Part 51

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We crossed 50+ parts. Thanks to all those readers who were with me throughout in this journey  supporting , guiding and loving me❤✨

Next part is behir shaadi. Vote nd complete 80+ votes as fast as you can to read the next part.

"Mahir ji!!" Bela was irritated
"Arey bela , don't scream. Someone might hear" mahir said closing the door of their bedroom.
"I want to be with you...some alone time...please" mahir pouted to which bela smiled
"Okay , okay , let me give you something. Wait" mahir took a cover from the cupboard
Bela: What's this?
Mahir:This is a dress I purchased for you , years before.... It's your favourite color. Please go and wear this.
Being excited , hearing this bela went to dressing room to wear this.
After some time , hearing some grunting voice , mahir leaned onto the dressing area. Seeing the next scene he couldn't hold his laughter.

 Seeing the next scene he couldn't hold his laughter

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Mahir purchased a dress like this for bela.

But the current scenario was different.
"Bela....bela...I said na , I purchased it years before. Sorry...", Mahir said in a hurry fearing the anger of his wife.
"You are cruel. You wanted to show that I became fat , That's why you did this. You gave me a dress of color which is my favourite to make me know I'm fatty now. Right?" Bela screamed while suffocating with the dress.
The dress of too short for bela because of which she was suffocating wearing this.
"Bela , most of the ladies will gain some weight after delivery. That's common. I'll purchase another dress of a big size for you" mahir consoled.
"I'll give you something else" he said and gave her another dress and told her to wear this. She went to the dressing room and was shocked to see a short black suit reaching above her knees. After some time bela came wearing that.

"Ohh" mahir opened his mouth in wonder seeing bela in that dress. She walked towards him and ran her fingers over his cheeks.
"Bela , you are looking---" he was about to say something but bela placed her fingers on his lips.
"Giving a dress with which I could merely bent or walk and now saying I'm looking awesome , hey stupid , I'll kill you." She threatened him.
"You look so hot when you are angry." Mahir leaned towards her.
"Even now you are thinking acting like a teen boy. Now you are a dad" bela slapped his head.
"I'll be a sweet 17 boy in front of you forever." Mahir winked
He grabbed her towards him. Looking at ger eyes , he locked his lips with that hers. After an intimate kiss , they smiled at each other reminiscing their past moments. Mahir ran his lips over her hair and neck while bela stopped him and said , "I'm tired , stop your romance. Let's sleep"
Hugging each other they slept.

Next day....

At morning ,when bela came downstairs sumi looked at her in a teasing manner making bela feel awkward.
"Maa..." She called
"Bhabhi , where were you last night?" Yuvi asked
"In this Sehgal house" she replied
Yuvi:Arey , I know that. I asked in which room
sumi maa's room...
Bela: Actually When I couldn't sleep properly , I went out. That's all.
Sumi:To where
By now yuvi was laughing his heart out.
"" bela lied
"Maa , her garden is mahir bhai's room" yuvi whispered in sumitra's ears making her too laugh
Being embarrassed , bela rushed to kitchen to take her cup of coffee. But yuvi followed her to kitchen.
"Bhabhi , your lies are amazing" he said to her behind her back.
"Wh..what?" Bela couldn't stop blushing.
"How was yesterday night😉" yuvi winked. Bela gave him a soft slap and went away blushing and laughing.


"My baby , I missed you" bela said hugging bunty
"I missed you too mamma" she kissed bela's cheeks.
"So haven't you missed me?"mahir asked
"So much , mahir uncle" bunty said jumping on to his arms
"Baby , not uncle , it's your papa" bela instructed
"Love you papa", saying this bunty kissed his cheeks making him feel the fatherly love for the first time ever in his life. With one hand he caught bela beside him and with other hand we held bunty making a perfect family moment💖


"So what's your plan bhai?" Yuvi asked
"Don't you wanna give a surprise to your to be wife Pragati?" Mahir asked
Mahir:I also want to give a surprise to bela. So I have planned something amazing.
Mahir: Everyone think that we are gonna conduct wedding in this house ,but no.
Mahir:In a jungle
Yuvi:Jungle , what are you saying bhai?
Mahir: Don't worry , lions are not there in that jungle😅
Yuvi: I'll say a better destination. A beach!
Mahir:Okay! So we can take everyone from here to beach as a surprise. I'll arrange everything.
Yuvi: I'll also be there with you.


"Devo , stop crying" karishma said to devo
"How can I ? My husband is divorcing me. He's gonna marry that Bitch Pragati tomorrow. Uhhh..." She yelled spreading her make up all over her face ending up looking like a demon.
"I have a plan. Anyway this is our end game. So I planned something. It's gonna be risky. But nothing comes in our life easily." Karishma said
Devo: What's it?
Karishma:Whether it works or flop , it's gonna be our last plan. I heard something mahir telling to yuvi. They plan for the wedding to be conducted in the xyz beach.

Karishma explained her plans to devo. Hearing all these , a ray hope filled the mind of devo. She hugged karishma. Pari starred at them seeing all these.


Bela was in her room selecting ornaments for her big event.
Bela's pov

Atlast , after years , I'm gonna be my mahir ji's again. How much I missed him! But God is all seeing. God is always with us. While trying some necklaces on my neck looking at the mirror , I saw mahir ji coming to me through the reflection in mirror. He back hugged me as usual. His touch in bare waist , gave me different sensation. Then he kissed my neck giving me chills.
"You look good in all these necklaces" he said
"Ohh thank you Mr. Sehgal" I winked
"Tonight , there's a party. What you are wearing?" He asked
"A swimming suit" I laughed
"Nice , then wear it now" he leaned on to me
"Go away my dear husband monkey. I'm busy"
"It's rude to call your husband a monkey" mahir pouted
"Ohh , Give me punishment then" I said
"Okay then" he grabbed me by my waist

Target:80+ votes

Sorry for all the irregularities in update. From now on I'll be proper in updates. Next part is gonna be special.

Promo:Behir shaadi + romance💖

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