Part 54 (Epilogue)

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"Mahir ! Bela! Here! I can't believe. He said he was going somewhere for work and he's here with bela!" Sumi exclaimed seeing them together.
"Maa , don't make a scene out of it. Let them enjoy. You are not even allowing us to enjoy" yuvi winked and took sumi  from there.

After few months....

Mahir and bela in their room watching tv sitting in bed.

They are actually seeing a movie. The movie ends. Mahir is the lead actor of movie and atlast in showing the name of cast and crew his name was shown. Then Bela Sehgal's name was shown as the name of choreographer. Both smiled at each other seeing this.

"Bela , look ,both of you are getting applauded a lot. See your couple name "behir" that's too nice. See this edits are made by your fans. Many IG fan pages are even here." Pragati exclaimed.
"They all love us a lot" bela smiled while adoring her mahir.

"Bela , today is karishma's trail in court." Mahir was serious.
"Will she get bail?" Bela asked worriedly
"Let's see" mahir reassured her.

"Actress Karishma denied bail." Something like this was shown in television.
"Yaay" yuvi was literally dancing seeing this.
"Now she'll be in jail atleast for the next few years. She's gonna repay and repent for all her fraud deeds" mahir smirked while sidehugging bela.
"Who's karishma?" Bunty came from her room.
"Someone you should never know. She's our past. Now don't think about that" bela smiled and caressed bunty's cheeks. Behir and bunty hugged while sumitra , andy , kuhu and others smiled seeing this.

Scene: Behir room

"So our problems somehow ended. Now let's chill" Mahir winked
"But not before cleaning this room" bela smirked
Bela:Clean this room. Look how untidy it is! All your smelly tshirts are here. Ughh!!! I feel like vomiting.
Mahir:Please control your ocd for some time. It's the time to love.
He grabbed her by her waist. She slowly started moving towards him while he closed his eyes . But feeling a slap he opened his eyes and saw bela standing with folded hands.

"Do you think I'm gonna kiss you? Pagal!" Bela laughed
Mahir: What's wrong with you?
"What's wrong with you?" Bela mimicked him including his actions.
Mahir:You don't love me.
Mahir:How cruel!
Mahir: Thousands of girls are drooling behind me but you are ignoring me.
Bela:Not girls! Thousands of donkeys are drooling behind this monkey.
Now mahir went behind bela who was running from him. Atleast chasing bela , both fell on the bed and laughed.

"We are the match made in hell" both said together and laughed


                     •°The End°•

We started this journey together on june 13 and now ending it on 27 Sept a happy note. While writing this story I got a lot of friends. Not mentioning anyone by name as you all....each reader is extremely special to me. Love you all ...for loving and supporting me. Because of this support I was able to complete 54 Parts.

"Match Made In Hell" this title justifies the story right? In this story behir are like this right? Tell me your honest reviews (negative and Positive) about this story in comments.

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