Part 27

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Sorry for posting late.

Mahir got discharged from hospital next day and all came back to sehgal house. Next day is bela's dance program.

"Bela , I knew that it was your dream to dance in that hall. So I arranged everything. Are you ready?" Mahir asked bela
"Mahir jii , there's a lehenga for dance is missing." Bela wasn't that happy
"Bela! What! Please check...where you placed that lehenga?" Mahir was anxious
Bela:I placed it on the cupboard. I checked even yesterday. What will I do now?
"Bela , don't panic. Let's do something" mahir consoled her
"But...the hall is far away from us. We only have 1 hour left to go. What can we do?" Bela was worried
" do your makeup and all. I'll arrange everything" mahir said leaving bela in their bedroom with the makeup artist
"Ma'am , don't be tensed. Mahir sir will arrange some way" makeup artist said while decorating her hair.

"Anish , please do something. This is an emergency situation." Mahir said to someone over phone.
"Don't worry Mahir , I'll send my staff to the hall with the lehenga of your need." That person replied back.

"Look it's already 8'00 am. Now there's not much time left. What will I do? It was my dream to dance in that hall , but now because of my carelessness it's about to slip from me." Bela's voice was filled with sorrow.
"Ma'am , we can do something. Please don't panic , it may even affect your performance. Calm down" the makeup artist tried her best to calm her down.

Scene : Karishma's Room

"Dii , what you did? Tell me...tell me your plan" pari begged
"Today bela's heart will be shattered. An opportunity will slip away from.her hands because of me. she's going to pay for what she did to me. " Karishma laughed hysterically while sipping liquor from a glass.
"What's the thing? You are saying something and I can't connect what you mean" pari was disturbed
"Today , mahir organised bela's dance in  a hall where she wanted to perform for so long. I took away the lehenga which was her costume. Within one hour she would have to go to the hall and now she have no time left for arranging another" karishma whispered
"Dii , you are so intelligent! Whatever you did is right . Now she'll be depressed" pari too laughed

Seeing mahir , bela ran near him and hugged him.
"Mahir jii...what will we do now?" Bela cried
"Bela , come let's go to the hall. I've arranged everything there." Mahir patted her back consoling her and took her to the hall.
Throughout the way to their hall , she was crying. On reaching the hall , mahir took bela to the makeup room where a person was waiting for them. On seeing them , he handed over a cover to mahir and mahir paid him some money.
"Bela , go and wear this dress. Apply kajal once again" mahir instructed
"Mahir jii" bela's that call consisted of all her emotions while he closed his eyes signalling her to go.
She went inside the room and changed the dress. Then once again applying makeup , she came out of the room.

"How beautiful she's! She's really an angel!" Mahir thought mesmerized in her beauty.

Bela's dress and makeup

Her jewellery was floral in design enhancing her beauty. Her open hair flew and touched her cheeks which she tucked back using her fingers.
"Mahir ji , if you stare at me like this , I'll melt down. Come it's the time for the performance" bela gave a nudge to mahir and both went to the stage.
Sumi , andy and Yuvi were also present in the stage to see her dance.

"Now her dance's would have started. What dance will she do without costume? We can soon see her coming back with teary eyes" pari said to karishma while both were consuming liquor sitting in their room.

"Mahir ji... I'm going" bela said to mahir before going to back stage. She left but not before sharing a hug with him. After that he went and sat with other sehgals in the stage. First of all there was dance of some others.
Then the anchor announced , "It's been a pleasure of us to welcome Mrs. Bela sehgal for performing here. As we all know she's the wife of superstar Mahir sehgal and moreover an amazing dancer. Let's welcome her with applause"

Mahir and others were really excited. But mahir was quite overexcited for his albela.

Nainowale ne ho

With the start of song , bela came running to the centre of the stage with her dupatta flying. Her smile and grace was enough to make all catch her attention.

Nainowale ne chheda mann ka pyala
Chhalkayi madhu shala
Mera chain rain nain apne sath le gaya

She started moving to the rhythm of the song.

Pag pag dolun re ho
Pag pag dolun re
Dag-mag si main chalti hoon
Jagmag lau si jalti

Her dance was gracious like that of a peacock.

Tere nainon ki kaisi madira
Tharr tharr kaanpun re tere teer se chhitti
Chandan pe naag si lipti
Main behosh tu nasha, aisi moh ki dasha
Mera chain rain nain apne sath le gaya

"Her dance made me notice her for the first time. Her dance was our connecting bridge. I should do some more things for her so that she can follow her passion , instead of just making her a house wife." Mahir thought while admiring her dance.

Nainowale ne aaha, nainowale ne
Nainowale ne chheda mann ka pyala
Chhalkayi madhu shala
Mera chain rain nain apne sath le gaya

As soon as the dance ended , bela bowed before the stage. Everyone applauded her performance and she went to back stage. Yuvi , andy and sumitra went together in one car to home.

"Bela , your dance was awesome." Mahir said
Bela:Thank you Mr. Mahir sehgal (winking)
Mahir grabbed her by her waist close to him and said , "Arey my naughty albela , let's go somewhere together. What about beach?"
"Umm...okay , but if you don't leave me others may see us like this." Bela wriggled and came out of mahir's hold.
Then both went together to a beach nearby.

Standing with their feets soaked in sea waves , they held their hands together. Mahir thought of something naughty. He leaned forward and took a pile of sand on his hands. Throwing it on her,he started laughing.
"Mahir jiii!!!"bela angrily yelled.
Fearing his dangerous wife , he started running laughing while she started chasing him. Atlast bela grabbed him by collar of his shirt. Loosing the grip both fell down with mahir on top of bela.

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