Part 9

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This part is dedicated to my dear friend Crazy_Fari. She suggested me a lot of things in this plots. Love you ❤❤❤💓❤❤❤

"Beta , you are now married. You are happily living with your wife" Sumitra said mahir
"It's just a marriage. Even I can't touch my wife. If I do so then I'll be dead by Next day" mahir murmured
Sumitra:Okay , so now it's the turn for yuvi. He loves a girl , right? She called me yesterday , she's coming here today as she was unable to be present at your wedding.
Mahir:Ohh that girl , her name...I forgot
Sumitra:Devoleena Mukherjee
Mahir:Oh yes , today's our puja too , right?
Sumitra: Yeah, get ready for that too.
Mahir:Ok maa

In behir's room
Let's see what they are doing...

"Bela , get ready for the puja tonight"Mahir said while combing his hair looking at mirror.
"But why you are doing so? Is it right?" Bela asked him coming near him.
Bela went more close to him , pinning him to the wall beside.
"I think albela is in the mood for romance." Mahir winked grabbing her hands.
But suddenly bela wriggled from his grab and grabbed away the comb from his hand.
"I was asking about this. Why you took my comb? Does superstar mahir sehgal don't have a comb of his own" Bela told
"Superstar mahir loves his wife a lot , that's why" he tapped her head and was about to go. Recalling something suddenly , he stood at the door step and said , "Today yuvi's gf is coming"

Bela was getting ready for the puja. She wore a sari and was about to go down but was stopped by kuhu.
"Arey bhabhi, I won't let you go." She said
Bela:What kuhu?
"Always you are wearing sari. Today's puja , I brought something different for you." She gave bela a cover
"What's it kuhu?" Bela examined the cover
"Di , it's a lehenga , I bought it for you today. I felt this color suits you." Kuhu said and went out.

Outside the room , mahir was waiting for kuhu.
"Has she believed you?" Mahir asked curiously
Kuhu: Yeah , I said , I bought it. Don't spoil that with your over speaking
"I know how to lie. She won't ever get to know , I bought this dress for you." mahir said and was about to go to his room but kuhu stopped him.
"Arey , don't go bhabhi is changing dress." Kuhu said and went away

Mahir waited outside the room for so long but as there was no sign of bela coming out he decided to go in and check. When he slowly opened the door and entered the room he saw bela was in front of the mirror , struggling to tie the knot of her blouse.

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