Part 14

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"What are you doing with my phone?" Mahir asked
"Tell me...tell me your gf's name..I want to search your contact and message history" bela panicked
Mahir:Ok ok...her name is saved in my phone as Love♥. Search and find
Bela searched that in the whatsapp and saw a profile. But she found no message was sent to that no:.
Bela:You cleared chat history , right?
Mahir:Do one thing , send a message to that no:
She sent a hi message.
Mahir:Now take your phone.
Mahir:Do it yaar
Bela took her phone and opened whatsapp as instructed by mahir. She found a hi message sent to her by mahir.
"You... you are always teasing me." Bela said angrily and went out
"Arey bela don't go" mahir said and went behind her

Few minutes before...

"I don't want to see bela being happy and healthy. Now I know what to do. Let's make her fall down" devo said to herself while going to stairs with a cup of oil.
Looking around to ensure none was there , she poured the oil on one of the steps. Then she went to peep in the room of behir and there she saw bela talking happily with mahir.
"How happy she's! I'll end her happiness now" devo smirked and went to her room beside.

Flashback ended

Now she could see bela coming.
"Now you'll directly slide on to ground floor." Devo smirked
"Belaaa...belaaa" mahir went behind her
Bela was about to step on the step wich had oil and she got slightly slipped but our mahir ji suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her onto him , making her collide on to his chest.
"I got slipped." Bela said
Mahir grabbed her hands and took her to their room.
"What if you fell down? You are so careless" mahir said angrily
"Sorry" bela smiled seeing his concern
Mahir:Ok ok...I wanted to show you something.
Mahir:I purchased a house. I'll show you the pics.
Mahir showed her the pics of house.

This was the house

"This was my dream house. I have been trying for years to purchase this." Mahir said with gleaming eyes
"This is so nice...I loved it" bela replied looking at the pics
Mahir:Can we shift onto that house?
Bela:Only we 2
Mahir:Yeah , will you come? We can spend 24 hours loving each other.
Bela: i won't come.
Bela:Only when I came to this Sehgal house , I got to know what exactly a home is... The care of a maa like sumi maa , the guidance of papa like andy papa , having a sister who's more like a friend for you like kuhu and mischiefs of a brother like yuvi... without all these a home is not a home.
Mahir suddenly started moving towards her making her pin to the wall.

"So what about me?" Mahir whispered
"" bela felt awkward being pinned to the wall.
"I'll show you what you mean for me by my expression of love" mahir said leaning forward. Their lips were only an inch of touching each other or maybe their lips have brushed each other but they back offed suddenly hearing a sound.
They felt awkward.
"Aaaaaa" someone screamed
Behir went out to check what it is. When they reached there , sumi , yuvi and others were already present there.
"What happened maa?" Mahir asked anxiously
"Look there" sumi pointed at somewhere , where mahir saw something.

(Let me show you what he saw by pics)

(Let me show you what he saw by pics)

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(The girl was lying like this)

So someone fell down from the stairs and you guys are intelligent to guess who this girl was 😉

"What happened to her?" Mahir inquired
Yuvi:Oil was there in the step...she slipped.
Mahir:Oil?? That too in the steps, how's that possible
Sumi:Even I'm thinking that.
Andy:The steps are not even near the kitchen. I feel like someone poured the oil over here.
Mahir:I too feel the same.
"Instead...of discussing about how I fell...someone please lift me... it's paining" devo said yelling in pain.
"Ohh we forgot" yuvi said scratching his head and lifted devo along with sumi.
"What she eats everyday? She's really heavy" yuvi thought while making her lye on the bed on the room.
Bela was laughing in her mind seeing all these. She didn't felt a bit of pity to devo as bela felt devo tried to trap bela and ended up being the prey of the trap by herself.

"I want to tell you something more about my past which I didn't told you yesterday" bela said while making juice in the kitchen to mahir.
"Tell can tell anything to me" mahir said
Bela:This devo blackmailed me.
(She told everything related to devo)
Mahir:From the first meet itself , I felt some bad vibes when I was around her. Now I can understand what a bitch she's....Bullying someone , that too her classmate and now blackmailing her....
Bela: I'm afraid, whether she tells all these things to sumi maa...then what will I do? I don't know how they'll all react
Mahir:Let me tell you something , whoever supports you or not , I'm with you. I believe you , I know you haven't did a mistake.
Bela:How romantic ( with dreamy eyes)
Mahir: I'm more romantic than Shah Rukh Khan😉
"Mahir ji , something else too. I had a brother , who went away to some other village to live in a relative's house whom I haven't ever seen again." Bela told suddenly becoming serious.
Mahir: Yesterday , you told me ,you were the only child.
Bela:In the panic , I told so.
Mahir:What panic?
Bela:Whether you accept it or not?
Mahir suddenly grabbed bela by her waist making her to be dangerously close to him and said , ''So you have a fear of me leaving you, which means you love me. Then why didn't you admit it."
"I don't love you , I hate you" bela smirked
"I love hate😉" mahir said and leaned towards bela....

Promo : Bela's truth revealed by devo to sehgals...

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