Part 45

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Vikrant started running his hands over his hair . Violently rubbing his hair he started making strange voices. "She did everything. She told me that he was kuhu's lover. She told me that kuhu was pregnant with his child. I believed foolish I'm! She tricked me" he mumbled.
"Who's this she?" Yuvi whispered


Continuing from the previous part....

Yuvi dragged pragati onto the room and locked the door shocking devoleena.
"Yuvi...yuvi!!! Open the door" devo knocked on the door but of no use. Atlast devo went away angrily.

"I want to tell something very important" pragati said leaning closer to him.
Pragati: Where's vikrant now?
Yuvi:Why you are asking such silly questions! We know he's in jail.
Pragati:No... he's not in jail. He's in a rehabilitation centre.
Pragati:Vikrant has been a drug addict. Thus he was taken there.
Yuvi:I can't believe all these.
Pragati:He was a drug addict. So I suspect something.
Pragati:This is a mere calculation. I feel so...He was given drug by someone to manipulate him. Then he may be brain washed by someone for their personal motives.

Yuvi:But who'll be that?
Pragati:I suspect someone. That's Karishma and devoleena.
Yuvi:Devoleena! I can't believe that. I don't love her much but this....
Pragati:Yuvi all are my doubts. We couldn't come to any conclusions. For the clarity we should talk to bela. We can't do anything without her. If we work together we'll be able to achieve it.
Yuvi:Can we go and see vikrant?

Scene:A rehabilitation centre

"Sir , we are the ones who called meet vikrant" Yuvraj told to a man who looked middle aged.
"Oh yeah , I remember. You can see him. But remember... he's a prisoner. You have some limitations. You can interact with him for 20 min. Actually we don't allow any visitors for people in the condition of vikrant. But how can I deny it when Dr. Sarika's beti is asking for a favour. Pragati, yuvraj you can see him now. One thing , be careful. He's not mentally stable.

Yugati got inside a ward where different small rooms where there. The whole building was beautifully furnished. On finding the room assigned to Vikrant , they opened the door slowly. He was there in the room gazing at the window. He hasn't known that someone else was there in the room. After all these years , he has changed drastically.
His hair was long like that in the preview pic. A long beard covered the most portion of his chest.

Yuvi as well as pragati were terrified to move forward. But as they didn't have any other option , Yuvi went on and slowly touched his shoulder. Vikrant slowly turned and on seeing yuvi he smiled in a strange manner.
"I knew you'll come to me one day" he laughed
"We want your help. Tell us what happened between you and kuhu. Have you in some manner involved in her death?" PRAGATI asked boldly.
"See me as a a mad a prisoner....but I know the truth. They cheated me" vikrant started shaking.
He started running his hands over his hair . Violently rubbing his hair he started making strange voices. "She did everything. She told me that he was kuhu's lover. She told me that kuhu was pregnant with his child. I believed foolish I'm! She tricked me" he mumbled.
"Who's this she?" Yuvi whispered.
"Karishma" he replied shocking yugati


Mahir went for the shooting of his movie. Due to the call from kuhu his mind was disturbed. Even though he called her back again there was no response.

Mahir's POV

At free time of shoot I went out to cafe to chill. My mood was deteriorating second by second. Bela was innocent. Everything was done by that girl
Karishma. How happy we were! How much we loved each other! One misunderstanding changed everything upside down. Bela...sorry ...sorry...I punished and blamed you for something you haven't ever done. The only thing I want now is to see her somehow which seems to he impossible. On reaching cafe I saw a lady talking to someone on phone. Noticing that lady's face , for a minute I couldn't see anything other than her. Each beat of my heart could be then heard clearly. She was...she was...she was my bela ...My feeling were out of my control. I was nervous+excited+sad+happy+ guilty. God took me to her. Her look was ultimately changed. The long hair which I admired a lot was cut short. From traditional clothes she changed to modern wears. She was wearing a denims and tshirt with specs. How much she changes herself , she's bela.

Now it was the time to approach her. Going behind her , I cleared my throat to gain her attention. She was paying her bill to the cashier. Hearing my sound , she turned back. For a moment , she too was shocked. The wallet fell from her hand onto floor.
"Bela" I called her lovingly after years.
"No... I'm sonakshi" she said and started walking away. I too followed her.
"I have hurt you...a lot...But please listen to me..atleast once. Please understand me. Please bela..." I pleaded. But she took no notice of me.
"Bela, how much you change yourself , you are bela. My albela. You are Bela Mahir Sehgal." I yelled.
Suddenly one girl ran to her hugging her and called her mumma which was an ultimate shock for me. It was bunty! If bela is her mumma , then...then I'm....
I couldn't think clearly. Bunty , on seeing me jumped near me.
"Uncle , you met mumma right? Mumma this is mahir uncle" she pointed at me.


Guys I wrote a much more elaborate part but a part of that went deleted somehow😥 Now I hope all are okay with this part.

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