Part 34

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Precap:"YOU ARE ONLY MINE... ONLY MINE"she said giving support to each word. I was shocked to see her such a move. Her eyes were burning with she was burning with jealousy. I was speechless. Coming towards me she whispered at my ears , "This lips are only mine...only mine..." Without leaving a moment she grabbed my lips and started kissing me.


Mahir's POV

It's our honeymoon and we are here busy in shooting. How unlucky I'm to have such a boring honeymoon! I should do something immediately. But my thoughts and planning were interrupted by bela.
"Can we go for shoot?" She asked
"Yeah" I replied and we went together for the shoot.

Pov ends

Bela's POV

The shoot was tiring for mahir ji as it had fight sequences and all. How hardworking he is! The director was constantly explaining him scenes and he's doing all those even though he's tired. I was sitting happily in the sets but that happiness was wiped off soon due to some incident.

Pov ends

What's the incident?? Any ideas👀
Romantic_Fanaticsdont say you won't guess.

"Now karishma come slowly towards him...then unbutton his shirt and  seductively caress his chest with your hands. Mahir then pin her to the wall. Now don't kiss but brush your lips with hers. Do it. That's the first scene." Director instructed. They were in a bedroom.

"Now romance with this chudail karishma! How can I tolerate that! But it's my job, what can I do now. Hope bela won't see this scene , if then she'll kill me" mahir thought.
"God gave me this chance. Giving money to this director is worthy , he added a lot of spicy scenes even though there's no need for that in script. I should spice it up as much as I can." Karishma thought.

Without much interest mahir did what he was instructed while karishma over did everything.

"Now mahir take karishma to the bed. Come in top of her. Untie lace of her dress and then kiss her neck." Director told.

"Sir , why this much bold scenes!!! This is a crime thriller" mahir was annoyed.
"Mahir , these all are required. Please do it" director said without much interest.
Mahir took her to the bed and then came in top of her. Karishma smiled at him and whispered , "I want this in real life" hearing which mahir's facial expression changed to anger but again he became the character. He was about to kiss her neck but someone stormed open the door screaming "STOP". Everyone including the director was shocked.
"How dare you to do this mahir ji!" She shouted pushing away the director making way to the middle of room.

"Bela... actually this scene---" mahir was about to explain but he was cut short by bela.
"I know it's your career , it's important...okay okay I accept. But doing any intimate scene with karishma is a big NO for me. If it was someone else in her place , I would have accepted it , but you know this girl right? You told me no such scenes will be there and now this occured. I'm none to tame you. Do whatever you want! I'm not going to indulge in anything" bela expressed her anger through her words and then went out.

Mahir was left speechless. He haven't ever seen bela angry like this. She was shaking due to anger. He went out of the set teary eyed.
"Sir...sir...complete the scene" director said
"Don't utter a word to me! Cut out all romantic scenes or I'll leave from here. I won't care even if you complain to police." Mahir was angry
He then went out. Even though he searched for bela , she wasn't there.

"Sir , she was angry and depressed. She needs some time to relax herself. She's near the pool" associate director romy said

As director removed all romantic scenes , mahir did the remaining scenes. It was about 9'00 clock at night when shoot ended.
"Romy , I'm going to room. After 10 minutes , I'll message you. You should send bela to the room then." He said to the associate director to which she agreed.

Bela's POV

Romy , the associate director have really been friendly to me. I was sitting near the pool from morning. When romy came and requested to go to my room , hesitantly I went. I didn't wanted to face mahir ji , I'm really angry. In this issue , full mistake is on his part. Whatever he did is wrong. As I have no other way , I went to room. When I opened the door , I was surprised to see him on formals.

Mahir ji's look

Let me tell you one thing , he's my heartthrob. One look from him can melt away all my anger. Anyway , he was looking handsome. But I didn't wanted to give up easily. I got inside the room and headed to washroom taking my eyes away from him.
But I felt like asking him something before entering the washroom.
"Are you going to some function?" I asked seriously
"Enter the washroom , you'll understand everything" he smiled.
What to understand when I enter bathroom! He's pagal. I got inside the washroom and saw a cover on the cupboard in washroom.

"Wear it please"

This was written. Again his usual surprise. This has happened once before also. I opened the cover , along with a frock there was a note too.

Albela , please don't be angry. Sorry It was my mistake. I asked director not to include any romantic scene, but he did this. Even I couldn't say No due to the situations. I know how angry you are. I have mistake in my part. Whatever I did is wrong. Sorry...sorry...sorry...please...I can't spend a moment not talking or thinking about you. I love you bela. Sorry...once again...if you accept my apology wear this dress.

Pov ends

Bela's dress

Mahir's POV

I was mesmerized seeing my albela. She was looking angelic... she's my pari. I checked whether she was smiling. No...she wasn't smiling. She was looking serious. She walked towards me. Was she going to slap me? God knows....whether she's going to slap or kiss me , I'll accept it. I love it. Slowly walking towards me , she pinned me to the wall.
YOU ARE ONLY MINE... ONLY MINE"she said giving support to each word. I was shocked to see her such a move. Her eyes were burning with she was burning with jealousy. I was speechless. Coming towards me she whispered at my ears , "This lips are only mine...only mine..." Without leaving a moment she grabbed my lips and started kissing me.
When I was relieved from the shock I too started responding to the kiss. After some time we back offed. Suddenly she.....

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