Part 44

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Sorry guys for not giving updates regularly even after completion of targets. I'm quite busy with academics. treezasayana2001 special apologies to you. Sorry for the inconvenience❤

"Mamma , come ... let's go and have tea" bunty pulled the shirt end of bela.
"Baby understand , I'm not well. My head is aching like hell. You go to cafe with him. Tomorrow we can together have tea" bela lied. Atlast a sad bunty went alone to cafe. Mahir was already waiting for her there.
"Alone?" He removed his cooling glass.
"Mamma is not well. She said she'll come tomorrow. I'm angry to her now" bunty climbed onto a chair.
"Arey , maybe mamma isn't well. Don't worry. I can meet her tomorrow. Don't be sad dear. And don't be angry to mamma , I think she loves you a lot. Leave it , what you want" mahir said.
Mahir:One icecream and one coffee.
After few minutes the ordered items were delivered.

"Beta , what about your dad? Where's he?" Mahir asked while sipping coffee
Suddenly bunty's pleasant face changed onto an upset one.
"I don't know" she said sadly.
Bunty:I asked mamma about my dad. She said I don't have dad. She's not telling me whose my dad. All other children in my class have dad and some tease me for not having dad. My biggest wish is to meet my dad one day.
Mahir: I'll be your dad then
Mahir: I'm somewhat equal to your dad right? Consider me as your dad. Problem solved.
"Beta , we are the one who create relations and we are the one who break it too. You must have heard about lord Shri Krishna. He was the son of Devaki but Yashoda took care of him. Even though Devaki was his biological mother Krishna must have loved Yashoda a bit more." Mahir explained.
After thinking for a while , Bunty smiled and clasped his fingers


Scene:Bela's home

"Mamma , till now you haven't told me who my dad was. Now I found my dad myself" bunty winked.
After being shocked for a moment hearing this "What?" She anxiously asked
"You heard it right! I found my dad. Mahir "bunty said.
Bela felt petrified hearing it.
"Till now I tried to wipe off my past and hide it from her but now....", Bela couldn't think clearly
Bela:What are you saying?
Bunty:Mahir uncle told me to consider him as my dad.
Bela now felt relieved.
"Bunty , he's a stranger. Don't be over close to him." She warned and then went to change her clothes.

When bela went to her room for changing dress , bunty secretly took phone and called mahir by dialling his number which he told her already.
"Hello mahir uncle" she said.
"Hello baby. Who's phone is this?" Mahir was amazed.
Bunty: Mom's phone. (Whispered)
Mahir: Why are you whispering?,
Bunty:,Uncle....uncle mamma don't like you a lot. She told me not to be close to you.
Mahir:Oh seriously? Maybe because she hasn't ever met me. Do one thing give the phone to you sonakshi mamma. I'll talk to her.
Bunty went and gave bela the phone without telling her anything.
"Hello" bela said
"Hello sonakshi" mahir replied.
Hearing mahir's sound after these much years bela felt strange and cold.
How much she used to wait for hearing his voice back then! How he always called her albela! Everything changed now....a lot... Bunty did all these , she gave him phone.

"Hi" bela replied hesitantly
Mahir:I feel like I know you. Your voice seems so familiar.
Bela:Umm...maybe you have heard my voice or have talked to me.
Mahir:But can't remember.
Bela:Sometimes somethings are beyond our memory Mr. Sehgal. Anyway nice talking to you.
Bela ended the call.


Mahir's POV

Hearing my favourite songs I was sipping liquor from a glass.
Don't know why but after hearing Sonakshi's voice I feel so different. Till now I felt empty but on hearing her sound I feel complete. I haven't ever felt felt it before when...when I was with her. My mind is nowadays out of my control. Hallucinations have been common. Why I'm thinking about her always! Why!!! She's the one who destroyed my life completely with her fake love.

I jerked hearing my phone bell. A call...from an unknown no:
"Hello" I said
"He--hello" The other person said
"Who's this?" I politely asked
"Bhai...bhai..." The girl said
What ! This was the sound of kuhu. She used to call me like this.
"Bhai , I'm kuhu. I know thousands of questions will arrive onto your mind on hearing this. It's me kuhu. I'm not lying. I know you'll believe me atleast by this voice. I'm not dead. I got to know everything now. Bhai... don't hate bela bhabhi. She's innocent. Vikrant was manipulated. She's behind everything..." Kuhu gasped
"Who?" I was confused
"Karishma" she muttered
Beforr I could say something back the call ended. I couldn't believe what I heard till now. Everything is manipulated...which means...oh god... it's kuhu who called me because I know her voice. How can I fail to realise voice of my dear sister. In the effect of liquor and all these I collapsed on to sleep.


"Yuvi I got some more info." Pragatu screamed. She was really happy that she hugged Yuvi and turned round and round. Even yuvi felt happier.
"What you are doing?hahaha" yuvi laughed
Suddenly devo saw these. Rushing near them she pushed away pragati and shouted ,"Who the hell are you to do this! He's my husband , you cultureless fellow"
"But I don't consider you as my wife." Yuvi said. Dragging Pragati onto her room yuvi locked room shocking devoleena.

Promo:Mahir on the way to meet bela.

"Maa , I'm ready to marry mahir" pragati told sumitra to which sumitra was delighted.

Target:80+ votes

I'll try to update as soon as possible ❤

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