Part 53

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In between their peaceful sleep , bela woke up hearing some sound from outside.
"Maa...mahir ji" she called him in a drowsy tone
"There's some sounds from outside. Can't you hear it?" She asked
"I'll go and check" he got up and went out.
"Karishma today you and devo is gonna learn a lesson...a lesson you won't ever forget" mahir mumbled and went out.

"It's been long since he went away. Where did he went? I'm afraid of that karishma and devoleena who don't dare to do nothing." Bela thought and she too went out searching for mahir.

"Mahir ji!!! Mahir ji!!!" Bela yelled but there was no response.
She then went to yuvi's tent where she saw pragati alone.
"Pragati , Yuvi?" Bela inquired
"He went out hearing some sound" she replied
Bela:Same happened with mahir ji. Both of them are missing.
Pragati:Come inside , let's wait for them.
After some hours , bela checked her phone on receiving a notification. It was from a news app.

"Famous actress Karishma arrested for drug export" bela read out the headline

"Karishma arrested!" Pragati wondered
Bela: Even I'm shocked
Pragati: Read the remaining news

Kanpur• Famous Actress Karishma arrested for drug export . Allegedly , she has some connections with drug mafias. Her friend Devoleena too was arrested for the offence. Actor Mahir Sehgal , informed the police helping them in their mission. She'll be soon taken to the police custody.

Bela read.
"So yuvi and mahir went for this. Right?" Pragati asked
"Yeah , let's go everywhere and find them." Bela and pragati got out in Their mission of searching them.


On seeing mahir , yuvi and some crowd bela and pragati rushed to there.
"Mahir ji?" Bela called
"I'm not gonna leave you. You are going to pay for what you did!" Karishma threatened
"Let's see" he said back
"Bela , she---" he was about to say something but bela stopped him and said she knew everything as she saw news.
Devo has became a crying mess by now. Both were taken by police.


Scene: Tent of behir

"I'm really happy now. That bitch is gonna suffer for all her deeds" mahir jumped
"But I'm tensed mahir ji. She's a venomous girl , she'll do something against us. I'm afraid about that" bela rubbed her palms together to heat her hands
"Bela , whatever she's suffering is because of her deeds. She planned to kill pragati tonight. Luckily I got to know about this plan . Somehow I got to know about her relation with drug mafias. Think something , she dos movies once in a blue moon and that too mostly a flop. Then how she manages to afford all these luxury. Her drug export is the reason." Mahir said

"And don't worry babe. Don't worry. Nothing bad is gonna happen. Now our life will be the most beautiful." Mahir side hugged her.
"You are so cold. Want a coffee?" He asked to which she nodded.
"He took some coffee in a cup and gave it to her.
"It's too cold. Cover me in a blanket" she said
Mahir:Oh majesty , come...(mockingly)
Both sat on the bed leaning their back on to the wooden part of bed.
Then covering both of them with a blanket , he hugged her while she sipped hot coffee.


Next day behir went to the beach beside while yuvi and pragati went to some temple for puja with sumi.

"Bela we somehow escaped from the puja. And now you are wearing sari to beach" mahir was irritated
"What's the problem?" Bela wondered
Mahir:Wear something else.
Bela:I only have saris , kurtas and some jeans and tops.
Mahir:Wait a minute.
Mahir went somewhere leaving bela alone. After some time he gave her a cover.
"What's this?" She asked
"I purchased a dress for you. Go and wear it" mahir instructed
Bela:But this is too short.
Mahir:You should wear this. Please... don't worry none will be there

After some time bela came to the beach wearing the dress mahir purchased for her.

After some time bela came to the beach wearing the dress mahir purchased for her

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Her dress

"You are looking so nice" mahir admired her
Bela:But I'll become shy when I wear this.
He grabbed her by her waist making her come dangerously close to him.
"We came here for love only..." He winked
"Nowadays you are really a crack head." Bela laughed
He suddenly lifted her in his arms amd twirled round. When she was allowed to stand by her foot , she starting running while mahir followed her. 

Suddenly both fell down with mahir on top.

Roothi Ae Sabte Rabba
Rabba Dil Bhi Hai Rootha
Sab Kuchh Hai Bikhra Bikhra
Bikhra Sa Rootha Rootha

Both had an intense eyelock. They intertwined their hands.

Chup Maahi Chup Hai Ranjha
Bole Kaise Ve Na Ja
Bole Kaise Ve Na Ja
Aaja Aaja

The sea tides washed both of theirs body which were close to each other like a wall.

Bole Kaise Ve Na Ja
Bole Kaise Ve Na Ja
Chup Maahi Chup Hai Ranjha
Aaja Aaja

They locked their lips and kissed each other. After a while both rolled to different directions. Seeing each other covered in wet sand , both laughed at each other teasingly. Bela , took a handful of sand and rolled onto his top.
"Albela" he was in a trance created by her charisma.

Ve Mera Dola Ni Aaya Dola
Ve Mera Dola Ni Aaya Dola
Ve Mera Dola Ni Aaya Dola
Ve Mera Dola Ni Aaya Dola

She rubbed sand slowly over his face and then over his torso.

After some time...

"What an amazing time we had! That puja was amazing. Tomorrow we should go to the next temple for another puja. Mahir said he want to go for some legal clarifications regarding the case of karishma , so they couldn't come" sumi said to yuvi and pragati.

"It's the next day after our wedding and we couldn't even spent some time alone. Mahir bhai is veteran in lying. I don't think he went anywhere. He'll be with bela bhabhi and enjoying" yuvi said to himself in mind

"Maa , there's a beach beside. The beach beside our tent. Let's go there" pragati said
"Sure beta" sumi was happy
"Is pragati pagal? She's taking maa to beach instead of us alone. Uggh" yuvi mumbled
"Let me call mahir and ask whether he has came back" sumitra said
While she was calling , yuvi and pragati went towards the beach.
"Why you called mom too to the beach" yuvi questioned

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