Part 30

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Let me tell you all one thing. Like majority of you I'm also a student who have a lot to study and write. But I'm spending some time of mine of here on writing and updating story too. Initially everything was okay , but nowadays your response and support is decreasing. I can't understand the reason for that. If you know the reason tell me in the comments or in message so that I can understand and rectify it. Or if this story is becoming intolerable please tell me so that I can delete it and quit wattpad.


Scene : Next day

Mahir woke up first and opening his eyes he saw Bela enlocked around his protective arms immersed in deep slumber. As usual , the naughty mahir pinched her nose making her awake.
"You didn't let me sleep last night. Atleast now let me sleep" bela blabbered not coming out of her sleep
"What were you doing last night? Where you busy?" Mahir laughed
Hearing this bela suddenly opened her eyes and glared at him.
"Should I tell you what I was doing last night?" Bela was angry
"I don't love talking , if you don't mind I'll repeat" he winked grabbing her closer to him.
"You are a naughty monkey" bela pinched his nose.
"Thank you Mrs. Albela" he said while his hands were busy roaming in her body wildly giving her sensations.
"Mah..mahi..mahir...ji...leave me....leave me" she pleaded
"I won't" he winked.
Again he started nuzzling her neck kissing her neck while his hands were busy roaming around her body.

"Mahir beta... bela beta" Sumitra called knocking on the door.
"Maa came!!!" Bela was shocked
"Go and open the door. She spoiled my mood" mahir said rubbing his head.
" go and open the door. I'm going to washroom" bela said going to washroom covering herself withing the duvet. Mahir somehow opened the door.

"Maa..hehe...nice to meet are you?" Mahir blabbered to fill up the embarrassment.
"Maa went away. Can't you see me? I'm yuvi. She came to call you both , but you weren't opening the door" yuvi winked
"I was bat..bathing.. that's why" mahir made up a lie
"But your hair doesn't look as if you were bathing. Hair should be wet then right?" Yuvi started his interrogation.
Mahir:I dried it
Yuvi:So where's bela bhabhi
Mahir:She... she's bathing
Yuvi: Bathing together 😉??
Mahir:N--no , First of all I bathed then she.
Yuvi:Mahir bhai , you know how to act....but in movies only. In real life you can't act or lie. Haha
Mahir:Wh.. what are you meaning?
Yuvi:Umm , nothing...continue your romance. I'm not going to be a kabab mein haddi
He went away leaving mahir blushed.
Bela came out after taking bath in her towel.

"I forgot to take my clothes and bath robe." Bela hesitantly said as she was wearing a towel only.
"So what? You forgetting that became a blessing for me" mahir said pinning her to the wall. He winked at bela who opened her mouth in awe thinking about how dirty her mahir ji's mind was.

He was coming closer to her. But suddenly she pulled away him and said , "Go and take bath. Your mouth is smelly like a garbage bin. Go go" she said acting as if she's nauseous.
"My mouth isn't smelly" mahir checked whether his mouth was smelly.
"" bela again acted pushing mahir onto washroom. Thinking and laughing of his naughty deeds , she got ready.

Scene : Karishma's Room

"So devo , Today you are coming right? I'm waiting for you. That bela and mahir are enjoying a lot. Let's spoil that together." Karishma said in phone.
After ending the phone call she said to pari , ''Tomorrow devoleena will come. She will help us."
"Okay...but we don't want to trust or like her that much. And I don't want her to marry Yuvraj." Pari said
Pari:I want to marry him!
Karishma:What! Do you love him?
Pari:Till now I haven't felt anything like that. But you know something , when you marry mahir , you'll inherit his property. When I marry yuvraj I'll inherit his property too. What a deal it will be!
Karishma:Pari , you are really intelligent. I haven't thought of such a thing yet now. Standing with devo we will receive her help in destroying bela and then we will backstab and trap devo and then you'll get married to yuvi , right?
Pari:Yeah , absolutely yesss.

"Sir , know everything right? I can't ever think of working with her again" mahir said in phone.
"Mahir sir , I know but we already started pre production work and even shot some scenes and then this happened. You signed the contract too. Sorry sir , you have no other way other than to act with Karishma. I'll take care of her" Director said.
The phone call ended.
"I thought this trip will be my honeymoon. But there I'm going to act with that karishma. Even I convinced myself how can I convince bela!!! I have no other way but to act with her." Mahir murmured to himself.

Target : You can decide

Promo: Undecided

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