Part 16

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Mahir:What is all these bela?
Bela:Mahir ji , I know how much you love me. You did a lot for me. But I haven't ever allowed to be intimate to me. Being couples , we didn't even had any relation , physical or mental. So we can upgrade our relation. I know you are ready for that. Let's do that.
Bela: Let's make love


Mahir and bela came out of sehgal house with their clothes and all.
Mahir wasn't looking at anyone. Getting in the car ,he started driving.

Mahir's POV

I haven't seen bela this much depressed ever in my life. She was sitting with her head bent down. I could see the tears dropping down her eyes. Ever in my life I wanted her to be like that.
"Where are we going?" Bela asked breaking the silence
"To our new house , I have showed to you yesterday" I replied

When I reached the house , I saw bela sleeping sitting on the seat.
"Bela...bela...we reached" I called her but her sleep wasn't disturbed. Now I felt like I shouldn't break her sleep especially because I felt like for this time sleep is best for. Atleast she would be relieved. Taking her in my arms , I took her to our bedroom and made her lye on the bed. I spent the next few seconds , caressing her hair and rubbing her palm to make it warm. Then I covered her with a blanket as she was shivering a bit. Then I went to the hall to contact my friends for arranging grocery and all those things. My servant bhooshan bhai came here within the next 2 hours.

Pov ends

Next morning

Bela's POV

I woke up feeling the warmth of sunshine in my body. First of all I wasn't able to understand , where I was. Looking around I saw a room like this. That room was really beautiful but simple. It had a natural touch on it which I loved.

Thinking of the past incidents , my heart started to ache. What an unlucky soul I'm!!! I was happy for the past few weeks thinking I got a family and within seconds , everything broke. When I checked the time , I was shocked to see it was already 9:30am.
I haven't even prepared something to eat. Rushing to the kitchen , I found everything was prepared by someone else. A coffee cup was there in the dining table with a note saying "Smile☺♥"

"I prepared everything. Don't worry" someone said from behind
It was mahir ji.
"When I woke up , you were deep in sleep. I thought of not disturbing you. Now drink that coffee" he smiled at me. I too tried to fake a smile back. I drank the coffee.
"Before eating breakfast , go and take a shower. You seems to be so tired. Come" he dragged me by my hand to the washroom and gave me some clothes too.
Till now I was somehow supresing my tears. On entering the bathroom , I closed the door and started crying standing under the shower. Each drop of water felt to be going under deep in my skin.
Why should I suffer for something that my mom did? Not only me but even my husband is suffering. He left everything for me. Thinking about his love , I can't stop myself from crying. Till now I haven't ever talked to him with love. I denied each of his wishes as a husband towards me in every aspect. I haven't ever allowed him to be close to me. But he's a pure soul.

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