Part 47

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Mahir's POV

Today's my engagement. I don't know what's happening. Kuhu talked to me that day and got to know bela was innocent , I too was innocent. But my mistake was I slapped bela...I insulted her about her past. That was extreme that can shatter her heart. She's not even giving me a chance to apologize. Now I have no way but to marry pragati. I wore my sherwani and then went down while pragati was already in her lehenga

 I wore my sherwani and then went down while pragati was already in her lehenga

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Her look

She smiled at me while I too reciprocated the smile. Sumi maa held my hand and dragged me to the centre of hall.
"My dearest son is going to get engaged today. And today is the haldi too" she announced.
"But the bride is not wearing yellow dress?" One person asked.
"Ohh Pragati , I forgot to give you the yellow lehenga I bought for you. Mahir , please take pragati to my room and give her that dress" she instructed.
I went with pragati and gave her the dress.
"What's your aim? Till now you haven't been like this" I asked
"Change is inevitable dear mahir. You and bela were in blind love once and now...." Pragati smiled and then went to the next room to change the dress.

While I stood in sumi maa's room scrolling through my insta feed I felt someone's presence in the room.
"Pragati...can we go?" I asked
But there was no reply. When I turned back , I was shocked as I got pinned to the wall by someone. It was bela.
"Bela" I was amazed.

"Bela" I was amazed

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Her look

She was looking really beautiful ♥ for a moment I spent admiring her. But my trance was broken by her powerful eyes.
"Today's your engagement right? I'm going to take revenge on you...surely" She said
"Yeah , I'm not in interest of this marriage. But revenge?" I opened up.
"I don't care. But want to tell you something. Kuhu is conscious now. She want to talk to you." She said giving me her phone.
"Bhai , Karishma is dangerous. I got to know you are going to get married to pragati. Please don't do this. Marry bela bhabhi again. She's not involved in this."kuhu said in the video call.
I talked to her. My eyes became wet due to happiness and regret.

When I looked for bela after the call she was missing. I went downstairs searching for her.

Pov ends...

"Mahir beta , put the ring on Pragati's finger"  sumitra instructed. Mahir took ring from the table near him. Pragati smiled at him again.
"This smile....this is something different" mahir thought. He was about to make pragati wear the ring but someone pushed away his hand like a strike of thunder. Everyone was shocked to hell seeing bela there. Before anyone could tell something , bela slapped mahir...tightly shocking everyone including him.
"This is my revenge... I have only started" bela whispered on mahir's ears with a smirk.
Pragati and yuvi couldn't control their happiness seeing bela but hid their happiness as otherwise everyone might know.

"How dare you to come again!" Andy yelled.
"Dad , listen to me" bela said seriously
"Yeah dad , she's again here" karishma started her over show.
Bela who was not angry became angry suddenly as she was seeing karishma after years , starting moving towards her with eyes like fire.  Karishma felt afraid of bela...her powerful eyes.
"Stop your drama. It's your endgame" bela whispered.
"What the hell! Yuvi , see this. She's again here. You killed kuhu" devo screamed.
"I? Sure about that? " Bela smirked.
Devo ran to sumi and said,"Aunty throw her out of our house"
Sumi:Yeah , she killed our kuhu , she destroyed my son's life. How happy he used to be!
Devo:Yes , kick her out of home. I think she's here for asking for money from us.
Sumi: I'm going to give her the punishment she deserves.
Sumi walked towards bela followed by devo who was happy as sumi will throw beka out of sehgal mansion.

Reaching near bela , sumi raised her hand to slap her. Devo closed her eyes smiling in happiness but in the next moment she jerked off due to a force felt on her cheek. When she opened her eyes , she understood the fact that she was the one who got slapped.
"Aunty , why you slapped me?" Devo angrily asked
"You are the one who destroyed my son's life....who tried to kill my daughter kuhu ...then how should I spare you! What you thought? I'll kick bela out of house! Haha....stop your day dreams. I know everything. Everything" sumitra laughed shocking everyone.
"Maa?"bela was shocked.

"Beta , I should apologise to you for the mistake I committed. I thought you were guilty. Yuvi and pragati told me everything. You took care of kuhu for this much years. Mahir and you were punished for the deeds did by these bitches. Yuvi and pragati plotted the idea of this fake marriage between mahir and pragati to unite both of you " Sumitra hugged bela.

"But maa...I can't never be live again with him. You'll be my maa and andy dad will be my father forever. But I can't be your daughter in law again." Bela told her view point.

"Mahir bhai....bela bhabhi both of you have did mistakes. Bhabhi thought wrongly about kuhu justifying vikrant blindly while mahir bhai thought wrong about bhabhi and insulted her in front of others. Can't you forgive each other.'' Yuvi asked
"We can talk about this later. I want to tell all one thing. Tomorrow kuhu will be back here. And Ms. Karishma and Mrs. Devoleena.... You'll be behind the bars soon." Bela said with full swag and went out.

After some time....

Mahir found bela's house and went there. The door was unlocked. He slowly opened the door and saw one room. On going there he found bela was asleep.

Mahir's POV

How cruel I was! Bela rectified the mistake of blaming kuhu by taking care of her for these much years. Now I should also do something in return for all mistakes I did towards her....I want to live again with her. Naughty mahir and his albela....I want to be like this. I walked towards her bed. Standing on my knees , I looked at her admiring her. In between hearing some sounds she woke up .
"You here! Get out!!! " She angrily said lifting from bed.
"Bela , you slapped me for the mistakes. Now atleast forgive me"I pouted.
"No did a lot to me. How can i forget all! Am I dumb! Does I look so" she was speaking unstoppingly. I waited for her to stop , but she wasn't. Suddenly I again started thinking the naughty mahir. I knew how to make her silent. Before thinking for the second time , I smashed my lips with her grabbing her waist. But this time she wasn't responding. I tried to make her respond but she wasn't. Pushing me away she said , "Get Out"


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