Part 33

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How are you all my dear readers? Hope all are fine and safe❤

Most of You guys guessed as mahir asking bela to act. Let's see whether it's right or not☺

"What's the matter mahir ji? You look serious" bela was concerned
Mahir:Bela , I want to ask you something...a help from you.
Bela: I'll do whatever I can
Mahir:Bela , the choreographer of this movie didn't came today due to conflicts arised due to payment issues. So we want a choreographer.
Bela: How can I help in that? I don't know any choreographer.
Mahir:You are the choreographer!
Mahir: Please bela , choreograph the song. The song is ready. Please choreograph it.
"But mahir ji , how can I? I'm not that good dancer---" Bela was about to say something but mahir clasped her hand and looked at her eyes intensely making bela fall for the trance caused by him.
"Please bela" he pleaded.
Atlast she accepted. She was taken to the director for talks.

"This is a romantic song. So we want a beautiful , intense and amazing couple dance. That's what you should choreograph" he instructed and gave her the music player to hear the song. You can go to mahir sir's vanity van. Hear the song and then choreograph it. " Director instructed.

"Mahir ji, I'm really worried. They want an amazing dance , but I'm unsure of whether I'll be able to do it. I haven't did it before and that too for a movie. They asked me to do it within 30 minutes." Bela said anxiously standing in the vanity van

"Stop this blabbering, we don't have time. I'll leave you alone here. I'll come back after 30 min. Be confident. And let me remind you one more thing , you are amazing dancer." Mahir did thumbs up standing at the door step and then went out.

Mahir's POV

I have 100% faith on her. She'll nail it. I want to increase her fame as a dancer. This will help in that... I'm sure. After about half an hour , bela came out of the vanity van. She was wet in sweat. I took a towel and wiped off her sweat.
"Everything is ready , where's your karishma" I asked to director.
"I'm here" she grunted. I think she's double irritated. Already irritated due to conflict with me and now as bela was the choreographer.
"The dance is ready , let's start" bela said confidentially.

Zindagi ne ki hai kaisi saazishein
Poori hui dil ki wo farmaishein
Maangi duaa ek tujh tak jaa pahunchi
Parvardigara, parvardigara
Kaisi suni tune meri khamoshi
O parvardigara

The song was played. Bela showed some dance steps for us. I joined my hands with karishma and tried to do it but let me tell one thing , I wasn't able to show 100 percent honesty to the dance. My emotions , expressions all were different. I was immersed only in bela's dance. Actually this song was shown for hero's and heroin's love but actually here there is choreographer's and hero's love occuring. Karishma's facial expression was anger. Now director took a single scene of this dance for about 20 times but none was perfect. Even bela was irritated.

"Bela ma'am , please do this dance with mahir sir , so that Karishma ma'am will understand" associate director said.

My face had the brightness of 1000 watt bulb on hearing this. But bela was hesitant.
"Why hesitating? It's husband right?" Associate director said.
Bela nodded. The song was once again played. Murmuring something karishma went to a corner to watch our dance. My smirk at karishma was the perfect reply for her.

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