Part 31

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Precap: "Now none is here. Give me a kiss" mahir pouted
Before bela could do something, he smashed his lips onto her getting immersed into a deep kiss. The kiss was driving both of them mader

"Mahir ji , how can you think of telling this to me! No way , acting with karishma! I won't ever agree to this nonsense" bela screamed in a shrill sound angrily
"Bela...please calm down.. understand, 2 years ago when I was in good terms with karishma I signed this movie , even we shot some scenes. But due to weather and other issues , movie was postponed. If I move away from this film it will be a black mark in career. Karishma is just a workmate , that's all. She already went to shooting in her vehicle. Tomorrow we will go from here. Apart from the shooting time I won't even go near her. I promise!" Mahir said touching in head.
"But she's the heroin of the movie. You may have intimate scenes and I can't bear that. " Bela was not in the mood to cool down
"No , I inquired director about this. There's nothing like that. It's a family film. They want to urgently release it , that's why this issue....please bela... it's a matter of my career" mahir tried his best to explain his side
"Ummm...okay...but DON'T EVER GO NEAR HER" bela said firmly
"Agreed" mahir , in the happiness hugged bela.


"I'm you won't ever be happy...EVER!" Someone whispered seeing all these.

Who's it?





It's devoleena👿

"Devo , how are you? It's been months since you went to US. How's your parents?" Sumitra asked devoleena.

"They are fine aunty , how are our sehgals?" Devo smiled "All are fine

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"They are fine aunty , how are our sehgals?" Devo smiled
"All are fine. In between mahir wasn't well , but now he's okay" Sumitra replied
Devo:Yuvi told me everything.
"Devooo , come...what a surprise!!" Yuvi exclaimed hugging her.
Behir saw devo from upstairs through the stairs.
"Look whose back! Now she'll nag us" bela scratched her hair being annoyed
"If she Annoyes you , then I'll kick her from here" mahir pushed bela towards him by her belly and penetrated his hands inside her sari to touch her belly. His touch gave a ticklish feeling to bela which made her wriggle.
"Mah...mahir...jii" she laughed
"Laughing!!! I know how to wipe it off" devo said seeing this to bela
"If you wipe of her smile , then I'll wipe you off from this world" mahir said

(Actually devo thought bela was alone. Seeing mahir she was shocked)

Being fed up with this reply she went to her room.

Next day

Behir packed everything to go for the trip. As soon as their car arrived , they entered it and started their trip. Behir sat in the backseat while a driver drove the car.

"I want a kiss" mahir whispered pouting
"Driver is here , he might see" bela whispered pushing him away

Imagine this conversation as whispers

Mahir:Please , one kiss
Bela:No way
Mahir:How can you be this merciless!
He ran his hands through her neck grabbing her towards him.
Bela:Mahir jii , please don't...
Before she could say something ,he was roaming his hands everywhere around her body giving her soft kisses. As Bela wasn't enjoying this as driver was there , mahir stopped.
"Mr. Ramesh , you do one thing. You can go back.  I'll drive , you go back" mahir ordered
"Okay sir" he replied obediently and went out after stopping the car. Bela was amazed by mahir's tactics. Mahir climbed to the driver's seat and drove the car. As soon as they reached a lonely forest area , he stopped the car.

Then hoping back to the back seat , he sat beside bela.
"Now none is here. Give me a kiss" mahir pouted
Before bela could do something, he smashed his lips onto her getting immersed into a deep kiss. The kiss was driving both of them mader.


"Devo , I'm on the way...soon I'll reach the shooting place." Karishma Said in phone.
Devo: I'm here in sehgal house to monitor them. You should trap bela. You can be really close to mahir in the sets.
Karishma:The director have a soft corner for me. I asked him to add some intimate scenes. Somehow I want to be close to him. I'll go to any edge for that.
Devo: Please be careful, mahir is immersed in bela's magic now. I think bela is a witch , she can easily make anyone fall for her. So you should act accordingly.
Karishma:From tonight shoot will start. It's in a forest like area , we have given a hotel room. My room is close to theirs. Shooting is for few weeks. When we come back after this shooting , mahir will be with me. He , himself will shoo bela away. I'll make him do that.
Devo: What's your plan?
Karishma:Break bela , Physically and Mentally.
Karishma:I have 2 plans..either create misunderstandings between bela and mahir or physically attack bela somehow.

"Mahir ji , when will we reach?" Bela asked
"Within 15 minutes. We will go to our hotel room. Tonight is the shooting. Set is near the hotel room." Mahir replied

Promo: Thinking🤔 not getting ideas😫

Target: 70+ votes and 50 comments

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