Part 39

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Continuing from the previous part....

She kicked him making him trip down.
"How dare you to rob money! That too from an old lady" she screamed
"So..sorry" he said wriggling as she was standing on top of him.
Giving him an amazing slap she grabbed the purse from him and gave it to an old lady.
"Beti ,God will bless you always." Old lady said caressing her hair
"Thanks dadi ji. Take care" she sidehugged the lady and went away.

Romy and rahul reached the cottage and opened the door. They saw a girl on kitchen busy in making cakes.

Who's this girl? Any guesses.

Romy quietly went behind her and backhugged her making her shocked.
"Aunty! You shocked me" she said
"Baby , what you are doing here alone?" Romy caressed her hair.
"Mama taught me to make cakes. When she's here , she won't allow to make it. Now she went out , so I can make it. Don't tell mama" the baby girl winked


Scene: Sehgal house

"Yuvraj , I want to talk to you" Pragati said
"What happened pragati?" Yuvi was concerned
Pragati: Okay , okay , but please listen. Don't tell this to anyone , especially Devoleena. This is something very private.
Pragati:Yuvi , sumi aunty is forcing me to marry Mahir. Actually I can't see him like my husband or as a lover. He's only friend. Moreover, still in his someone else is there. You know who she's. I want to know about her.
Pragati:Yeah , I want to find bela somehow. She's as pure as mahir. This vikrant - kuhu issue is a made up issue. I mean someone played in between this to manipulate everything. Bela is not like that. We want to find the truth , for that bela should be found.
Yuvi: I too loved bela bhabhi but...
Pragati:Now you don't trust her right? Till now we haven't got an opportunity to listen to her side , everyone criticised her only. So we should find where she's. So we can listen to her side and by that find out whether she's guilty or not.
Yuvi:But how we can find her?

Pragati:Do you know anything about her friends?
Yuvi:Umm..yeah , I know someone. Suhani - bela stayed with her in the same dance school. I have her phone number in my old phone. Let's call her.
Yuvi somehow took his old phone and then dialled onto suhani's number. Putting the phone in speaker , he said "Hello"
"Hello , who's it?" The other person said
Yuvi: I'm...yuvraj sehgal.
"Yuvraj sir?" Suhani said after a minute of silence.
Yuvi: Yeah , I want a help from you. Bela have known everything right? Please tell where she's.
Pragati was growing more and more eager to know the truth.
"Yuvraj sir, I saw her years before. In that time  health condition wasn't good. After that I haven't seen her"  Suhani said
Pragati and Yuvi were shocked hearing this.
Yuvi:What happened to her?
Pragati: Your brother is a cruel fellow. How inhumane he was to leave her in such a condition!
Yuvi:What condition?

"She was pregnant with mahir sehgal's child!" The words suhani said hitted both of them like the vibration of a bell.

Yuvi: What!
Suhani:Yeah , she came to us. We were in a financial crisis then. Goyal was having less dance programs then. And her pregnancy was complicated. She suffered a lot then. But when she was 6 months pregnant , she left from our home and went somewhere else.
Yuvi:To where?
Suhani: Don't know. We asked but she insisted on not telling us.
Yuvi: Any ideas.
Suhani:No , but few days before that I saw her calling someone.


"So even they don't know where bela bhabhi is. But the most shocking thing is she was pregnant" Yuvi told
"Yeah , I can't recover from that shock. Poor bela , she suffered a lot. We now don't know even she's alive or not" pragati revealed what she felt.
Yuvi:I feel sorry for her. Now I feel like she hasn't done anything wrong.
Pragati:Anyway we should find her out. I have bela's phone number , let's call onto that.


Scene: A school

"Okay kids , now tell me who's your super hero?" The teacher said
Many little kids were talking to each other happily.
"Spider man" one kid said
"My dad"
"Hulk" one said to which others laughed
"My father"
"Super man"
"Shah rukh khan"
"My dad"
"Bunty , tell me who's your super hero?" Teacher asked
"My mama" a little cute girl told. She was short and had hair bangs.
"The only different answer I got is from  bunty. All others are similar answer" teacher told.
"She don't have father , that's why she's saying mama is her hero" one little boy said to which some laughed.
Bunty , agitated by this , jumped from her seat to his seat and then was about to punch him on the face but teacher interrupted.
"Bunty , you are a good girl right? You shouldn't behave like this. Come , come" teacher told
"My mom is my albela. Don't dare to talk about her" bunty shouted at that boy.


Scene: A home

A girl is cleaning a room. Taking a lot of boxes she was arranging everything properly. Everything was normal until something else caught her attention. A bag. Slowly opening it , she saw a photo.

This was the photo. For a moment , she spent admiring that pic. The next moment she broke the glass of the pic by throwing it away out from home through window.
"You were my past not my present nor future" she muttered.


Scene:Sehgal house.

A guy is sitting on the pool shirtless with a glass of drinks on his hands. Karishma slowly went near him. Seductively running her hands over his abs she whispered , "I love you mahir"
Not telling anything back, he grabbed her hands and made her too fall on pool.
"Ohh you are so romantic" she said was about to kiss his hands but suddenly he grabbed her head and suppressed her onto water making her suffocated. She tried to wriggle and escape from him but wasn't able to. After some minutes , he let her go and said , "I hate speaking , only actions. If you again dare to come to me , I'll kill you. One more thing , Loving you is like saying earth is flat."

If you guys make this part 70+votes within 9pm I'll update the next part too tonight.

Love you all♥

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