Part 18

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As you guys helped in crossing 60+ votes , I'm posting this♥

Precap :

"Hey Mr. Mahir Sehgal , your heavy dialogues work only in movies , not on me." Devo said mahir
"Have you called me here to say this? You know something , in real life I don't say heavy dialogues. I don't say , I only do. I love my bela and you hurted her. Till now I spared you just because you are the bride of yuvi. But you won't get that advantage from now. " Mahir smirked

Devo:Till now I spared you because you are yuvi's brother. But from now on you won't get that advantage.
Mahir: Let's see
Devo:Yeah , let's see

Happy Reading

Behir reached sehgal house. Bela was about to enter the home but suddenly sumi came and said "Stop".
Everyone including bela was shocked but mahir remained in his same cold expression.
"Sumitra , what you are saying?" Andy asked anxiously
"Actually I didn't meant anything else. You can enter here after arti" sumi said and did arti to welcome bela.
"Bela beta , I did a big mistake of insulting you. My heart felt apologies...See me as your mother and forgive me." Sumitra said while bela teary eyed , hugged her sharing an emotional moment with her.
"Maa , you are my maa. My maa didn't ever loved me but you gave me that love. I also did a mistake of hiding my past from you all...sorry maa" she said while crying
After few minutes of their conversation , sumi came to mahir and told , "My angry bird , please be calm. Your wife is okay now but you are angry"
But mahir ignored that. Sumi pinched his cheeks making mahir laugh a bit.
"Now both go and change your dress" andy said
"We will go but before that I want to see Ms. Devoleena. Where's she?" Mahir ran his eyes around the room.
"I'm here. Haven't gone anywhere else" she said with her arrogant voice
Mahir:Ms. Igniter .... nice to meet you again. Continue your manipulations.
Devo was about to say something but yuvi came in between and to dissolve the issue he cracked a joke.

Scene : Behir's room

Bela was drying her hair but suddenly mahir too came behind her and started drying his hair from the same dryer.

"Why you are disturbing me? I'm just drying hair and you are also coming here" Bela said being annoyed
"I love to do everything with my albela" mahir was drying his hair using dryer with one hand while his other hand was on bela's belly
Bela:Ohhh do you want to do  everything with me? Will you bath with me? Do you😐
Mahir:If you want I'll do😉
Bela:Arey , how shameless!
Mahir: You are the one who's shameless.
Bela:How can I be? I asked logically
Mahir:Who are you to ask logically , Mr. Einstein
"Ok then teach me some physics" mahir said grabbing bela by her waist
But their romance was disrupted by sumitra.
"Beta...beta...please open the door" she called
"Oh this mom!!!" Mahir murmured and opened the door
"Bela beta , come with me." She said and dragged her by her hands while bela looked back and pouted at mahir sadly and went away.

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