Part 3

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Hello readers! How are you all? Hope you are all fine and safe💞

"Mahir bhai , are you sure?" Yuvi asked mahir
Mahir:Yeah , she's my albela. See the coincidence , I gave her a nickname Albela and now her original name is Bela
Yuvi: What's your plan?
Mahir:Even I'm puzzled
Yuvi:Do you love karishma?
Mahir:I don't know. I don't hate her but whether I love her I don't know. But I feel something to bela.
Yuvi:If you are Destined to be together , you'll be together by any way. Don't worry , whatever happening will be for good.

"Let's go for a picnic in the near hills" Karishma said to all
"We are ready" Kuhu and yuvi said
Kuhu , yuvi , mahir , karishma , Rj were in the car for their trip but suddenly bela and her friend suhani came to them.
"Karishma ma'am , if you don't mind can you take us too to this trip?" Suhani requested
"What , we want to take local dancers like you to our trip. Chii , get lost" Karishma shouted
But mahir interrupted and with his dreamy eyes fixed on bela , he said"You too can come with us. Let's enjoy"
Karishma was shocked by mahir's statement but before she could do something , both of them got in the car. Suhani and bela were really talkative. They got really close to kuhu and were chit chatting with her. Karishma and mahir were sitting close to each other , but mahir was looking at bela only.

"We are dancers" bela said to kuhu
Kuhu:Where are your families?
Suhani:My family is in Delhi.
Seeing bela's silence over that question , kuhu looked at her. Suddenly bela nodded and said , "I'm orphan"
Kuhu:Ohh , I'm sorry bela
As soon as they reached the hill which was covered by forest from all the sides , they got from the car. Misty air filled the surroundings.
"Mahir , come let's go and spent somewhere alone" karishma said holding mahir's hands. He nodded and went with her.
"I really don't want to be with karishma , but she's not leaving me. Now how can I see my albela" mahir thought while faking happiness to karishma

They were sitting on the top of a hill away from others.
"Mahir , you know something I always like to be with you" karishma said leaning onto mahir's shoulder
Mahir:Do you want jalebi?
Karishma:No , I can't eat it. It will affect my diet.

Bela , suhani and others were on another hill.
Yuvi:When we climb down this hill, we can go to the forest which is a treat to the eyes.
All started slowly climbing down the hill. Bela was however busy in taking photos. But when she looked at others , after clicking pics , she found all had already climbed the hills.
"This hill , seem to be so slippery. I was busy in taking pics. Now I should travel it alone" bela thought and slowly tiptoed down the hill. But in somewhere between , her legs slipped. She was about to fall down , but mahir somehow reached her and grabbed her hands. In the force , she landed on his chest hugging him. For the next few moments , they were immersed in each others eyes.

"Hello dancer madam , be careful" mahir teased her
Bela:Ohh thank you
Mahir: I'll help you to climb down
Bela:No , I'll do it alone
Mahir:Lock your egos somewhere else and obey me.
Bela:, I'm not going to obey anyone. I'll do it myself
Mahir suddenly left her hands , she was again about to fall down but fortunately again mahir held her hands.
"See , this is what I told. Obey me or otherwise , lions of these area will eat you next day" he grabbed her hands forcefully intensionly so that she again will land on his chest.
Mahir held on hand of bela in his hands and he held his another hand around her waist , walking with her slowly and carefully as if she was a small kid.

Bgm:Ishq Wala Love

Surkh wala, sauz wala, Faiz wala love
Hota hai jo love se jyada waise wala love
Ishq wala love

Behir looked at each others eyes. They felt something different.

Hua jo dard bhi toh humko aaj kuch zyada hua 
Ishq wala love 

Again bela was about to fall but he tightly grabbed her waist. Bela smiled at him.

"Why you are so close to me? I think you are a fan of me. Do you want a selfie with me?" Mahir asked her as soon as they reached down.
Bela:Ayy, leave me. You are tightly grabbing my waist.
Mahir:But you came close to me right?
Bela:So what? You hugged me

"Look at their nok jhoks , it really look cute"Yuvi said to kuhu
Kuhu:Bhai have a chemistry with her better than with karishma


Karishma's POV

In this trip , mahir wasn't even with me. I feel disgusted by this. I should do something to be more close to mahir. I went to sumitra aunty.
"Aunty , tomorrow let's organise haldi party" I said
"Do you want haldi party? Mahir said he didn't want" she replied
"No aunty , I want this...please" I pleaded
"Beta , don't worry , we can arrange." She assured me.

Pov ends

Servants came with a lot of dress piling the room of karishma. She was looking at different dresses. When she disliked it , she threw it right onto the face of the servants cursing me.
"What dress design is this! My servants wear better dress than this" Karishma shouted
Atlast she ended up on a yellow lehenga.

Bela and others of her dancing team where decorating resort with flowers.
Bela:Suhani, we can have a yellow ethnic background. That will be the best.
Suhani:Yeah , decoration with flowers.
Bela: I'll arrange the flower chains on the wall.
She stood on the top of a stool and started pining marigold flowers. Due to her movements, the stool was tilting.
"Bela , be may fall down" mahir said to which bela didn't paid any attention. But the next moment , the stool got tilted extremely and she was about to fall down. She fell down on the top of mahir.

How was this part? Give me responses

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