Part 42

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Sorry guys , you all were asking me for the update. I was quite busy.

"Where's kuhu? Tell me! You were living an exile life for years right? Where's you courage now?" Pragati asked sternly.
Bela took few steps backward to find herself pinned to the wall. She felt like her whole world is going to be upside down.
"What the hell are you asking Pragati?" Yuvi was irritated.
"You can soon understand" pragati smirked.

"She's there with me" bela said hesitantly
"Where? You can hide yourself. But you have no right to hide her from us. Tell me or else..." Pragati threatened
"No...please don't again drag me to my past. Kuhu is there safely with me. Shestin treatment." Bela pleaded.
"Bela bhabhi! What are you saying?, Kuhu? With you? Tell me!!! Tell mee" yuvi roared grabbing her shoulder.
After a moment of silence , she said ," Yuvi , kuhu is not dead. She's with me. I wanted to save her. She was declared dead , but she wasn't"
Bela: Lazarus Syndrome.... A person's circulation stops but resumes after some time.
Yuvi:Is this possible? I can't believe


Kuhu is dead. Her body is covered in a cloth and is placed in living room.of sehgals while others are mourning for her death. Bela left Sehgal house. A police officer whose also a friend of mahir came.
"Sir?" Mahir was confused.
Taking mahir to a corner he said , ''You should go for her postmortem also as it's a suicide"
Thus the body was taken for postmortem to a hospital. Her body was in mortuary while one of the nurse noticed her breathing .

"Doctor , I feel nauseous from the past few days. Don't know the reason." Bela said to a doctor.
She went to hospital directly from sehgal house as she felt dizzy.
"Your blood and urine is taken for test. We can find the reason soon.", Dr. Sharma told.
While dr. Sharma was scribbling names of some medicines , a nurse rushed to the room and not expecting bela she said , "Doctor , that girl isn't dead. That suicide case!"
On seeing bela the nurse felt awkward as she didn't expected anyone there.

(Nurse didn't know anything about bela- kuhu relation)

"What? Is she alive?" Doctor was amazed and ran to the mortuary.
Even though initially bela didn't understood kuhu recollecting what the nurse said she felt a doubt and followed them to mortuary.

"Oh god! It's kuhu! She's alive. I want to prove vikrant and my innocence. For that she should remain dead in the mind of sehgals but she should be with me." Bela thought.
Getting inside mortuary shocking the doctor she told, "Doctor , I'm her sister. I'll take her home , if she's okay"
Doctor:We can't send someone like that.
Bela:Listen , you people placed her for postmortem and then few seconds before that fortunately you recognised her to be alive. If that didn't happened you should have killed her. Think about the reputation of this hosp. If I give a complaint stating that you people placed a live girl for postmortem think what will happen! Now none knows this. I'll settle this case without anyone's knowledge. Do what I tell.

Bela made some plans and the doctor followed them being scared. Then giving a fake body to sehgals bela took away kuhu with her. But kuhu was paralyzed since these 6 years . Bela made her stay in a different apartment and she have a nurse to take care of her.

Flashback ends....

"Bhabhi? I can't believe all these! Why you hid all those things? We , in these all years lived in the sorrow of not only loosing her but you also. One thing , you told that day that kuhu was...was pregnant. Was it true?" Yuvi wiped off his tears.
"Yuvi , whatever happened in sehgal house was the result of a pure manipulation. They manipulated everyone completely. Kuhu told me that she was pregnant. But she wasn't. I don't know the cause. I want to find it out. Viku is still in jail for these issue. I want to know whether he's right or wrong. For that kuhu should be conscious. She Knows everything." Bela sternly said

Promo:Secrets are unfolding

Target:75+ votes

Sorry for the small part.


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