Part 4

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So finally pearl got bail today❤
Satyamev Jayate...
His bail is a slap to all the haters...

Happy Reading

"You made me fall down. I was doing everything nice and then you came" Bela said lying on top of him.
"Arey , if I wasn't here , you'll have broken your spine." Mahir said removing her hair that fell on his face.
" are the reason---" bela was about to say something but suddenly mahir said with a naughty smile , "Hey , you are still lying on me. If you want something else , come let's go to my room"
"Chiii!!!" Bela suddenly got up but mahir yelled then.
Bela:What happened?
Mahir:When you got up you pressed my chest. Now it's paining.
Bela too sat with mahir on the floor rubbing his chest.
"Are you okay?" She asked in a worried tone
Mahir suddenly fainted and fell down.
"Aye...aye...mah...mah" bela stammered
"What should I call him? Mahir sir or mahir ji" she thought
Going with her instinct she suddenly called him mahir ji.

"Mahir ji...mahir ji..." Bela placed her hands on his
Now bela was on the verge of crying. But the next moment she saw mahir sitting on the floor and laughing.
Bela sat confused.
"Wh..what?" She was puzzled
"Hahaha , I was just teasing you. I just wanted to know what will you call me. You always call me "Aye" "Arey" Now you fulfilled my wish. Okay from now I'm albela's mahir ji" mahir said with a naughty smile his hands now also on her hands
"Albela??" Bela asked
Mahir winked at her , pinching his cheeks and then went away.

"Aye , place a bowl of water with petals here" karishma ordered bela
Bela:Ok ma'am
"I hate this bela. She is unnecessarily getting close to mahir. From now I'll keep an eye on her"karishma muttered
While bela was taking water in bowl , she heard a whistle from behind , it was mahir.
"What?" She asked
Mahir:Nothing , just to see you.
Bela: I'm not an exhibit to see
Mahir:Who said you are an exhibit! You are queen albela
Bela:Why you are calling me albela?
Mahir: Because you are ---
"Bela....bela...where are you?" Mahir was broken short by karishma's yell as bela ran away with fear on hearing her call.

"Where were you till now?" Karishma asked
Bela:I was taking water
Karishma:For this long? Mm , go and clean my room.
Bela: I'm not assigned the job of cleaning and all
Karishma:Do what I said
Bela nodded and went to karishma's room which was completely untidy and messy.
"I'll be giving her one work after next so that she won't get time to run behind mahir" karishma smirked while thinking

"That karishma is a cruel idiot. She's giving me one job after next. Why I should clean her room? Obeying this girl just for my living. Being orphan , what can I do other than this" bela was depressed
She started arranging the books that were lying on the floor.
"These are so dusty" bela said coughing
Taking a cloth she began wiping off the dust. But a book suddenly caught her attention as she noticed something was inside than book. She took that. They were some photographs.

 They were some photographs

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