness , bela smiled and then started feeding him by her own hands while he ate happily.
"We plan something , god execute something else" mahir said
Bela: Yeah , whatever happened till now was like that.
Suddenly bela turned hearing the cries of a baby. Seeing a baby stooping in the outside alone , bela ran to the baby. Taking the baby in her arms she started consoling her and soon the baby's mom came.
"Baby ran away , I was looking for her. Thank you" lady said and then took away the child. After that Bela came back to mahir.

"Do you love babies?" Mahir asked with a cute smile
"Yeah a lot" bela smiled
"Okay , then let's have them?" Mahir was counting with his fingers
Mahir:Pinky , rinky , bolu , jolu then...
Bela:Who all are these pinky vinky??
Mahir:Our children
Bela:This much children! I don't want to start a nursery.
Mahir:But I want atleast 8 children.
Bela: That's too less we can have 800 babies.
" If you are ready , I'm also ready" mahir winked and bit his lips.

Promo : thinking🤔

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