Part 28

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Precap :Bela:Then I'm excited for our trip.
Mahir: It's our honeymoon right? Then let's practice romance from now😉
"Before that cleaning" bela laughed

Mahir and bela were so close. He was on top of her. Enjoying the deep eyelock in which they were immersed in , they smiled. Mahir took a bit of sand and threw it on her neck while she laid enjoying it. The sea waves made them drenched.

"Look sumitra has came. We can see bela coming with teary eyes and red nose. Come" karishma smirked and stood with pari in the balcony.
"But where's bela? She's not there" pari wondered
Feeling someone's presence behind , karishma turned and it was yuvi.
"For whom you are searching?" Yuvi asked
"Where's bela? I think her dance didn't went good" pari's laughter was filled with hatred for bela.
Yuvi understood from this that karishma did something bad against bela. So he acted and said , "Yeah , the dance didn't happened. Everything went wrong. Bela bhabi was held by authorities to pay for the lose of them"
Karishma and pari couldn't control their laughter hearing this but pari acted as if she was disappointed and said , "Ohh that's unfortunate"
"Karishma chudail and Pari whose original name should be shaitaan have plotted something against bela bhabhi. Anyway their plan went wrong. Let them be happy for a while thinking they won. Atlast the shock will stab their heart" yuvi thought while going down.

"For the first time our plan won. Let's celebrate! I'm going to buy a cake. Otherwise today bela would have celebrated. But today we'll celebrate. I'll arrange a cake. Let's cut it with our 'BELOVED BELA'." Karishma laughed like a demon with pari.

After some time

Behir reached sehgal home. In between this time , karishma and pari arranged a cake and placed it in a table in the centre of living room.
"See their car came" pari whispered
"Mahir ji , she has organised cake and all. What's the reason?" Bela wondered
"Let's see" mahir said as he got from car.

"Karishma , what's the need for this cake? Tell" sumitra asked

"Bela have you understood what she meant?" Mahir whispered
"Yeah" bela said suppressing her laughter
"Let's make her celebrate today. I have a plan" mahir winked and went to the living room.
"Belaaa...come let's cut the cake. And wipe of your tears too" pari said to bela giving her knife.
While pari was walking towards the cake , suddenly mahir pulled the carpet and rolled it away. Due to the sudden force , she rotated and her face landed on the cake while all others stood laughing at the scene except karishma.

Mahir himself went and pushed pari from the cake.
"Actually this is a slap in your cheeks to Ms. Karishma. Look karishma you think you can make bela sad by doing something. Instead of wasting time in this , do something productive and useful. Shame on are degrading yourself" mahir's face was filled with hatred towards karishma.
"Karishma Di , I sensed your plans when you were searching for bela. Anyway congrats , your plan is flop" yuvi clapped his hand

Scene : Karishma's room

"Look diii!!! They insulted me. You are drooling for that mahir and he did this to me. Look..." Pari said loudly in a cringy voice while sniffing
"Pari...calm down....please...our journey is gonna be difficult. Now we should break bela and mahir's bond to break bela... that's all...devo told 2 months ago that she'll come within two days. But haven't reached yet. I gave her 40 lakhs for this. And my money is wasted" karishma grunted

Scene : Behir room.

Bela is arranging books in the shelf and wiping off dusts from the books.
"This mahir ji is really dirty. He don't arrange books and all atleast once in an year." Bela thought

Bela's look

Feeling a back hug , she turned back and saw it was her mahir ji.
"You are making me work a lot. Look how dirty this room is!" Bela complained remaining in that position.
"Okay then... I'll clean everything" mahir said
" should take rest. You can't do anything just because you are out from hospital." Bela was angry
"You don't allow me to clean nor not to clean. Then what should I do! I think I'll spend my life romancing you" mahir winked while bela glarred at him.

"Bela , I have signed a film few months ago. It's shooting will begin soon in a far away Location. I think we both cann go together" mahir asked bela
Bela:But mahir ji , your health...
Mahir:The directors and crew know everything. They arranged everything according to that. Don't worry.
Bela:Then I'm excited for our trip.
Mahir: It's our honeymoon right? Then let's practice romance from now😉
"Before that cleaning" bela laughed
Both started cleaning the room.

Promo: Behir moments❤

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Love u all


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