Part 43

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Bunty!!" He called
"Uncleee" bunty jumped onto his arms.
Mahir:How you are here?
Bunty:Have you forgot my mamma works here? I can meet you everyday.
"That's so sweet" he pinched her cheeks.
"So where's your mamma" he asked
Bunty: She's busy in her work. At evening tea time we can have tea together.


Bela was startled due to ringing of her phone.
"Hello Romy" she said
"Hello---hello---bela...please...come..." Romy panicked
Bela: What's the matter? Tell me
Romy: Bel..bela...they...
A loud thud was heard and then the call ended.
"Bela , I think something is wrong" Pragati said
Bela , without saying anything got into her car and drove while pragati and yuvi followed her in their car.


"I'm on the way" mahir told to someone in phone while driving
"Mahir , we are waiting for you to cut the cake. I know you don't attend a lot of parties but you are so kind to agree to attend this. My daughter is really a big fan of you and she wants you to be with her in her 5th birthday" the other person said.
"I know...I love children...a lot" mahir said reminiscing something.


"Do you love babies?" Mahir asked with a cute smile
"Yeah a lot" bela smiled
"Okay , then let's have them?" Mahir was counting with his fingers
Mahir:Pinky , rinky , bolu , jolu then...
Bela:Who all are these pinky vinky??
Mahir:Our children
Bela:This much children! I don't want to start a nursery.

Flashback ends

Clearing his disturbed mind , he continued driving. When he reached his destination , on getting out of car he parked his car near the house where party is there. Noticing some sounds from the beside house , he slowly peeped through window and saw nothing.

(It was bela's house)

Minding his own business and not knowing the fact that it was bela's house he went to the adjacent house for the party. Yuvi , pragati and bela reached the home. Bela kicked open the door and got in followed by yuvi and pragati. They found the house was empty.
"Bela , where are all? Where's your daughter?" Pragati asked
"I don't know but I'm tensed. I feel something is terribly wrong." Bela murmured.
Bela went upstairs and heard a sound from the cupboard. Opening the cupboard she found Romy locked in it.
"Romy" Bela was shocked.
"Bela , they took away bunty and kuhi" romy whined
"What? How kuhu came here!" Bela exclaimed.
"Bela...Our servant who looked after kuhu , Rosy called me today morning. She informed me that kuhu was conscious. Kuhu said only one thing and that was to see you. So Rosy came here with kuhu and then she went away. Kuhu wanted to tell something but then suddenly car full of goons cme here. Locking me in the cupboard they took away bunty and kuhu." Romy wiped off her tears.

Yuvi:Kuhu had something to tell. These goons are behind all those issues.
Bela:No, the one who sent the goons were behind all those issues.
Pragati:We should find kuhu and bunty as soon as possible. But ... who's bunty?
Bela: My daughter
For a moment yuvi stood silent. Then remembering the duty of him as an uncle and as a brother he said , "We will find them as soon as possible."

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