Part 46

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Asking you all something. Please give your opinion. I can't update 2 stories simultaneously due to which I'm forced to put one story in hold. I'm giving all my readers the right to decide which to be put in hold - Call It Love or Match Made In Hell. Tell me in comments.

Guys vote and show love....♥

Mahir's POV continues....

"Bunty!!" I called her caressing her head.
"Bunty , come here" Bela grabbed her hands and pulled her towards bela.
"Bela , who's daughter is this?" I questioned her.
" friend's daughter" she told. At the first glace itself I understood the fact that she was lying

Pov ends...

"Mumma , Why you are lying? I'm your daughter." Bunty interrupted. Hearing this bela tried to make bunty quite but bunty was out of the control of bela.

"Bela , this is your daughter. This means she's mine also" Mahir caressed the cheeks of bunty while bunty smiled.
"She's my daughter. But not yours"  Bela warned. Suddenly mahir took out his phone and started taking photo of bela.
"Arey...arey...what you are doing?" Bela tried to stop him.
"I have studied that human reproduce sexually. But you are an asexual organism - Reproduction involving one individual only . That's a breakthrough in science. I'll take your pic and give to some newspaper or science magazine." Mahir suppressed his laughter.
After years he was cracking a joke. Even bela felt to laugh but she changed her face suddenly into the serious expression.

"You are not her father. That's all" bela declared.
Mahir:Okay , then I'll go for dna test or to court.
Suddenly bela's phone rang. Taking the phone , she found it was Yuvi who called her.
"Hello yuvi" she said
"Bela bhabhi , I don't know whether you'll believe or not. Bela bhabhi and mahir bhai...both are innocent. The problems in your life were manipulated" Yuvi said in a hurry.
Bela:Yuvi , I don't want to hear all those things. Please stop this.
Yuvi:We saw vikrant today.
"What" bela was shocked.
Yuvi:Vikrant is now in a rehabilitation centre. He's a drug addict.
Yuvi described everything that happened. Bela couldn't describe how shocked she was. Ending the call , she plainly stared at mahir.

By this time , bunty landed on mahir's arms. He was playing with her. Bela stood admiring them for a moment.
"If both of us are innocent , if everything was manipulated by that karishma....then why am I hating mahir! , he insulted me that day telling about my past. He slapped me. If someone manipulated him even then doing all these can't be justified. " Bela thought
Suddenly mahir went away as it was time for his shot.


"Today , I talked to mahir. He's also now not agreeing."pragati said
"So both are not agreeing to unite , right?" Yuvi scratched his head.
Pragati:Mahir is saying bela has changed a lot. She has became arrogant and so. Bela is saying he slapped her...he insulted her.
Yuvi:Both have mistakes on their sides. If both forgive each other's mistake , then it will be a heaven.
Pragati:But I don't think it's possible.
Yuvi: It's possible!
Pragati:What! How?
Yuvi:I have an idea.


"Kuhu is alive. We tried to kidnap her but she rescued. She's being protected by someone" karishma said.
"What will we do now?" Pari scratched her head drinking liquor
Devo:Yuvi is now behind pragati. Yesterday they made me sit out of room and they sat inside the room that too with door locked.
Pari:If you can't control your husband , then you are useless. It's none of our business.
"What you are doing all day? Drinking ,right?" Devo angrily broke the glass of liquor in pari's hand. Followed was a catfight between pari and devo. Somehow karishma interrupted and solved the issue.
"We should not quarrel with each other now. We should work together. If kuhi is alive , then we will also land in jail like vikrant. Now everything is turning against us. There's even a chance of bela returning." Karishma said with eyes burning with hatred towards bela. Devo and pari looked at each other exchanging hate towards each other.


"I called everyone here to tell you all something. This house is going to witness a wedding after years." Sumitra announced standing on the centre of living room.
"It's the wedding of pragati and mahir" andy said.
Yugati exchanged looks and smiled while mahir was shocked.

(Couple name yugati's credits goes for my dearest friend AileenSkaria. Love you dear❤)

"Mom , dad ,what the hell!" Mahir exclaimed.
"If you want to see us alive , agree for this marriage." Sumitra clasped pragati's hands and side hugged her.
"But bela is---" mahir was about to say something but was cut short by sumitra.
"What bela? You want to see her again? Stop this stupidity. You may seem to be a gangster for others but for me you are rabbit." Sumitra screamed.
Mahir couldn't deny the marriage as now he felt afraid of his mom. Knowingly or unknowingly he lost many of his loved ones. Now he couldn't afford to loose his parents too.
"We consulted the pandit ji. Tomorrow a ring exchange ceremony + haldi and the day after tomorrow yours wedding" andy declared.
Yuvi:Haldi and engagement together?
Andy:Yeah , pragati suggested this.


"Kuhu , are you okay?" Bela asked kuhu who was moving her fingers a bit.
"Bela , don't worry. She has recovered from the paralysis. Complete recovery takes time. She's really exhausted , let her rest" dr. Sharma told and took bela outside the room.

Bela's POV

Without talking to kuhu I can't understand the truth. Yuvi and pragati are saying we both are innocent. But I don't feel he was innocent. He has mistakes in his sides. I hate him. Bunty shouldn't grow closer to him anymore. Tomorrow we will go...far away from here. He should not find us anymore. Suddenly I was startled by the bell of phone.
"Hello" I said.
"Hi bela , it's me pragati! Don't worry I'm not calling you for uniting you with mahir. I want to tell something else." Pragati said in a hurry.
"Day after tomorrow is the wedding of me and mahir. As you met mahir today you may think of going for an exile away from him thinking he may disturb you. Don't worry he won't come to you. Tomorrow is our haldi and engagement. If you can please attend the wedding , not as someone from sehgals but as my friend" she continued. The call ended.

I felt shocked hearing all these. Mahir going to marry pragati! Why? shouldn't worry about them. I don't love him. We ended our relation years back.... that's all. I love him? My mind is really complicated. I don't know what to do.

"Mumma , come let's play" bunty pulled the end of my cloth asking me to play.
I didn't noticed her as I was busy in thoughts.
"Albelaaaa" she suddenly called me shocking me.
"Mahir ji" I whispered unknowingly.
"Mahir ji? That's how you call mahir dad right?" Bunty asked.
"Dad?" I was shocked again
"Yeah , he's my dad. He told me" bunty replied.
With tears overflowing my eyes I went to my room and closed the door.

"So you can exchange the rings" sumi said
Mahir was about to make Pragati wear ring but suddenly someone pushed away his hands .

Behir romance♥

I know it's been many parts since there's a behir love scene. Don't miss the next part as it will contain behir scenes for sure♥

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