Part 50

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Before starting story , please read this.

What will happen when 3 fearless girls meet 3 most eligible bachelors of the town who are in search of love? Wanna learn more? Read Romantic_Fanatics's latest behir ff "Connected by hearts"

What will happen when 3 fearless girls meet 3 most eligible bachelors of the town who are in search of love? Wanna learn more? Read Romantic_Fanatics's latest behir ff "Connected by hearts"

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Scene: Behir room

When mahir got inside his room he was shocked to see bela already in the room starring at him.
"" He wasn't able to look straight at her.
"What you thought? I won't ever enter this room. That's clearly visible here. When I was here I used to arrange each thing perfectly and now it looks like a garbage field. How smelly this room is! Where's my photos? I placed it on the wall. Where's it? Tell me!" Bela screamed
"Bela... I'll arrange everything. Please calm down" mahir tried to calm down.
"No way! This room is a mess. Why this chair is piled with messy clothes! How smelly it is! What the hell! Mahir ji I won't spare you! Get out from this room" bela pushed him away.
"Albela...After years we are together. Let's romance yaar. Later cleaning" mahir pouted
"No way"bela declared pushing him out of room and locking door.

After cleaning , bela opened door of room. Mahir , who was waiting outside was fascinated seeing the room nice and tidy once again. Bela arranged a lot of behir pics on the wall impressively.
"Now it's our alone time" mahir said closing the door to which bela smiled. He leaned towards her but suddenly was startled hearing door knock.
"Who the hell---" he grunted while opening the door.
"Mahir beta , you both can't sleep together in the same room. You guys are not married" sumitra declared.
"What?" Behir asked together in wonder.
"We are married , we even have a daughter" mahir was furious.
"But you both lived till now separated like single people. After the marriage in next week you both can live together. Till then bela will be on my room" sumitra dragged bela by her hands.

Mahir's POV

After 6 years I got the chance to romance my wife , my albela. But again kabab mein haddi. These traditions spoil my life. Hope I'll get to see her atleast on our wedding night! Drinking some water , I slept sadly.

Pov ends
Scene:Bela in Sumitra's room

"Hello baby , how are you?" Bela asked to bunty in phone.
"I'm fine mamma , how are you?" Bunty was happy
"I'm also fine. Obey romy aunty and be good child. Ok" bela said and hung up the phone.
Then bela and sumitra slept.

Bela's POV

I was sleeping peacefully but that amazing sleep was disturbed by a creaking sound from door. When I looked at sumi maa , she was sleeping. Not interfering her sleep , I slowly got up to check who it was. It was dark everywhere. Slowly walking out of room , I slipped and fell on to someone's arms. From the touch and hot breathe that touched me I could understand who it was. My mahir ji....
"Mahir ji" I called him
"How you knew it was me?" He wondered
"How can't I recognise you?" I winked
"Come" he said
"To where?"
"Our room" he smiled naughtily
"Arey , don't you remember what sumi maa said? What if others see?" I was tensed
"We are married. Don't worry my dear. None will see. Let's come back at early morning. Like nothing happened you'll sleep near sumi maa. None will suspect us" he was making a lot of plans.

Pov ends

Suddenly both were startled hearing sumi's voice.
"Whose that?" She asked
"What will we say?" Bela whispered worriedly.
Shh" mahir signalled
Holding her hands , he ran away suddenly while sumi was trying to switch on light to find who made the voice.
"Who's this?" She asked
Mahir and bela hid behind a cupboard in the kitchen.
"Mahir ji , see what you have done?" Bela grunted
"Shh, she may catch us" mahir whispered


"For the past few days , even sleep is not with me. How can I sleep peacefully if that moron is back? God!" Karishma grunted while turning from side to side in her bed. Then as sleep was far away from her eyes she decided to get up and go downstairs.
"I'll have some water" karishma thought while going to kitchen. Behir were hiding in the kitchen and seeing karishma coming there both were extremely shocked.
Karishma was about to switch on light but then she said to herself , "Why should I stand in bright room if my life is in darkness! Yeah I'm the queen of darkness"
Mahir felt laughing hearing this statement. He was about to laugh but Bela pinched him reminding where they were. Then she went away.

"So you are the one who's roaming here like a ghost. Right?" Sumi said entering kitchen.
"Mahir ji , she found us" bela grunted
"Karishma , tell me. Why you are here?" Sumi asked karishma
"I couldn't sleep , came here to drink water" karishma replied
Sumi: Water is in the kitchen not in ky room. Why you came to my room?
Karishma:What! I haven't came to your room! What rubbish!
Sumi:You have bachelor degree in lying. Then why should I believe you , dumb head!
Karishma:Dumb head! It's your mother
"How dare you to talk bad about my mom!" Sumi caught her hair
Soon they started fighting. Behir took advantage of this time and ran away to mahir's room.

Guys , for the past few days I'm giving short and irregular updates. Sorry for that.

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