Part 24

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I wanna ask you all something. Is this story boring? I'm asking this as your response has been decreasing day by day. Tell me the truth.

Before reading tell me your opinion

Many of you guys were asking me not to separate behir. First of all understand something I'm also a behir and pearbhi fan. I won't ever separate them. Please be calm and patient and then read the story.

Scene : At hospital

"Mr. Yuvraj I called you personally to my cabin to tell you something very important." Doctor Sarika said yuvi who was twisting the pen in his hands due to anxiety
"What doctor?" He asked in shivering voice
"Your brother's condition is really bad. I can't assure you a positive outcome. Those lead shots severely affected his body. Let's hope for the best and don't tell this to all , especially sumitra and bela. Both are really tensed and depressed" doctor's words hit Yuvi like swords in his heart. He went out of cabin like a robot , he couldn't think clearly , only person in his mind was his bhai. He was thinking of how loving his bhai was.

Yuvi's POV

I was most attached to my bhai since childhood. He was not only my brother but my bestfriend. If he's not in this world , then I'll be like a heartless man. My heart is in his hands. I went to the area where sehgals were there. Mom and bhabhi were waiting outside ICU. Bhabhi was leaning her back to wall and was completely exhausted. Seeing me mom came and asked me what doctor told.
"Doctor told there's not much issues... let's pray for him" I lied
Not having the guts to stand there for long , peeping through the door to have a look at bhai I went out.

Pov ends


Mahir is about 13 years while yuvi is 9.
One day yuvi is crying at his room.
"What happened yuvi? Why you are crying? Has mom scolded you?" Mahir was in a panic mode.
"No.... that is....that Vijay hit me today. It's paining" yuvi said showing the bruise marks on his body.
Thinking for a while , mahir went out without uttering a word to yuvi. Going to the place where vijay and his friends play cricket , he grabbed vijay by his collar and then threw him to ground.
"Don't ever dare to touch my yuvi! If anyone dares to do that , then they'll have same fate as of yours" mahir said placing his feet of vijay's chest making him scream.

Later mahir was scolded and punished a lot for this deed by sumi and andy but he didn't felt a bit of guilty.

Flashback ends

Thinking about this , yuvi shed tears.

In between this as mahir had blood lose , bela donated blood for him.

"We should do something to end that bela's game. See her show...becoming pativrata wife. Is she devi sita? I feel like killing her in one stab.Ohhhh!!!" Karishma expressing her irritation to Pari ( her sister)
"Let's do something. She spoke against you on that wedding day and took away your love from you. Don't spare her. I'm going to slap her now" pari said impatiently
"Pariii don't be impatient. We should do a guerrilla war , hide and fight. Otherwise things will be more complicated" karishma advised

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