Part 41

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I want to tell you all something. I can't assure you regular updates in the initial days of next week due to some personal issues. Sorry for the inconvenience

Happy Reading

Mahir  got up from his bed hearing a knock on the door. Opening door he found it was sumitra.
"What?" He asked
She came inside and sat beside him in the bed.
"I miss how you used to be once. How happy and energetic you were! If there's any function,you were the one who arranged everything first. But have become a cold person" she touched his shoulder.
"Maa, there's no point in recalling the past. That's my past which means it won't happen ever again. If you want to tell something else , tell me" mahir's eyes went to the picture of bela's and his which he placed on the table near bed.
"I don't want you to be like this. Past should repeat. You should be happy always. Anyway I'm a mom right? I want my son to be happy always. There's no problem in your past , except this bela. Forget her and move on. Pragati and you are so close to each other. Marry her and get settled." Sumitra took the photo on table on her hand.

Mahir was irritated by this continuous preaching of his mom. Grabbing the photo from her he said , "Now I'm not in the mood to marry. And this photo , it's mine. I know what to do and what not to"
"It's been years since you gave a superhit film to your films. Earlier you had shooting on each day. You did atleast 5 films per year. But now! If you do one film in 2 years , it's luck! " Sumitra grunted and went out.
Mahir caressed the photo in his hand.
The same photo was with bela aka sonakshi which she threw away and was seen by bunty.

Let's now check what's pragati and yuvi doing.

"This is the place. She told me bela is working here in this movie set." Pragati said.
"Maybe as choreographer." Yuvi got out from car. The sari end of Pragati got stuck in the car door. Yuvi rushed to help her while they had an eye lock.

Ek Mulaqat Mein, Baat Hi Baat Mein

Unka Yun Muskurana Ghazab Ho Gaya

Kal Talak Woh Jo Mere Khayalon Mein The

Rubaru Unka Aana Ghazab Ho Gaya

Their eyelock was broke by pragati's cough. After an awkward silence both went to the set.
"Yuvraj sehgal , brother of mahir sehgal , right?" The director asked on seeing him.
"Yeah" yuvi replied and they shared a hand shake.
"When you called me and told you were visiting my movie set I was really excited. I wanted to make mahir sir hero of one of my movies. But you know something nowadays he's really terrible." Director said
Yuvi:I want to ask you something. Is here bela?
Director:Bela? None is working here with this name.
"Arey Yuvi , I'll ask. Who's the choreographer?"pragati interrupted.
"Ohh , you wanna meet her. Her name is Sonakshi. Really talented. You can meet her there" he said pointing finger at a near place.
Pragati and yuvi got from there and walked to the area to which he pointed.

"Sonakshi? Why we are going to meet that lady? Who's that?" Yuvi was confused.
"I don't know , but my instinct is to meet her. One more thing , I know something that you don't know" pragati clasped his hands while he looked at her in awe due to her mannerism.

Are you loving the new couple pragati and yuvi? Tell me in comments.

"Dance like this. Twist then turn" bela yelled at the actors.
While moving her eyes around , she caught a glance of pragati and Yuvi and was shocked.
"They here! Maybe they are searching for me. For all these years , I managed to hide myself and my baby from them. I should escape from here" bela thought

"You guys do the practice. I'll come soon" bela said and grabbed a shawl and went out. When yuvi and pragati reached there , bela managed to hide behind the wall with face covered with shawl.
"Sonakshi? Where's your choreographer?" Yuvi asked
"She went out now" one girl replied.

"She went out now , which means she's somewhere here. We should meet her" pragati told yuvi.
Yuvi:But why , we are searching for bela bhabhi not for--
Before he could complete , Pragati dragged him with her. Walking through the corridor she saw a girl hiding behind the wall with face covered.
"Yuvi , don't make sound. Look at that girl." Pragati whispered
Slowly Yuvi peeped and saw her.
"I feel like she's bela bhabhi" Yuvi murmured
Pragati:Now we should be very careful.
Tiptoeing to back side of sonakshi , pragati caught her from behind by her shawl. Sonakshi tried to yell but her fave was covered. She was dragged to a dark room and when she was able to see something , she saw yuvi and pragati beside her.

"You---you---" bela stammered
"What you thought? You could hide from us forever. Stop your exile , bela aka sonakshi. I know everything. EVERYTHING." Pragati was angry
"I don't want to again go back to my past. Leave me. Let me live peacefully. I plead!" Bela said with hands together.
Pragati:Okay , I'll let you live peacefully but give back our kuhu!
"What the hell are you asking her! She's not guilty in kuhu's death. We want to prove her innocence" yuvi said to pragati while bela stood shocked
"We want to prove her innocence right? That's why I'm asking. Tell me Sonakshi , Where's Kuhu? We don't want you , okay. But we want kuhu." Pragati said. Yuvi stood without understanding anything like students sit in maths class.

"How y--yo--u know everything?" Bela stammered
"You know something , truth can't be hidden by anyone for so long. Dr. Sharma is my friend." Pragati smirked


"Aha aha hahaha" pari laughed sipping liquor.
Karishma:You are now liquor addict. This can lead to problems.
Pari:What problems? Life is so happy hahaha
"I have something to tell. This yuvi is going out of my hand nowadays , he's so close to pragati.". Devo complained.
Pari:If you can't control your hubby it's your problem. Hahaha
Karishma:Pari, shshsh , stop this. Devo , what's the problem?
Devo explained the issue.
"Let's monitor him for a while. If more problems are there , then we can do something. I hate pragati. Now sumitra is making mahir marry pragati. I thought when bela go away , mahir will marry me. But now pragati is in the queue to marry him. We should end her too like bela" karishma showed her frustration.

Promo: Shocking Revelation

Word count: 1111 words.

Today's word count is quite unique right ☺

Thus we completed 40+ parts in this story. How much more parts you want? Tell me in comments

Target:75+ votes

Complete target soon✌🤘

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