Part 26

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If you have read my previous story "When we meet". This news is for you. I'm going to write soon the second part of "When We Meet".

"Can't you remember anything?" Bela gave him one more chance.
"No bela tell me" mahir was irritated
Seeing his anger bela also got angry.
"I'm pregnant" bela declared


"Maa , when will I be able to go out of this hospital? I really feel claustrophobic. And I have also given my dates for some movies" mahir said to sumitra
"Mahir , you haven't completely recovered yet , that's why you haven't discharged yet." Sumitra consoled her restless son and then went out.

After 1 month...

Still mahir is in hospital. Sehgals felt if he's allowed to go back home then he may not take rest.
Tomorrow mahir is going to discharged.

"Mahir jiii" bela called in a high pitch voice coming to the hospital room with bunches of roses , bouquets and some other gifts.
"Bela , what's all these things?" Mahir wondered
Bela:Do you remember today's speciality?
Mahir:What speciality? I can't remember anything. Tell it our anniversary
Bela:You only think about that! It's only 4 months since we got married. Today's speciality is something else.

(What's the speciality? Any guesses)

"Can't you remember anything?" Bela gave him one more chance.
"No bela tell me" mahir was irritated
Seeing his anger bela also got angry.
"I'm pregnant" bela declared
"Wha...wha..what? How's it possible?" Mahir couldn't believe what he heard. In the shock , he jumped out of the bed.
"Don't you know how someone is pregnant? I'm pregnant"bela again said
Mahir:But nothing of that sort happened between us. Then how's it possible?
Bela:So are you doubting and questioning me , right?
Bela was about to go but mahir grabbed her hand and told , "Bela , please tell me...I can't understand"
Bela: Don't you understand what I told?
Mahir:Bu...but...I haven' anything.
Bela:What the hell! What are you saying?

(What you guys think about it?)

Suddenly karishma entered the room.
"Wha..what is this? Don't you have manners" karishma shouted seeing behir in a close position.
"Actually I wanna ask you that. Don't you have manners!" Bela asked her staying in the same position. Mahir's hands were enlocked around bela's waist.
"And let me tell you one more thing , I'm pre---" before bela could say mahir closed her mouth by his hands
"What" karishma was puzzled
"Le..let me tell" bela said in between to mahir
"Bela , I can't believe what you are saying. Let's tell her later" mahir whispered
"Are you playing tom and jerry? Tell me what's the matter" karishma was irritated
Bela ran to karishma to tell her the matter but mahir chased her. In between all these , bela fell on bed with mahir on top of her.

"I love you bela.... It's been long since we laid in the bed like this. I missed this" Mahir smiled
"I too missed this...but whenever baby comes everything will be fine" bela whispered to mahir

"Hey! I'm here...please stop this" karishma shouted but behir were busy in their world. Getting annoyed by all these , karishma went out closing door tightly.
"Bela...please tell me..." Mahir pouted
"Mahir ji...I was lying... today's your BIRTHDAY and that's the speciality." Bela said reversing their position. Now bela was on top of mahir.
"Birthday...mine...oh god...I forgot" mahir murmured
"So these gifts , you bought for me , right?" Mahir asked
Bela:No my dear hubby , I haven't bought anything for you. These all are gifted to you by your fans.
Mahir:So you haven't bought anything , then you're saying you love me.
Mahir moved away from bela and sat on the other corner of bed.
"I'm going to give you something special. A kiss" bela winked at him.
"Really!!" Mahir was shocked by bela's bold move.
Bela nodded and leaned towards him while mahir sat closing his eyes. Bela went and kissed him cheeks and then moved.
"I'm not a 5 year old boy to give me kiss on cheeks" mahir complained
"You're 5 year old for me. My mahir baby" bela laughed
"Okay , now let's open this gifts" bela said opening the gifts.

"You can see right? How much gifts are there? My fans love me a lot" mahir smiled
But bela was busy in opening packages of gifts.


"Pariii...bela is pregnant!" Karishma yelled at her
"Wha...what? Did they had such a relation?" Pari wondered
Karishma:Even I can't believe! Now they are so close. They were romancing even in front of me. I'll call devo and tell her. I recruited her here for making problems but she's there chilling in US.
"Hello devo...bela is pregnant" karishma said in one breathe.
"Wha..what?" Devo opened her mouth in shock
"But how's it possible?" Devo continued
Karishma: don't you know how someone gets pregnant? I sent you here to sehgal house for making problems there but you are chilling in US. Now she's pregnant too it means I can't ever make mahir mine!!!!
Devo:Why you are screaming at me? I didn't did anything. And coming to US was an emergency. Now instead of screaming let's plan something. I'll be back in India within 3 days.
Karishma:Bela and mahir are not in the mood to announce their pregnancy to all. So I feel they won't tell all. In between this time , we should kill the child in her womb... that's all!


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