Part 7

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Till now I felt like I dragged this story a bit. So this part is gonna be little fast paced.

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Pari is heli daruwala

Behir wedding

It was the wedding day

Mahir's POV

Today is my wedding day. I'm going to marry that bitch , which means I'll be separated from bela forever. I knew her only for some days , but why I love her this much. I could see her now , she's arranging decorations. I felt something will unite us , even now , in the last moment. Yuvi came to take me to the wedding mandap.
"Bhai , you are depressed , I know. But that's fate" he said
I nodded. I sat on the mandap.

Pov ends

Karishma too came in her bridal attire.

Mahir , till yesterday night wasn't anxious about the wedding as his mind spelt everytime that he's destined to be with bela. But now in the last moment he expected no miracle but wished for it. Karishma sat near him. After the haldi incident , she spoke to him yesterday and apologized him which may be fake or not.

"Where's my albela?" Mahir was looking for her
"Let the rituals start " pandit said.
The shawl of mahir was tied to the end of karishma's dupatta. They were asked to exchange the garlands. Mahir with shivering hands did that.
"From now , you are mine." Karishma thought

Suddenly bela came wearing a green suit. She looked at mahir. What that glance meant is unknown to all except bela. Mahir too looked at her as if he's on the verge of loosing her.
Pandit:Now you can take saath pheras.
Mahir and karishma took one by one , each rounds.
"Bela , I love you. Marrying someone and keeping an affair with you isn't fair. I'll try to love karishma and be sincere to her but my soulmate , my true love will be you...till my last breathe." Mahir said to himself in mind while taking rounds
"Mahir , From now I'll have full control over you.. you and your money. I'll get more fame from you as you are my husband from now." Karishma said to herself in mind while taking rounds

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