Part 37

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As I'm lagging and dragging this story a bit now I'm fast forwarding a bit. Behir returned after the trip and few days passed away.

"Bhai I want to tell something." Kuhu said. Her eyes were red due to crying.
"Kuhu, what happened? I'm noticing you for the past few days. What's the problem with you?" Mahir was concerned.

"Bhai , Vikrant....I loved him deeply. That's why I decided to get married. everything feels like an infactuation. He's no longer the old vikrant anymore. He always beats and abuses me. He considers me like a slave. He wasn't like this. I can't understand his change" kuhu was weeping over her depression.
Mahir:Kuhu , what are you saying?
Kuhu:Bhai , I told the truth. See the bruise on my neck , he caused this. Yesterday too he abused me. I can't tolerate this anymore.

Scene: Behir's room

"What the hell mahir ji! I can't believe this. No this can't be true! Vikrant can't do this!" Bela murmured
"What you mean? Is kuhu lying?" Mahir asked in a low tone
Bela:No...I didn't meant that...but how can this be true...viku is my brother. I know him well. He's not an abuser.
"Bela , you lived with vikrant only for few years but since the day kuhu is born I'm with her each day. She's my little sister whom I love a lot. She's beaten by him very badly. She's being abused by him. Look at her how depressed she's! " Mahir shouted
"Why are you shouting at me! What crime have I committed? You believe your sister right? I believe my brother too. That's all" bela too said with equal force.
"Leave the relations. Think non partially. A girl is being tortured by her husband. Who's right? Girl or her husband" Mahir tried to calm himself.
"I can't think like that. He's my brother. He won't do so. Maybe they have some issues between them." Bela said and went out of the room.

Mahir's POV

Why bela is partial towards vikrant? Just because he's her brother , she trusts him blindly. I too trusting kuhu blindly. Today I will find out whether kuhu is saying the truth or not. That night , when bela slept I went out of the room to check kuhu's room. Looking through the key hole , I found the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. He was rubbing kuhu's face over the wall , clasping her throat while she trying to get her sound come out of throat. How dare is he to do this to my sister! I kicked opened the door and slapped hard vikrant who was standing there in amazement.

"" he stammered
"Haven't expected me right? I didn't believed kuhu that you were this much inhumane. I won't leave you , Mr. Vikrant" I said pointing my finger at him.
"Bhai , bhai... don't make a problem. I just opened up my mind. Don't tell to others...please" kuhu pleaded.
"Kuhu he's treating you like an animal and how can I be blind eyed towards it. I'll inform everyone now and make this vikrant in jail." I shouted
"Please bhai .... forgive him..." She cried
"Mahir...Sorry I made a mistake. It was a misunderstanding. Sorry...please forgive me" he pleaded


Next few days passed like this. Bela and mahir were talking each other less and there was an atmosphere of confusion , melancholy and anger towards each other.

One night

Hearing a loud scream , bela and mahir woke up in the middle of night. Before bela could sense what was going on , mahir slided from his bed onto the floor and rushed to kuhu's room. Bela too followed him. When both of them reached her room already the sehgals were crowded around the room.
"Mahir beta...mahir beta" sumi was crying
Mahir:Maa , what happened?
Sumitra:Kuhu...kuhu is no more.
Everyone where standing completely shocked. Before mahir could say something , sumitra fell onto his arms fainted.
"Bhai... she's no more" yuvi said while crying.
Mahir couldn't utter a word. He was feeling completely cold. Bela on the other hand was shocked hearing this.
"What happened tell me?" Bela asked yuvi
"Don't you know what happened? Don't you know" mahir raised his voice. Pushing away bela , he leaned onto the lifeless body of his sister to see her for the last time.

"Kuhu...I told you na , we could do something...but you didn't allowed me...why you did this?" He said caressing the body of his sister who committed suicide.

"She wrote a suicide note. Vikrant Is the reason." Andy said trying to control his tears.
"He went away somewhere" he continued.

"I won't spare him." Mahir clasped hands of kuhu.

After some moments...

Kuhu's body is covered in white cloth and is placed in the living room while all others sat there mourning for her death.
"How can I live without can I?" Sumi yelled.

After some time, vikrant came. Seeing him mahir rised from floor and went towards him.
"Mahir... what happened to kuhu? " He asked
"Don't you know anything? You killed her and now pretending as if you don't know anything. I won't spare you now" mahir said grabbing his collar.
Vikrant:I killed her? What the hell! Are you mad?
"Stop your bloody acting." Mahir yelled
"How can you understand the importance of family relations when your mother and father didn't ever loved each other and mother loved someone else. How can you?" Mahir asked shocking bela. Bela didn't ever expected something like this.
He grabbed the collar of vikrant. Bela came in between and tried to part away vikrant and mahir. But mahir pushed away bela.

"Bela, I loved you. But you too are the reason for my sister's death. You are also responsible. You blindly believed vikrant." Mahir shouted

"Mahir try to understand...please... it's not like that. " Bela tried to say but mahir and vikrant where indulging in a fight now. Punching each other and kicking each other atlast mahir got hurt by a glass piece in his chest.

Promo: Leap of 6 years...

Guys , I know this part is quite depressing but it's unavoidable as it's a turning point of the story. I wrote this part in a hurry , if you didn't understood something ask me in the comments.

Target:75+ votes

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